Iredell-Statesville Schools will rigorously challenge all students to achieve
their academic potential and to lead productive and rewarding lives. We will
achieve this mission with the support of parents, staff, and the community.
A school system committed to improving student learning by igniting a
passion for learning
• Student and Learning Focus
• Continuous Improvement Focus
• Motivated Faculty and Staff
• Management by Fact
• Partnerships and Teamwork
• Results Focus
• High Ethical Standards
What you find is that the tough ethical choices are
not always decisions between good and evil, but often
between two goods:
Truth versus Loyalty
Individual versus Community
Short-term versus Long-term
Justice versus Mercy
to the
to the
to the School
and School
• Protects students’ health and safety
• Maintains appropriate relationships with students in all
• Evaluates students and assigns grades based upon
• Disciplines students, but does not deliberately embarrass or
• Confidentiality with information learned in professional
practice, unless in compliance with regulations or statutes
• Refuses to accept significant gifts, favors, or compensation
that appears to influence professional decisions or actions
• Utilizes available resources to provide a classroom climate conducive
to learning
• Acknowledges diverse views of students and stakeholders shaping
goals, policies, and decisions
• Signs a contract in good faith and does not abandon
• Actively participates in professional decision-making processes and
supports the expression of professional opinions by all
• When acting in an administrative capacity:
– Acts fairly, consistently, and prudently in the exercise of authority
– Evaluates the work of others using appropriate procedures and regulations
– Protects the rights of others, and does not retaliate, coerce, or intentionally
intimidate others in the exercise of rights protected by law
– Recommends persons for employment, promotion, or transfer based on
qualifications and the law
• Provides accurate credentials and information regarding
licensure or employment and does not knowingly assist others
in providing untruthful information
• Acts to remedy observed violations of the Code of Ethics and
promotes understanding of the principles of professional
• Pursues growth and development opportunities to improve
the education, experiences, and performance of students and
The purpose of these rules is to establish and uphold uniform
standards of professional conduct for licensed professional
educators throughout the State. These rules shall be binding on
every person licensed by the SBE, hereinafter referred to as
"educator" or "professional educator," and the possible
consequences of any willful breach shall include license
suspension or revocation. The prohibition of certain conduct in
these rules shall not be interpreted as approval of conduct not
specifically cited.
16 NCAC 6C .0601
Purpose and Applicability
• Practice the standards of federal, state, and local governing bodies
• Personal conduct – serve as positive role model for students, parents, and
the community
• Honesty – no dishonesty, fraud, deceit, or misrepresentation with following:
• Proper remunerative conduct – no solicitation of current students or parents
to purchase equipment, supplies, or services from the educator in private
• Conduct with students – treat all students with respect; the educator shall
not commit any abusive act or sexual exploitation with, to, or in the presence
of a student
• Confidential information – keep in confidence personally identifiable
information regarding students or their family members obtained, unless
disclosure is required or permitted by law or necessary for the personal
safety of others
• Rights of others – shall not willfully or maliciously violate the constitutional
or civil rights of a student, parent/legal guardian, or colleague.
• Required reports – shall make all reports required by NC General Statutes.
• Alcohol or controlled substance abuse - shall not be under the influence of,
possess, use, or consume alcohol or controlled substance (without
authorized prescriptive use) on school premises or at a school-sponsored
activity; or furnish alcohol or a controlled substance to any student except as
indicated in the professional duties of administering legally prescribed
• Compliance with criminal laws
• Public funds and property
• Scope of professional practice – shall not perform any act as an employee in
a position for which licensure is required during any period of suspension or
• Conduct related to ethical violations
Teachers Demonstrate Leadership
e. Teachers demonstrate high ethical standards. Teachers demonstrate ethical principles
including honesty, integrity, fair treatment and respect for others. Teachers uphold the Code
of Ethics for North Carolina Educators (effective June 1, 1997) and the Standards for
Professional Conduct adopted April 1, 1998. (
Understands the
importance of ethical
behavior as outlined in
the Code of Ethics for
North Carolina
Educators and the
Standards for
Professional Conduct.
