character name

Where in the world does <character name> live
and how much impact will they have on our earth’s climate?
1. Juan Pedro: Local Fisherman (Ebaliza)
Costume: fishing pole, fishing net, fishing hat, suntan lotion
Background: fisherman in small village his whole life
Hypothesis: Those darn tourists come to visit and what do they do? They spread on suntan lotion and
then jump in the water! That is good for only one thing…killing our coral! That darn lotion kills the
protective layer on the corals.
Interest: The suntan lotion grease and all those tourists poking around the reef kill the coral and then
what happens? Well let me tell you….the coral dies and then our fish don’t have anywhere to mate or
breed. These reefs also are habitats for fish nursery grounds.
Preferred Action: Would you like to sign my petition? I want to ban suntan lotion for anyone in the
water, especially those tourists. Maybe someone will finally listen once they see how many people
support my point of view!
Questions to think about and answer:
 Where in the real world do you think Juan lives? (describe the characteristics of the region
and select a country state that might be his home)
Click here to enter text.
What are some of the things that you like to eat and how often do you eat them?
Click here to enter text.
How much do you spend on household items and clothing?
Click here to enter text.
How many people live in your household?
Click here to enter text.
What kind of house do you have? What are the different kinds of energy that you use?
Click here to enter text.
What are the different types of transportation that you and your family use?
Click here to enter text.
Project Module prepared for the Project-Based Global Climate Change Education Project, funded by NASA GCCE
Clarkson University, Potsdam NY
Where in the world does < character name> live
and how much impact will they have on our earth’s climate?
2. Shaka Mybouty: Teacher (Infirdiddy)
Costume: sheet to wrap around the body, large beaded necklace, sandals
Background: local teacher but everyone in the village also farms a small plot of land
Hypothesis: The goddess “Bamboozala” is angry with us! Her rage against us is causing our problems.
I’m angry with the ocean…it has taken everything! Either the land is shrinking or the ocean is rising.
Interest: The increasing saltwater is making the fields useless in my village. Displacement and death
are rampant. The salty water gets into our fields making them useless.
Preferred Action: We must move inland to avoid the salty water. In my classes at school I must make
the children behave and learn their lessons. This is what will make “Bamboozala” happier and not be
so angry with us.
Questions to think about and answer:
 Where in the real world do you think Shaka lives? (describe the characteristics of the region
and select a country (state/province) that might be his/her home)
Click here to enter text.
What are some of the things that you like to eat and how often do you eat them?
Click here to enter text.
How much do you spend on household items and clothing?
Click here to enter text.
How many people live in your household?
Click here to enter text.
What kind of house do you have? What are the different kinds of energy that you use?
Click here to enter text.
What are the different types of transportation that you and your family use?
Click here to enter text.
Project Module prepared for the Project-Based Global Climate Change Education Project, funded by NASA GCCE
Clarkson University, Potsdam NY
Where in the world does < character name> live
and how much impact will they have on our earth’s climate?
3. Juan Valdez: Coffee Plantation Owner (Gamtulala)
Costume: “Chew Instead of Brew” t-shirt, coffee can, bug spray
Background: My coffee plantation has been in my family for decades.
Hypothesis: Too many people are brewing coffee in the morning. This is raising the air and ocean
temperatures. These warmer temperatures are bringing the insects in droves to our country. This is
causing more diseases to be spread.
Interest: These huge clouds of insects cause diseases to spread quickly. My employees and their
families are dying at an extremely high rate. This is literally killing my coffee plantation. Without my
workers, we are all dead! There will be no one left to work in the fields.
Preferred Action: We are selling t-shirts that say “Chew Instead of Brew”. This means that we think
people should chew their coffee beans instead of brewing them to reduce electricity use. We are also
going to use more insecticides to get rid of all the insects.
Questions to think about and answer:
 Where in the real world do you think Juan lives? (describe the characteristics of the region
and select a country (state/province) that might be his home)
Click here to enter text.
What are some of the things that you like to eat and how often do you eat them?
Click here to enter text.
How much do you spend on household items and clothing?
Click here to enter text.
How many people live in your household?
Click here to enter text.
What kind of house do you have? What are the different kinds of energy that you use?
Click here to enter text.
What are the different types of transportation that you and your family use?
Click here to enter text.
