Ms. Linehan’s Monthly Newsletter December 2015 Thank You!! Thank you so much Mrs. Swank and Mrs. King for planning our Holiday Party. The students are really looking forward to the fun activities! Upcoming Events!! December 8th Mad Science Assembly December 10th, Fifth Grade Musical @1:30 December 17th, Class Holiday Party 9:15-10:30 AM December 18st, Last Day of Classes December 21st -January 2nd, Winter Break January 4th, Classes Resume Academic News!! In math the students are working on subtraction with regrouping. Please continue to practice addition and subtraction facts at home. Students are encouraged to use IREADY Reading and Math along with Reflex at home. Using these programs at school and home is making a huge difference in their math instruction and making them a more confident math learner. The students are continuing to learn about the Native American’s and about the different tribes, how they lived, and their culture. Next we will be learning about magnets. In Reading, we are continuing to work on comprehension, fluency, vocabulary and accuracy in both fiction /nonfiction texts. Please remember to read each night. In writing, we will continue to write about the tribes we are studying and then move into learning about how to write “small moments.” A Small Moment is moment in time when the student has experienced something first hand and can describe it in detail using lots of adjectives, and feeling to help the reader experience it again through their writing. An example of this would be, writing about their favorite ride at an amusement park instead of their whole trip. Just a reminder!! Please remember to send your child to school with a warm coat and possibly a hat and gloves. We do try to go outside for recess every day and get some fresh air if the weather permits. Thank you so much for all you do! Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns!! Wishing you and your family a wonderful and safe holiday season! ~Kristin Linehan