Things you can actually see with your own eyes are called _____.

Things you can actually
see with your own eyes
are called _____.
The _____ of an object is
the amount of matter in
that object, or how heavy
it is.
_____ is how much space
an object takes up.
A few drops of liquid is
equivalent to 1 _____.
milliliter (mL)
1,000 milliliters (mL) = 1
liter (L)
A liter is close in volume
to a _____.
An instrument used to
measure mass is a _____.
The mass of a paperclip
or sheet of paper is about
1 _____.
gram (g)
1,000 grams = 1 _____.
kilogram (kg)
An educated guess to
what might happen in a
science experiment is a
The variable in an
experiment that the
experimenter changes is
called the _____ variable.
independent or
The variable in an
experiment that changes
as a result of the
manipulated variable is
called the _____ variable.
Things in an experiment
that are purposely not
changed and remain the
same are called _____.
Objects in motion have
_____ energy.
Stored energy is also
known as _____ energy.
The higher an object is off
the ground, the more
_____ energy it has.
kinetic or potential?
When I hold a ball in the
air, it has potential
energy. When I let it go,
the potential energy
changes to _____ energy.
Energy caused by the
movement of electrons is
_____ energy.
Energy stored in food,
batteries, and fossil fuels
like coal and gasoline is
_____ energy.
Energy in moving or
spinning objects like
gears, car wheels, or
joggers is _____ energy.
_____ describes how fast
an object is moving.
_____ occurs when two
objects rub or move
against each other, which
creates heat.
Friction creates _____.
A _____ is any push or
pull that causes an object
to stop, move, or change
speed or direction.
Unless acted on by a
force, objects in motion
stay in motion and
objects at rest stay at
rest. This is called _____.
Which will light a bulb, an
open or closed circuit?
If your string of holiday
lights go dark when one
light bulb burns out, the
string of lights is a _____
In a string of holiday
lights, if one bulb burns
out and the rest remain
lit, it must be a _____
Is this a series or parallel
Is this an open or closed
Is this an open or closed
Is this a series or parallel
A continous flow of
negative charges
(electrons) creates an
electric _____.
The pathway taken by an
electric current is a
_____ ciruits allow for
the movement of
electrical energy.
open or closed?
_____ circuits prevent
the movement of
electrical energy.
open or closed?
In a _____ circuit, there is
only one pathway for a
current to follow.
series or parallel?
In a _____ circuit, there
are two or more
pathways for a current to
series or parallel?
Electrical energy moves
easily through materials
that are _____.
conductors or insulators?
Metals are good _____.
conductors or insulators?
Electrical energy does not
move easily through
materials that are _____.
conductors or insulators?
Rubber, plastic, and wood
are examples of _____
because electricity does
not move easily through
Wires are made of copper
because copper conducts
electricity well. Copper is
a _____.
conductor or insulator?
An electric current
creates a _____ field.
A moving magnetic field
creates an electric _____.
Rubbing certain materials
together can create
_____ electricity.
Lightning is the discharge
of _____ electricity into
the atmosphere.
A current flowing through
a wire creates a _____
Wrapping a wire around a
nail and running
electricity through it
creates a simple _____.
_____ are used to turn
things on and off.
This is an example of a
If you rub your feet on
the carpet, or a balloon
on a wool sweater, you
may create _____
Static electricity occurs
when negatively charged
_____ are rubbed off of
one surface and on to
Who was the first to learn
that lightning is a form of
static electricity?
Benjamin Franklin
Who invented the light
Thomas Edison
Which part of the plant
takes in water and
the root
Which part of the plant
supports the plant and
allows the movement of
water and nutrients?
the stem
Which plant part makes
food for the plant
the leaves
The seed forms in the
famale reproductive part
of the flower called the
Pollen forms on the ends
of the male reproductive
part of the flower called
the _____.
The small leaves that
form around the
developing flower are the
Pollen is transferred from
the stamen to the pistil in
a process called _____.
Most plants reproduce
with seeds, but ferns and
mosses reproduce with
Green plants produce
their own food in a
process called _____.
Green plants use water,
nutrients, carbon dioxide,
sunlight, and chlorophyll
to make _____.