Demonstrates ethical
behavior through
adherence to the Code
of Ethics for North
Carolina Educators and
the Standards for
Professional Conduct.
Knows and upholds
the Code of Ethics for
North Carolina
Educators and the
Standards for
Professional Conduct.
Models the tenets of
the Code of Ethics for
North Carolina
Educators and the
Standards for
Professional Conduct
and encourages others
to do the same.
Local Policies
• 7240 – Drug and Alcohol Free
• 1710/4021/7230 – Prohibition against
Discrimination, Harassment and Bullying •
• 1720/4015/7225 – Discrimination,
Harassment and Bullying Complaint
• 1735/5025/7235 – Harassment Defined •
• 1736/4026/7236 – Sexual Harassment •
• 1755/7237 – Sexual Harassment
Complaint Procedure for Employees
• 1730/4022/7231 – Nondiscrimination •
on the basis of Disabilities
4040/7310 – Staff-Student Relations
1740/4010 – Student and Parent
Grievance Procedure
1742/5060 – Responding to Complaints
1750/7220 – Grievance Procedure for
1800 – Stewardship of Resources
7335 – Employee Use of Social Media
4700 – Student Records
5070/7350 – Public Records
7820 – Personnel Files
7730 – Employee Conflict of Interest
Drug-Free and Alcohol Free Workplace (Policy 7240)
Prohibits the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of any
of the following:
• Narcotic Drug
• Anabolic Steroids
• Designer Drugs (i.e.
• Hallucinogenics
• Alcohol
ecstasy or ice)
• Amphetamine
• Stimulants
• Any other controlled
• Barbiturate
• Synthetic Cannabinoids
• Marijuana
• Counterfeit Substances
Prohibits impairment by prescriptive or non-prescriptive drugs
Prohibits use or influence of alcohol while acting
Governs each employee
• before, during or after school hours while on property owned or leased by the BOE
• at anytime acting in the course and scope of I-SS
• at any time the violation of policy has a direct & adverse effect upon performance
Must notify his or her supervisor in writing of any conviction no later than 5 calendar
days after such conviction, be subject to disciplinary action
Subjected to a test for the use of alcohol or controlled substances when reasonable
grounds exist to suspect violation
Discrimination, Harassment and Bullying
Prohibition Against
(Policy 1710/4021/7230)
Prohibits discrimination on the basis of
race, color, national origin, sex,
disability or age
Applies to students, school system
employees, volunteers and visitors
Prohibits reprisal or retaliation against
and person
– Reporting or intending to report
– Supporting someone for reporting
or intending to report a violation
– Participating in investigation of
reported violations
• Employees are required to report
any actual or suspected violations
Complaint Procedure
(Policy 1720/4015/7225)
File a complaint no later than 30 days
after disclosure or discovery
Informal Process must include the
– (1) notify the complainant that he
or she has the option to request
formal procedures at any time
– (2) make a copy of relevant policies
available to the complainant
Formal Process includes designated
investigator, timeline, written report
and an appeal process
Harassment Defined
(Policy 1735/5025/7235)
Unwanted, unwelcomed and uninvited
behavior that demeans, threatens or
offends the victim and results in a
hostile environment for the victim
Epithets, derogatory comments or slurs
and lewd propositions, assault,
impeding or blocking movement,
offensive touching or any physical
interference with normal work or
movement, and visual insults, such as
derogatory posters or cartoons or
technology generated
visuals. Legitimate age-appropriate
pedagogical techniques are not
considered harassing behavior
Various Levels
Sexual Harassment Defined
(Policy 1736/4026/7236)
Unwelcome sexual advances, requests
for sexual favors and other verbal or
physical conduct of a sexual nature
constitute sexual harassment
– Explicit or Implicit
– Term or condition of employment,
academic progress, or completion of a
school-related activity
used in evaluating the individual's
performance within a course of study or
other school-related activity
severe, persistent or pervasive enough
to unreasonably interfere with work or
student performance
Various Levels
Sexual Harassment Complaint Procedure for
Employees (Policy 1755/7237)
Informal Resolution
Reporting Complaint (30 days)
Investigation Report (written)
Appeal (5 days)
– Superintendent
• Maintenance of Records
Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disabilities
(Policy 1730/4022/7231 )
• I-SS will not discriminate against qualified persons with
disabilities on the basis of a disability
• Includes, but is not limited to, benefits of and participation
in system programs and activities
• Provides aids, benefits and school services to a person with
disabilities in the most integrated school setting appropriate
to his or her needs so that he or she may have an
opportunity commensurate to that provided to persons
without disabilities to obtain the same results, gain the same
benefit or reach the same level of achievement
Staff-Student Relations
Staff-Student Relations
(Policy 4040/7310)
• Professional relationships:
role model
• Prohibited from dating,
courting or entering into a
romantic or sexual
relationship without being
subject to disciplinary action
• Employees required to report
or be subject to disciplinary
Student/Parent Grievance Proc.