Project Module prepared for the Project-Based Global Climate Change Education Project, funded by NASA GCCE
Clarkson University, Potsdam NY
Where in the world does < character name> live
and how much impact will they have on our earth’s climate?
4. McDonald Hadafarm: Poor Farmer (Napinsany)
Costume: overalls, plaid shirt, hat bandana
Background: local farmer since I was 18 years old
Hypothesis: The dust from plowing the fields is rising into the atmosphere and absorbing the moisture
in the clouds, causing our rain patterns to become unpredictable. We never know when it is going to
Interest: It’s very dry….so dry we’ve lost 100% of our cereal harvest this year due to drought. When it
doesn’t rain we get a sick feeling in our stomachs because we know our crops won’t grow. We use to
be able to make predictions about our rainfall from year to year but not anymore. We’re not sure when
to plant.
Preferred Action: We need to build more water pipelines throughout the country to help water our
fields and minimize plowing in dry conditions.
Questions to think about and answer:
 Where in the real world do you think McDonald lives? (describe the characteristics of the
region and select a country (state/province) that might be his/her home)
Click here to enter text.
What are some of the things that you like to eat and how often do you eat them?
Click here to enter text.
How much do you spend on household items and clothing?
Click here to enter text.
How many people live in your household?
Click here to enter text.
What kind of house do you have? What are the different kinds of energy that you use?
Click here to enter text.
What are the different types of transportation that you and your family use?
Click here to enter text.
Project Module prepared for the Project-Based Global Climate Change Education Project, funded by NASA GCCE
Clarkson University, Potsdam NY
Where in the world does < character name> live
and how much impact will they have on our earth’s climate?
5. Captain Nemo: Ship Captain (Nichicia)
Costume: suit jacket, hat, glasses
Background: captain of supply ship
Hypothesis: Have you seen how many cars are on our streets these days? Too much exhaust from too
many cars is causing the warmer temperatures.
Interest: All of this hot, dry weather is causing the rivers to dry up. And then it rains all at once and
the rivers flood. This is not good news for our shipping lanes. There is no way for our ships to move
around the country if it is all dry or flooded.
Preferred Action: There’s only one way to solve this…..use fewer cars. Fewer cars equal less exhaust.
This means that my country needs more mass transit. Let’s use buses, trains, and boats more often.
This will definitely solve our problems.
Questions to think about and answer:
 Where in the real world do you think Captain Nemo lives? (describe the characteristics of
the region and select a country (state/province) that might be his/her home)
Click here to enter text.
What are some of the things that you like to eat and how often do you eat them?
Click here to enter text.
How much do you spend on household items and clothing?
Click here to enter text.
How many people live in your household?
Click here to enter text.
What kind of house do you have? What are the different kinds of energy that you use?
Click here to enter text.
What are the different types of transportation that you and your family use?
Click here to enter text.
Project Module prepared for the Project-Based Global Climate Change Education Project, funded by NASA GCCE
Clarkson University, Potsdam NY
Where in the world does < character name> live
and how much impact will they have on our earth’s climate?
6. Jane Snow: High School Student: (Unstattica)
Costume: snow boots, coat, gloves, hat
Background: lives in a village, has 7 brothers and sisters
Hypothesis: The old ways of my village and our own country are changing. The tourists come to our
village using snowmobiles. I believe the exhaust from the snowmobiles is melting our once frozen,
sacred ground.
Interest: The people from my village were once able to hunt, fish, and travel to nearby villages easily.
Now it is too dangerous to travel outside our own village. Just last week, two people fell through the
ice while hunting!
Preferred Action: The elders of my village speak of a time long past when there were no snowmobiles.
I believe that is the way we should live. We should all return to dog sled teams as our major form of
transportation. Once we do that, our ground will no longer melt!
Questions to think about and answer:
 Where in the real world do you think Jane lives? (describe the characteristics of the region
and select a country (state/province) that might be her home)
Click here to enter text.
What are some of the things that you like to eat and how often do you eat them?
Click here to enter text.
How much do you spend on household items and clothing?
Click here to enter text.
How many people live in your household?
Click here to enter text.
What kind of house do you have? What are the different kinds of energy that you use?
Click here to enter text.
What are the different types of transportation that you and your family use?
Click here to enter text.