Plants are green because
of a substance called
Many plants enter a
period of _____ during
the winter. During this
period, most of their
normal activities stop.
_____ is released from
plants during
Plants adapt to changes
in the environment in
order to _____.
An organism’s _____
provides food, water,
shelter, and space.
Organisms that live in the
same place (like a forest
or pond) at the same
time make up a _____.
All energy comes from
the _____.
_____ get energy directly
from the sun and use it to
make food.
Because plants produce
their own food, they are
Some organisms do not
get their energy directly
they eat plants or animals
from the sun. How do
they get it?
Organisms that get their
energy from eating plants
or other animals are
called _____.
The sun’s energy cycles
through the ecosystem in
this order: sun
All of the food chains in
an ecosystem make up a
food _____.
Food chains and food
webs always start with
this living organism:
A food chain starts with a
producer (plant) and ends
with a _____.
Fungi is an example of a
_____ because it breaks
down organisms and
recylces them back to the
nutrient pool.
All of the living and nonliving things in an
environment make up an
The specific place an
organism has in the food
web is the organism’s
A _____ is the organism’s
roll in the community and
includes what it does,
what it eats, and what
eats it.
All organisms have _____
that allow it to survive in
its environment.
_____ adaptations are
body parts that help an
organism survive (like
long beaks and webbed
structural or behavioral?
_____ adaptations are
things that organisms do
to survive (like migration,
hibernation, instincts).
structural or behavioral?
The place in which an
animal or plant naturally
lives is the animal’s or
plant’s _____.
The measure of the
amount of heat energy in
the atmosphere is _____.
The amount of moisture
in the air is _____.
The weight of the air
causes _____.
air pressure
Air circulates around the
Earth in big chunks called
air masses
The boundary between
two air masses is called a
A _____ front occurs
when a warm air mass
pushes out a cold mass.
warm or cold?
A _____ front occurs
when a cold air mass
pushes out a warm mass.
warm or cold?
A warm front usually
brings steady rain or
drizzle followed by _____
A cold front usually brings
a short period of heavy
rain or thunder followed
by _____ temperatures.
A falling barometer often
means that there’s _____
weather ahead.
What kind of cloud brings
stormy weather,
thunderstorms, or
Puffy, white clouds that
look like cottonballs are
called _____.
High, thin whispy clouds
are called _____.
Which cloud forms a thin
blanket over the sky,
often bringing light rain
or drizzle?
What kind of cloud is
What kind of cloud is
What kind of cloud is
The instrument that
measures air pressures is
a _____.
The instrument that
measures wind speed is
an anemometer
What instrument
measures moisture in the
What instrument
measures precipitaiton?
rain gauge
What severe storms
usually form over water
in the Carribean?
How many planents
revolve around the sun?
_____ clouds often mean
fair weather, and indicate
rain or snow may fall
within several hours.
_____ gathers data by
using a variety of
instruments and use this
data to predict weather
What instrument is used
to measure the
temperature of the air?
What instrument is this?
What instrument is this?
What instrument is this?
rain gauge
What instrument is this?
What instrument is this?
Earth is the _____ planet
from the sun.
How far is the Earth from
the sun?
150 million km
The Earth’s atmosphere
protects the Earth by
blocking out the _____
damaging rays.
The Earth has water and
an oxygen-rich
atmosphere that allows it
to support _____.
An important energy
resource mined in the
southwestern part of
Virginia is _____.
Much of Virginia is
covered in _____, an
important natural
resource for Virginia.
Land drained by rivers
west of Roanoke is part
of the Mississippi _____.
The NASA Apollo missions
sent astronauts to the
A _____ is the area of
land where all of the
water under that is under
it or drains off of it goes
into the same place.
About half of Virginia is
considered to be in the
Chesapeake Bay _____
because the surface water and
all of the materials it carries
drain into the Cheseapeake
Ancient Greeks like
Aristotle and Ptolemy
believed that the _____
was the center of our
solar system.
Copernicus and Galileo
tried to convince the
world that _____ was the
center of the solar
_____ is the planet
closest to the sun. It’s
small and looks like our
the sun
_____ is the second planet
from the sun and has a
permanent blanket of clouds
that trap so much heat, that
the temperatures on the
surface are hot enough to melt
_____ is the fourth planet
from the sun. There are many
canyons and riverbeds on this
red planet.