(Policy 1740/4010)
• Report grievance
• Investigation (5 days)
• Response by principal
• Response by superintendent
• Appeal to the Board
– Mandatory Appeal
• Alleged violation of policy
– Discretionary Appeal
• No alleged violation of policy
Complaints and Employee Grievance
Responding to Complaints
Grievance Procedure - Employees
(Policy 1742/5060)
(Policy 1750/7220)
• Complaints not specifically
• Informal resolution
addressed by policy should be • Report grievance
handled in the following
• Investigation (5 days)
• Response by official – Level 1
– Complaint reported at the
• Response by superintendent
lowest level
– Level 2
– BOE initially redirects to the
lowest level
• Appeal to the Board – Level 3
– If not satisfied with the
decision, it can be appealed to
the next level
– Prompt handling and response
– Mandatory Appeal
– Discretionary Appeal
Stewardship of Resources (Policy 1800)
• A system of excellent schools conserves financial
and environmental resources and operates in an
efficient manner.
Employee Use of Social Media (Policy 7335)
• Social Media Involving Students
– Maintenance of professional relationships
– Access to students via electronic communications must be school-related (unless otherwise
outlined in policy – i.e. family)
– Prohibited from communicating via personal social network
• Employee Use of Social Media
– Responsible for impact of public conduct on professional image – standards remain during
personal time
– Interference with professional ability subject to disciplinary action
– Prohibiting from accessing social networking sites for personal use during instructional time
or with I-SS resources
• Posting to Social Media Sites
– Remain aware of posted content on social networking sites accessible to students, parents
and community
– Observe principles outlined in BOE policy when posting
• Consequences
– Online activities will be monitored
– Conduct periodic public internet searches for potential violations
– Subject to disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal
Student Records (Policy 4700)
Annual Notification of Rights
Review & Release to Parent, Guardian
or Eligible Student
Release of Records to Others
Surveys, Evaluation
Use of Legal Name
FERPA – Federal Education Rights
Protection Act
Public Records (Policy 5070/7350)
Date of original employment
Terms of any past or current contract
Current position, title, salary
Date and amount of each increase
Date and type of each promotion,
demotion transfer, suspension,
separation or other change in position
Date and general description of the
reasons for each promotion
Date and type of each dismissal,
suspension or demotion for disciplinary
reasons and a copy of any written
Location of current station
Employee Conflict of Interest (Policy 7730)
Financial Interests - An employee shall not do any of the following:
– Obtain direct benefit from a contract that they were involved in making or
administering for the BOE
– Influence or attempt to influence anyone who is involved in making or
administering a contract for the BOE
– Solicit or receive any gift, favor, reward, service or promise of reward, including a
promise of future employment, in exchange for recommending, influencing or
attempting to influence the award of a contract for the BOE
– Non-School employment shall not:
• Adversely affect availability
• Involve sources of information originating from any information obtained
through I-SS
• Utilize I-SS materials and resources
• Be conducted during school time or on school property
Receipt of Gifts
Supervising Family Members
Please reflect on the following based on your review of policies
Case Study
This evening a service oriented teacher decides not to
respond to their student’s text messages as they normally
do. Instead they decide to use their smart phone to
browse the web. Is their an infraction of the Code of
Ethics or BOE policy?