Project Module prepared for the Project-Based Global Climate Change Education Project, funded by NASA GCCE
Clarkson University, Potsdam NY
Where in the world does < character name> live
and how much impact will they have on our earth’s climate?
7. Maria Scriber: Writer (Ziralia)
Costume: book, pencil, plant
Background: I grew up in the luscious forests of Ziralia.
Hypothesis: Human greenhouse gases from too many people, shopping centers, and airports are
causing the huge drought killing the forests.
Interest: I am inspired to write by the natural beauty in our world. The environment is my passion. If
this all disappears, I am afraid that I won’t be able to write.
Preferred Action: The international governments should create a framework for making the transition
to a low carbon economy. This is a global problem!
Questions to think about and answer:
 Where in the real world do you think Maria lives? (describe the characteristics of the region
and select a country (state/province) that might be her home)
Click here to enter text.
What are some of the things that you like to eat and how often do you eat them?
Click here to enter text.
How much do you spend on household items and clothing?
Click here to enter text.
How many people live in your household?
Click here to enter text.
What kind of house do you have? What are the different kinds of energy that you use?
Click here to enter text.
What are the different types of transportation that you and your family use?
Click here to enter text.
Project Module prepared for the Project-Based Global Climate Change Education Project, funded by NASA GCCE
Clarkson University, Potsdam NY
Where in the world does < character name> live
and how much impact will they have on our earth’s climate?
8. Yuneeda Somherbs: Herbal Medicine provider: (Yanikia)
Costume: mortar and pestle, sheet to wrap around body as shroud
Background: For many years I have lived and studied this land.
Hypothesis: These many climate changes are caused by the logging of the indigenous trees and
clearing of the forests. It makes our world unbalanced to disturb nature.
Interest: To take care of my people, I create medicines from the Earth. I make my medicines from the
herbs, shrubs, and trees surrounding our village. My people will suffer as the trees start disappearing.
Preferred Action: The government should take action! They should stop deforestation and logging.
We must re-grow the forests that have been cleared away.
Questions to think about and answer:
 Where in the real world do you think Yuneeda lives? (describe the characteristics of the
region and select a country (state/province) that might be his/her home)
Click here to enter text.
What are some of the things that you like to eat and how often do you eat them?
Click here to enter text.
How much do you spend on household items and clothing?
Click here to enter text.
How many people live in your household?
Click here to enter text.
What kind of house do you have? What are the different kinds of energy that you use?
Click here to enter text.
What are the different types of transportation that you and your family use?
Click here to enter text.
Project Module prepared for the Project-Based Global Climate Change Education Project, funded by NASA GCCE
Clarkson University, Potsdam NY
Where in the world does < character name> live
and how much impact will they have on our earth’s climate?
9. Imaka Youbuya: Local Craftswoman (Westmoasa)
Costume: paint brush, picture that you are painting
Background: I make crafts as my main source of income.
Hypothesis: People act like they have nothing better to do than swim in the ocean. Too many people
are swimming in the ocean as a form of recreation. There are so many people in the ocean that it is
raising the sea level and causing saltwater intrusion into the Mangrove tree areas.
Interest: I use the wood of the Mangrove for my crafts. The Mangrove also helps de-contaminate the
freshwater that we drink.
Preferred Action: We need to limit the number of people in the water at any given time. Women and
children can swim during odd hours of the day. Men should swim only during even hours of the day.
This will help lower the sea level back to normal.
Questions to think about and answer:
 Where in the real world do you think Imaka lives? (describe the characteristics of the region
and select a country (state/province) that might be her home)
Click here to enter text.
What are some of the things that you like to eat and how often do you eat them?
Click here to enter text.
How much do you spend on household items and clothing?
Click here to enter text.
How many people live in your household?
Click here to enter text.
What kind of house do you have? What are the different kinds of energy that you use?
Click here to enter text.
What are the different types of transportation that you and your family use?
Click here to enter text.
Project Module prepared for the Project-Based Global Climate Change Education Project, funded by NASA GCCE
Clarkson University, Potsdam NY
Where in the world does < character name> live
and how much impact will they have on our earth’s climate?
10. Dr. Cyril Sanders: Professor of Meteorology (Seriousus personas)
Costume: Shirt, tie, dress pants, copies of a meteorology journal
Background: I am a well published professor of meteorology. After years of research, dealing with
thousands of people spouting hot air, I have proven my hypothesis.