_____ is the fifth planet from
the sun. This planet is the
largest in the solar system and
had no solar system.
_____ is the sixth planet from
the sun and has rings.
_____ is the seventh planet
from the sun.
_____ is the eighth planet
from the sun and appears blue
through telescopes.
Pluto is now considered a
_____ planet.
Earth completes one _____
around the sun every year.
The moon revolves around the
earth about once every _____.
Due to the tilt of the Earth on
its axis, Earth experiences
_____ during its revolution
around the sun.
The sun is an average-sized
yellow star, about _____ times
the diameter of the Earth.
The sun is approximately
_____ years old.
4.6 billion
The Earth is about _____
kilometers (km) from the sun.
150 million
Unlike the other planets,
Earth’s surface is constantly
The _____ is the center of the
solar system and the planets
revolve around it.
Our moon is small and rocky. It
has about _____ the diameter
of the Earth and one-eightieth
its mass.
¼ (1 quarter)
What is the missin phase of
the moon?
new, waxing crescent, first
quarter, waxing gibbous, full,
_____, last (third quarter), and
waning crescent.
What is the missing phase of
the moon?
new, waxing crescent, first
quarter, waxing gibbous,____,
waning gibbous, last (third
quarter), and waning crescent.
What is the missing phase of
the moon?
_____, waxing crescent, first
quarter, waxing gibbous, full,
waning gibbous, last (third
quarter), and waning crescent.
What is the missing phase of
the moon?
new, waxing crescent, _____,
waxing gibbous, full, waning
gibbous, last (third quarter),
and waning crescent.
waning gibbous
first quarter
Forests, arable (farmable)
land, coal, sand, rocks, wildlife,
aquatic organisms, and clean
water and air are examples of
Virginia’s _____.
natural resources
The _____ watershed covers
approximately half of Virginia’s
land area.
Chesapeake bay
Virginia’s water resources
include groundwater, lakes,
reservoirs, rivers, bays, and the
_____ Ocean.
Which of these is a natural
resource of Virginia?
power plant
C – A river
According to the picture, which of these is
an inference rather than an observation?
F This animal has hair.
G This animal has a tail.
H This animal is arching its back.
J This animal is frightened.
J – This animal is
To make an electromagnet, a
conductor should be coiled around —
A a glass tube
B an iron nail
C a roll of paper
D a wooden stick
B – an iron nail
Early scientists most likely saw a
discharge of electricity for the first
time when observing a —
F waterfall
G rainbow
H lightning storm
J volcano erupting
H – lightning storm
Acorn barnacles are seashore
animals found on rocks. They live 1 to
2 meters above low-tide level. These
rocks are the acorn barnacles’ —
A ecosystem
B community
C food web
D habitat
D – habitat
You put baking soda and vinegar in a flask
and cover the flask with a balloon. Which of
these will most likely happen to the balloon
as the chemicals react?
F It will float.
G It will break.
H It will inflate.
J It will change color.
The great horned owl has a sharp beak and
claws used for catching prey and tearing
meat. It has good eyesight to see in low
light. Which of these most ikely describes
the niche of the great horned owl?
A Hunts small animals at night
B Grazes on grass during the day
C Comes out at dusk to sweep the sky for
D Comes out at dawn to get worms from the
What would a dormant tree branch look
A A branch with no leaves or flowers
B A branch with a few leaves and flowers
C A branch that is bearing fruit
D A branch covered with leaves and flowers
H – It will inflate.
A – Hunts small animals
at night.
A – A branch with no
leaves or flowers
An object is traveling north at a speed of 12
kilometers per hour. Which characteristic of
the object is being described?
A Matter
B Motion
C Volume
D Temperature
B – Motion
The direction and
speed at which an
object is traveling is the
object’s _____.
A student designed an investigation to test
the effect of light color on plant growth by
using different colored light bulbs. What
was the manipulated (independent) variable
in the investigation?
A Color of light bulb
B Height of plant
C Hours of light
D Size of pot
Which of the following is an example of an
object that has kinetic energy?