One should first determine the nature of the text messages. If the
teacher has never communicated with the student before via text
message and it is their personal phone, this could be an appropriate
action if they follow up with the student the following day to address
the need. Communication via personal devices (Social Media Policy)
and the nature of the contact (Staff-Student Relations) could result
both in a Code of Ethics (Commitment to the Student) and BOE policy
Case Study
While waiting to pay for your produce at the market a
fellow teacher comes up to you in line and says “You had
Johnny Wildman last year, were you ever able to control
his behavior or get a lick of work out of him?” Is there an
infraction of the Code of Ethics or BOE policy?
This is clearly a violation of the Code of Ethics
(Commitment to the Student). It is also a potential violation
of BOE Policy (Student Records) and an obvious violation
of student confidentiality.
Case Study
Peggy Johnson is a high school music teacher. One of
her students, Brad Tucker, comes to class upset. In
comforting Brad, Ms. Johnson puts her arm around his
shoulder. Is she in violation?
This alone is not a violation. There are, however, some important
considerations. One should be the age of the student. Student contact
looks very different depending on the grade level of the student.
Another consideration is the response of the student. For example, if
Ms. Johnson’s approach yields the student drawing into himself, she
should note the behavior and not touch him. Student comfort is a
positive behavior expected of adults, but one must be aware of the
student’s response.
Case Study
Ron Abbott is a middle school science teacher. When
Gayle Evans, a student in his third-period class, doesn’t
know the names of all of the planets, he states that she
is just as stupid as her older brother, who was in his
class last school year. Is this a violation?
This is definitely a violation of the Code of Ethics (Commitment to the
Student). This type of behavior also has the potential to be a BOE
policy (Prohibition against Discrimination, Harassment and Bullying)
Case Study
Charlotte Ann Thompson, a licensed special education
teacher, is currently unemployed. While working with her
church youth group, she becomes sexually involved with
a sixteen-year-old in the youth group. Is this a violation?
The behavior is clearly not only illegal, but a violation of the Code of
Ethics. It should also be noted that while Ms. Thompson is currently
unemployed, the school district(s) for which she was employed should
exercise due diligence to determine if there was a potential violation
while she was employed. This action would also clearly require
reporting to the SBE.
Case Study
Mr. Tony Farmer, a 3rd grade teacher, has a districtissued laptop. He doesn’t use it every day, but usually
keeps it on the back seat of his car, which he doesn’t
always remember to lock. Is this a violation?
This is a violation of BOE policy (Stewardship of Resources).
Depending on the information on the computer, this could also easily
be a violation of student confidentiality and/or FERPA.
Case Study
Brenda Rider is a sixth-grade teacher at Wood Glen
Middle School. She really wants her students to score well
on the benchmark exams. Therefore, while she is
proctoring her students, she frequently points to answers
on their bubble sheets or gives them signals. Has Brenda
violated the Code of Ethics?
This is clearly a violation of the Code of Ethics. Providing the student
answers in this manner is unethical and does not allow the student to
show competency in assessed areas on the benchmark exams. It does
not matter that the tests were benchmark exams versus state testing.
Case Study
On Saturday night, Andrew Westwood, the high school
football coach, takes his family out to the local pizza parlor
for dinner. He orders a beer with his pizza. While in the
restaurant, two of his students enter the pizza parlor and
sit at a nearby table. Is Andrew’s drinking a beer with his
family violating the code of ethics?
This behavior alone is not a violation. However, if the students sit at
the coach’s table, the context changes. If the behavior of the coach is
uncontrolled and results in a scene, the context changes. It is also not
model behavior that the coach would be consuming alcohol while
representing the school (i.e. wearing school paraphernalia).
“The reputation of a thousand years is
determined by the conduct of one
– Japanese proverb
Completion – Signature Page
• Complete the Ethics Online Training Signature Page
to receive credit.
Ethics Online Training Signature Page
• Please also visit the I-SS Ethics Portal for additional
information and resources.
I-SS Ethics Portal