Hypothesis: Global Climate Change is indeed due to the release of heat from all the people in the
world constantly spouting a bunch of hot air, they are causing a rise in atmospheric temperature. There
are also too many people … too many people use too many resources. Too many resources are used to
provide energy. More energy emits more Greenhouse Gases.
Interest: It is my responsibility to make the public aware of my findings. You may have read about my
research in numerous scholarly journals where I have been published.
Preferred Action: Before this problem gets out of hand, it is imperative that we invest in medical
research to control all the talking that is going on. We must also do an international awareness
campaign to reduce the rate of population growth.
Questions to think about and answer:
 Where in the real world do you think Cyril lives? (describe the characteristics of the region
and select a country (state/province) that might be his home)
Click here to enter text.
What are some of the things that you like to eat and how often do you eat them?
Click here to enter text.
How much do you spend on household items and clothing?
Click here to enter text.
How many people live in your household?
Click here to enter text.
What kind of house do you have? What are the different kinds of energy that you use?
Click here to enter text.
What are the different types of transportation that you and your family use?
Click here to enter text.
Project Module prepared for the Project-Based Global Climate Change Education Project, funded by NASA GCCE
Clarkson University, Potsdam NY
Where in the world does < character name> live
and how much impact will they have on our earth’s climate?
11. Shaka Halbouty - Dancer/ Scientist (Sud Moleriia)
Costume: crazy scientist – lab coat, shorts, long black socks, boots, glasses, hula hoop
Background: Staff researcher at National Geological Consortium
Hypothesis: My hypothesis is best demonstrated through the use of this circular timeline. I am about
to demonstrate the Earth’s history and future so pay attention. One side of this geologic, circular
timeline represents when it has been cold on Earth; the other side represents when it has been warm on
Earth. (Have a student Hula-Hoop) Hot! Cold! This is a natural cycle on Earth. Did the dinosaurs
cause the ice age? I think not.
Interest: My goal is help teachers change the way environmental issues are taught. No! We need to
teach facts, not fear.
Preferred Action: Humans have nothing to do with this cycle so we don’t need to take any action.
Continue living your life as you always have! However, we should enforce this agenda in schools so
children are taught the truth and nothing but the truth.
Questions to think about and answer:
 Where in the real world do you think Shaka lives? (describe the characteristics of the region
and select a country (state/province) that might be his/her home)
Click here to enter text.
What are some of the things that you like to eat and how often do you eat them?
Click here to enter text.
How much do you spend on household items and clothing?
Click here to enter text.
How many people live in your household?
Click here to enter text.
What kind of house do you have? What are the different kinds of energy that you use?
Click here to enter text.
What are the different types of transportation that you and your family use?
Click here to enter text.
Project Module prepared for the Project-Based Global Climate Change Education Project, funded by NASA GCCE
Clarkson University, Potsdam NY
Where in the world does < character name> live
and how much impact will they have on our earth’s climate?
12. Emma Seed – Farmer (Piggy Palacios)
Costume: overalls, hat, plaid shirt, blackened plant, pinwheel
Background: I have been farming this area for 30 years. I am responsible for the plants we have at
Piggy Palace.
Hypothesis: My plants were healthy as could be until 1967 when that gosh darn Lightening Boltz
moved next door. Now look at ’em! (Hold up blackened plant). I realize that plants need CO2 to
breathe, but this is ridiculous. My theory is that the emissions from that coal plant will kill us humans
just like they are killing my plants. So much emission from the coal plant continues to add to the
growing amount of CO2 in the atmosphere. If it is happening here by my Piggy Palace, what is the
international impact?
Interest: My interest lies in doing what’s best for me and my crops! My agricultural practices are top
notch and no electric power generation plant is going to ruin them!
Preferred Action: Let me tell you what to do. Put up alternative energy sources so people have a
choice about their electricity. I’d be happy to put wind turbines on some of my land to reduce that
dang Lightening Boltz effect on the environment. (Demonstrate with pinwheel – show how it is all
clean – no black emissions)
Questions to think about and answer:
 Where in the real world do you think Emma lives? (describe the characteristics of the region
and select a country (state/province) that might be her home)
Click here to enter text.