A An apple resting on a table
B A kite laying on the ground
C A football flying through the air
D A book resting on a shelf
A student wants to compare the masses and
volumes of three marbles. Which
two instruments should be used?
F Balance and graduated cylinder
G Centimeter ruler and thermometer
H Graduated cylinder and centimeter ruler
J Thermometer and balance
A – Color of light bulb
C – A football flying
through the air
F – Balance and
graduated cylinder
Which of these is a function of a leaf?
A Carrying nutrients throughout the plant
B Converting solar energy into sugar
C Creating shade for the plant
D Absorbing water from the ground
A scientist found a fossil of an organism
that had gills. When the organism
was living, the area in which it lived was
most likely covered by —
F forest
G grassland
H bare rock
J water
Gallium is a metal that melts at about 30°C.
If a person, whose body
temperature is 37°C, held a cube of gallium
for five minutes, what will most
likely happen to the gallium?
F It will change to a gas.
G It will change to a liquid.
H It will become a solution.
J It will become a mixture.
Which energy transformation most likely
occurs in a steam iron? (A steam iron is
what you iron clothes with.)
F Electrical energy changes to heat energy.
G Electrical energy changes to sound energy.
H Mechanical energy changes to heat energy.
J Mechanical energy changes to light energy.
B – Converting solar
energy into sugar
J – Water
G – It will change to a
F – Electrical energy to
heat energy
Which of these human activities in a forest
has a positive effect on
the ecosystem?
A Clearing the land to build new homes
B Planting new trees where old ones were cut
C Building a new highway through the area
D Cutting down trees to make farmland
B – Planting new trees
where old ones were cut
All of the populations of species in an area
make up a —
A region
B niche
C family
D community
Which of these is a difference between
tadpoles and adult frogs?
A Only
B Only
C Only
D Only
tadpoles can swim.
tadpoles can lay eggs.
frogs are eaten by predators.
frogs can survive on land.
D – Community
D – Only frogs can survive
on land.
The surface of the Moon is made up of —
A craters, highlands, and flat areas
B swirling gases
C large bodies of water
D a mixture of gases and water
A – craters, highlands,
and flat areas
Which of these human activities most
relies on high-quality soil?
Which of these is the most important
product of Virginia forests?
A Hiking
B Hunting
F Pecan
G Pine conesmining
D Growing
H Hardwood
J Maple leaves
D – Growing Crops
H – Hardwood lumber
In this picture, the iron filings show the
shape of the magnetic —
A axis
B core
C field
D pole
C – Field
For the native birds and mammals of
Virginia to survive, plant life must be
conserved. What do plants provide
directly to all animals?
A Oxygen
B Minerals
C Light
D Hydrogen
A - Oxygen
Which of these animals is least likely a
member of the pond community?
A Crayfish
B Alligator
C Carp (a small fish)
D Shark
D – Shark
Which of these objects in the solar system
has been visited by people from
F Moon
G Sun
H Mars
J Asteroid
Max is doing an experiment on tomato
plants. His hypothesis is, “A tomato
plant will not grow in a shady area.” On
which of these relationships did Max
base his hypothesis?
A Warm temperature causes plant growth.
B Sunlight causes plant growth.
C Tall plants cause shade.
D New plants need fresh water.
F – Moon
B – Sunlight causes
plant growth
Which do meteorologists use to measure
the amount of precipitation that falls
during a storm?
A Anemometer
B Barometer
C Rain gauge
D Weather vane
C – Rain gauge
Photosynthesis occurs in which of these
F Sunflower plant
G Mushroom
H Sunfish
J Luna moth
F – Sunflower plant
A coral reef is —
A a rock
B an ecosystem
C an ocean current
D an underwater cave
B – an ecosystem
In a flower, what most likely happens
when pollen from the stamen gets into
the ovary?
F The plant dies.
G A seed develops.
H The flower closes.
J The sepals fall off.
Which of these is the most responsible
for the changes of the seasons
on Earth?
A Position of the Moon
B Tilt of Earth on its axis
C Temperature of the Sun
D Distance to Mars
G – A seed develops
B – Tilt of Earth on its
Which item is designed to change
electrical energy into heat energy?