What are some of the things that you like to eat and how often do you eat them?
Click here to enter text.
How much do you spend on household items and clothing?
Click here to enter text.
How many people live in your household?
Click here to enter text.
What kind of house do you have? What are the different kinds of energy that you use?
Click here to enter text.
What are the different types of transportation that you and your family use?
Click here to enter text.
Project Module prepared for the Project-Based Global Climate Change Education Project, funded by NASA GCCE
Clarkson University, Potsdam NY
Where in the world does < character name> live
and how much impact will they have on our earth’s climate?
13. Deb Itsamore – Economist (Northmorelandia)
Costume: plaid shirt and pants, glasses, lots and lots of paper, calculator, maybe a chart or two
Background: I am the city economist. Calculate numbers
Hypothesis: My data prove that local industry emissions are increasing our percentage of greenhouse
gas emissions by 33.33333%. Refer to chart A (get lost in paper, trip, wrap up, general mess).
Interest: I’m interested in what is best for this town, and let’s face it, we need money.
Preferred Action: Town officials should tax business for each carbon ton they release. This graph
shows how the town will benefit from that action.
Questions to think about and answer:
 Where in the real world do you think Deb lives? (describe the characteristics of the region
and select a country (state/province) that might be her home)
Click here to enter text.
What are some of the things that you like to eat and how often do you eat them?
Click here to enter text.
How much do you spend on household items and clothing?
Click here to enter text.
How many people live in your household?
Click here to enter text.
What kind of house do you have? What are the different kinds of energy that you use?
Click here to enter text.
What are the different types of transportation that you and your family use?
Click here to enter text.
Project Module prepared for the Project-Based Global Climate Change Education Project, funded by NASA GCCE
Clarkson University, Potsdam NY
Where in the world does < character name> live
and how much impact will they have on our earth’s climate?
14. Jacqueline Obradors – NYPD Blue star (SU of A)
Costume: flashy outfit, J Lo glasses, copies of your ad, paparazzi camera people
Background: I am not only a famous actress from NYPD Blue, but I also have a great mind. I am very
aware of what’s going on around me (pose for camera shots repeatedly – work the camera).
Hypothesis: I find it distressing how wasteful and materialistic people have become (slap hand of
somebody and tell them not to touch your purse). A perfect example of this waste is how we
frivolously use energy – you’ll see I don’t waste precious energy tanning myself; I think that is a
tremendous waste of energy. Wasting resources and wanting more, more, more only increases our
need for more energy … ENOUGH!
Interest: I realize that I have great influence over the little people. My agent and I agree that I should
do something with high visibility to educate the masses.
Preferred Action: We (My agent and I) have decided that I should donate my time to an ad campaign
that will raise public awareness about energy use. Pass out ads.
Questions to think about and answer:
 Where in the real world do you think Jacqueline lives? (describe the characteristics of the
region and select a country (state/province) that might be her home)
Click here to enter text.
What are some of the things that you like to eat and how often do you eat them?
Click here to enter text.
How much do you spend on household items and clothing?
Click here to enter text.
How many people live in your household?
Click here to enter text.
What kind of house do you have? What are the different kinds of energy that you use?
Click here to enter text.
What are the different types of transportation that you and your family use?
Click here to enter text.
Project Module prepared for the Project-Based Global Climate Change Education Project, funded by NASA GCCE
Clarkson University, Potsdam NY
Where in the world does < character name> live
and how much impact will they have on our earth’s climate?
15. Fern Gulley – Recycling Center (Domorwithless)
Costume: hippy
Background: I am the recycling guru. I have been working at a national recycling organization since I
was 8 years old.
Hypothesis: I know exactly what is wrong – people don’t love trees enough (sing Kumbaya). Pretend
the person next to you is a tree – now hug the tree. Doesn’t that feel good? Just keep loving the trees;
don’t cut them down. Deforestation is the problem causing less CO2 absorption. We just keep using
new trees for products rather than really focusing on recycling.
Interest: There has been a dramatic decrease in recycling over the last ten years. We need to increase
those numbers!
Preferred Action: We need mandatory curbside recycling, especially for paper products to reduce
deforestation. Let me show you how easy it is. Collect their paper trash and recycle it for them (take
some notebooks, etc).
Questions to think about and answer:
 Where in the real world do you think Fern lives? (describe the characteristics of the region
and select a country (state/province) that might be his/her home)
Click here to enter text.
What are some of the things that you like to eat and how often do you eat them?
Click here to enter text.
How much do you spend on household items and clothing?
Click here to enter text.
How many people live in your household?
Click here to enter text.
What kind of house do you have? What are the different kinds of energy that you use?
Click here to enter text.
What are the different types of transportation that you and your family use?
Click here to enter text.
Project Module prepared for the Project-Based Global Climate Change Education Project, funded by NASA GCCE
Clarkson University, Potsdam NY
Where in the world does < character name> live
and how much impact will they have on our earth’s climate?
18. Bubba Glean – Lightening Boltz (Isla Ecuodorian)
Costume: coveralls, lightning bolt, truck driver hat, fake poop, fake teeth, light bulb
Background: I install power lines at Lightening Boltz Electricity Company. I’ve had enough of
people pointing their finger at my company. I work there every day. Do I look sick to you?
Hypothesis: All them darn animal loving, rice eating, trying to get skinny type of people. It’s all crap.
The crap decomposes and all that methane goes into the air. Put fake poop in front of somebody.
Which do you want? This (poop) or a light bulb?
Interest: People need energy for heat, electricity, and such forth. Let me increase the size of my coalfired power company to make energy more affordable for everyone!
Preferred Action: All that land outside of town needs to be rezoned and given to Lightening Boltz to
maintain the growing need for energy…everyone complains during an outage – not the dang cow and
pig lovin’ farmers.
Questions to think about and answer:
 Where in the real world do you think Bubba lives? (describe the characteristics of the region
and select a country (state/province) that might be his home)
Click here to enter text.
What are some of the things that you like to eat and how often do you eat them?
Click here to enter text.
How much do you spend on household items and clothing?
Click here to enter text.
How many people live in your household?
Click here to enter text.
What kind of house do you have? What are the different kinds of energy that you use?
Click here to enter text.
What are the different types of transportation that you and your family use?
Click here to enter text.
Project Module prepared for the Project-Based Global Climate Change Education Project, funded by NASA GCCE
Clarkson University, Potsdam NY
Where in the world does < character name> live
and how much impact will they have on our earth’s climate?
17. Pat Driver – Bus Driver for Shenendehowa CSD
Costume: Wig, shirt buttoned all the way up, pants, belt, men’s shoes, whoopee cushion, perhaps a
pillow or sheets for extra padding
Background: I drive buses. I have been driving buses for 18 years. Pushes glasses up and talks with
nasal inflection.
Hypothesis: You spend 1 minute on that bus, and you’ll know exactly what’s wrong. Its middle
school kids without manners. There is no clean air on the bus. It’s all methane from those kids farting.
Interest: I’d like to breathe some clean air too you know. Bubba bragging about how he isn’t sick
then, I sure don’t feel too good.
Preferred Action: The cafeteria needs to stop feeding hot dogs and beans to kids; Beano needs to be
added to their meals daily. Manners courses need to be integrated into the schools.
Questions to think about and answer:
 Where in the real world do you think Pat lives? (describe the characteristics of the region
and select a country (state/province) that might be his home)
Click here to enter text.
What are some of the things that you like to eat and how often do you eat them?
Click here to enter text.
How much do you spend on household items and clothing?
Click here to enter text.
How many people live in your household?
Click here to enter text.
What kind of house do you have? What are the different kinds of energy that you use?
Click here to enter text.
What are the different types of transportation that you and your family use?
Click here to enter text.
Project Module prepared for the Project-Based Global Climate Change Education Project, funded by NASA GCCE
Clarkson University, Potsdam NY
Where in the world does < character name> live
and how much impact will they have on our earth’s climate?
18. Sally Soccoro – Vice-President of Health and Safety Pipsqueak Potatoes (Locindustrialias)
Costume: business woman, glasses, scarf
Background: Industry is being persecuted because I am a woman. My company is my pride and joy
and nobody can stand a successful woman.
Hypothesis: The real problem is all these gas guzzlers. If people are really interested in preserving the
environment, why aren’t they looking at their driving habits and fuel economy of their cars? I know
you won’t believe this because it’s coming from a woman, but every year your car emits its weight in
carbon dioxide, a major greenhouse gas.