A Alarm clock
B Hand dryer
C Fan
D Telephone
B – Hand dryer
Which of these takes about one year to
F Earth to orbit the Sun
G The Sun to orbit Earth
H Earth to rotate on its axis
J The Moon to orbit Earth
F – Earth to orbit the
Bits of paper are attracted to the surface
of balloons. What attracts the
paper pieces to the balloon?
F Friction
G Magnetism
H Potential energy
J Static electricity
J – Static electricity
The distance between Richmond and
Norfolk is best measured in —
A kilometers
B meters
C centimeters
D millimeters
Which tools are best used to determine
the speed of a turtle as it walks along
a path?
F Meter stick and graduated cylinder
G Stopwatch and meter stick
H Balance and metric ruler
J Balance and stopwatch
A – kilometers
G – Stopwatch and
meter stick
The Apollo 11 mission was able to retrieve
samples of the Moon’s surface
because it was the first mission to have
astronauts —
A land on the Moon
B orbit a planet
C return to Earth
D walk in space
A – land on the Moon
Which of these best describes the Moon?
F Older than Earth
G Smaller than Earth
H Having the same climate as Earth
J Having the same atmosphere as Earth
A student is hiking through a forest taking
pictures for science class. Which
picture would most likely be used as an
example of human impact on Earth?
F A trail built by cutting down trees
G A river eroding away the riverbank
H A bird nest made of dead branches
J A group of butterflies landing on flowers
G – Smaller than the
F – A trail built by
cutting down trees
What kind of energy do all moving objects
F Light energy
G Solar energy
H Kinetic energy
J Renewable energy
H – Kinetic
Electricians wear rubber gloves for
protection. The purpose of the rubber
gloves is to —
A keep the electrician dry
B create an electrical circuit
C produce electricity
D insulate the electrician
D – insulate the
The top layers of soil are important
because they —
F prevent earthquakes
G give plants nutrients
H protect the bedrock
J make walking easier
G – give plants
Which of the following is a producer?
A Eagle
B Grass
C Rabbit
D Sparrow
B – Grass
In winter, the arctic fox has white fur. In
summer, its fur changes color to
brown and gray. The change in fur color
helps the arctic fox to —
A run
B mate
C hide
D hibernate
C – hide
Which of these is most likely harmful to
an ecosystem?
A Building new homes in a wetland
B Taking away airplanes from an airport
C Planting trees in an orchard
D Adding floors to an office building
A – Building new
homes in a wetland
Which of these describes rotation?
F Mercury goes around the Sun every 88
G The Moon goes around Earth every 28
H Earth orbits the Sun about every 365 days.
J Earth makes one turn on its axis every 24
J – Earth makes one
turn on its axis every
24 hours
When a tree is dormant, the tree is
A dying
B inactive
C growing taller
D growing its leaves
B – inactive
Which type of storm causes the most
flooding in areas located near an
ocean coastline?
F Tornado
G Hurricane
H Blizzard
J Freezing rain
G – Hurricane
A student rolls a ball on the ground.
Which of these causes the ball to slow
down and then stop?
A The motion of the ball
B The speed of the ball
C Friction from the ground
D A magnetic field
C – Friction from the
Which of the following do plants need to
make their own food?
F Flowers
G Bacteria
H Sunlight
J Oxygen
F –flowers
What tool is used to determine the mass
of an object?
A Balance
B Meter stick
C Thermometer
D Graduated cylinder
A – Balance
Which part of a sunflower plant absorbs
water and nutrients?
F Roots
G Stems
H Leaves
J Flowers
F – Roots
Juan is doing an experiment to see how
long it takes an acorn to grow into a
0.5-meter-tall oak tree. Which two
instruments should he choose?
A Thermometer and centimeter ruler
B Thermometer and calendar
C Centimeter ruler and balance
D Centimeter ruler and calendar
D – Centimeter ruler
and calendar
An electric motor is designed to turn
electrical energy into —
F solar energy
G potential energy
H static electricity
J mechanical energy
A group of students tested the effects of
different amounts of water on ivy
plant growth. Afterwards, they could not
remember how much each plant
grew per day. What should they have
done to practice good science?
A Discuss their observations with other
groups in their class.
B Conduct the experiment with more than
one type of plant.
C Record daily information in a data table.
D Make up explanations for the results.
J – mechanical energy
C – Record daily
information in a data
What part of the flower produces pollen?
F ovary
G sepal
H pistil
J stamen
J – stamen
When a person pushes a box, what is the
push most likely to change?
A The size of the box
B The mass of the box
C The color of the box
D The position of the box
D – The position of the
Which is the best action to help protect
water resources in Virginia?
A Dispose of pet waste in a stream.
B Rinse spilled gasoline with a hose.
C Organize a river cleanup program.
D Put hazardous waste in with house trash.
C – Organize a river
cleanup program
Leaves help plants by…
A absorbing water from the air for
B using sunlight for energy in food production
C reproducing more bean plants for survival
of the species
D adding support for the plant as it grows
B – using sunlight
energy in food
Earth makes a complete revolution around
the Sun about once every —
A day
B year
C season
D minute
B – year
Students collect pond water in their
beakers. Which is the best unit of
measurement for the volume of water they
A Grams
B Meters
C Milliliters
D Centimeters
C – Milliliters
Seeds that remain inactive until the right
conditions of light, water, and soil
are present are called —
F pollen
G dormant
H flowers
J recycled
G – dormant
Copper wire is often wrapped in plastic.
Plastic material is a good —
F electromagnet
G insulator
H circuit
J current
G – insulator
Which of these best describes a tornado?
F A winter storm that produces frozen
G A rotating funnel-shaped cloud with strong
winds and thunderstorms
H A severe weather condition with low
temperatures and blowing snow
J A storm that forms over warm ocean water
and has extremely strong winds
Which of these is the best tool to use
when measuring the water depth at the
edge of a pond?
A net
B meter stick
C beaker
D binoculars
B – meter stick
A student throws a ball. Which of these
best describes the moving ball?
F The ball has light energy.
G The ball has kinetic energy.
H The ball is transferring sound energy to the
J The ball is transferring light energy to the
Which of these can be mined from Earth
and used as an energy source?
F Coal
G Gravel
H Granite
J Limestone
F – Coal
A bicyclist rides on a flat road and then
stops pedaling but does not apply the
brakes. The bicycle stops because of —
A balance
B friction
C attraction
D magnetism
B – friction
Michael Faraday showed how electric
current in a wire produces —
A molecules
B chemicals
C a vibration
D a magnetic field
D – a magnetic field
Students notice that in the fall leaves of
sugar maple trees turn red, but the
leaves of black oak trees turn brown. The
students are making —
F an observation
G a conclusion
H a prediction
J an inference
Which of these activities is most likely to
have a positive impact on the
environment of Earth?
F Expanding neighborhoods
G Building factories
H Constructing highways
J Creating nature preserves
F – an observation
J – Creating nature
Which of these would best complete an
open circuit?
F Rubber band
G Metal nail
H Leather shoelace
J Wooden toothpick
G – metal nail
A wild turkey’s forest community includes
F insects
G rainfall
H soil
J wind
F – insects
Which form of energy is used by a
A Chemical
B Electrical
C Solar
D Nuclear
B – Electrical
Which of these animals is most likely to
be found living and feeding on the
forest floors of Virginia?
A Bat
B Trout
C Deer mouse
D Golden eagle
C – Deer mouse
To describe this car’s motion, a student
should use its —
A direction and speed
B mass and volume
C speed and color
D volume and direction
A – direction and
The motion of Earth around the Sun most
affects the —
F timing of tides
G length of a month
H cycle of the seasons
J phases of the Moon
The picture shows some caddis fly larvae.
These larvae cover themselves with
small twigs and pebbles. What is the
advantage of this behavior?
A They can eat the twigs.
B They are hidden from predators.
C They can crawl on the bottom of creeks.
D They are able to keep warm.
H – cycle of the
B – They are hidden
from predators
What does this instrument measure?
wind speed
Which gas is given off by plants?
F Hydrogen
G Nitrogen
H Oxygen
J Helium
H – oxygen
The wind helps many plants reproduce by
A cooling the plants
B giving the plants moisture
C spreading the plants’ pollen
D strengthening the plants’ root systems
C – spreading the
plants’ pollen
Which of these substances conducts
electricity the best?
A Wood
B Brick
C Copper
D Plastic
C – Copper