Interest: I work on the environment everyday! I want to see it preserved so we can all enjoy it.
Preferred Action: Since men are not policing themselves, we need government restrictions on fuel
economy (miles per gallon) for our vehicles. That male dominated auto industry needs to be held
accountable for their actions. I have to run the car pool for the soccer team.
Questions to think about and answer:
 Where in the real world do you think Sally lives? (describe the characteristics of the region
and select a country (state/province) that might be her home)
Click here to enter text.
What are some of the things that you like to eat and how often do you eat them?
Click here to enter text.
How much do you spend on household items and clothing?
Click here to enter text.
How many people live in your household?
Click here to enter text.
What kind of house do you have? What are the different kinds of energy that you use?
Click here to enter text.
What are the different types of transportation that you and your family use?
Click here to enter text.
Project Module prepared for the Project-Based Global Climate Change Education Project, funded by NASA GCCE
Clarkson University, Potsdam NY
Where in the world does < character name> live
and how much impact will they have on our earth’s climate?
19. Mayor Maynot - Mayor of Large City (Peraguay)
Costume: suit, hat
Background: Vote for me. This is an election year.
Hypothesis: There are many reasons for increased CO2 so you can’t point at one source.
Interest: This is an election year so we have to be smart about our investigation. We don’t want to
alienate anyone from the process.
Preferred Action: I am going to appoint a committee to examine the possible causes and solutions. My
committee will study countries all over the world to see if they have the same problems as we do!
Questions to think about and answer:
 Where in the real world do you think Mayor Maynot lives? (describe the characteristics of
the region and select a country (state/province) that might be his/her home)
Click here to enter text.
What are some of the things that you like to eat and how often do you eat them?
Click here to enter text.
How much do you spend on household items and clothing?
Click here to enter text.
How many people live in your household?
Click here to enter text.
What kind of house do you have? What are the different kinds of energy that you use?
Click here to enter text.
What are the different types of transportation that you and your family use?
Click here to enter text.
Project Module prepared for the Project-Based Global Climate Change Education Project, funded by NASA GCCE
Clarkson University, Potsdam NY
Where in the world does < character name> live
and how much impact will they have on our earth’s climate?
20. Governor Minor - Governor of Small Province (Areuatina)
Costume: suit, hat
Background: Vote for me. This is an election year.
Hypothesis: There are many reasons for increased CO2, but the biggest ones are the biggest cities.
Interest: This is an election year so we have to be smart about our investigation. We don’t want to
alienate anyone from the process.
Preferred Action: Appointing a committee to examine the possible causes and solutions. The
committee will study small cities all over the world to see if they have the same problems as we do!
Questions to think about and answer:
 Where in the real world do you think Governor Minor lives? (describe the characteristics of
the region and select a country (state/province) that might be his/her home)
Click here to enter text.
What are some of the things that you like to eat and how often do you eat them?
Click here to enter text.
How much do you spend on household items and clothing?
Click here to enter text.
How many people live in your household?
Click here to enter text.
What kind of house do you have? What are the different kinds of energy that you use?
Click here to enter text.
What are the different types of transportation that you and your family use?
Click here to enter text.
Project Module prepared for the Project-Based Global Climate Change Education Project, funded by NASA GCCE
Clarkson University, Potsdam NY
Where in the world does < character name> live
and how much impact will they have on our earth’s climate?
21. Mista Andersen: Educator (Boringotosci)
Costume: Glasses, teacher look
Background: Traveled around the world as a teacher
Hypothesis: Hot air! Too many middle school students talking. They all need referrals and more work
to do, so that they talk less!
Interest: Going to distant and remote villages and studying the local educational systems. Try to find
the school that is the quietest and most focused.
Preferred Action: Each student needs their own school, that way they won’t talk or get into trouble.
Questions to think about and answer:
 Where in the real world do you think Mista Andersen lives? (describe the characteristics of
the region and select a country (state/province) that might be his home)
Click here to enter text.
What are some of the things that you like to eat and how often do you eat them?
Click here to enter text.
How much do you spend on household items and clothing?
Click here to enter text.
How many people live in your household?
Click here to enter text.
What kind of house do you have? What are the different kinds of energy that you use?
Click here to enter text.
What are the different types of transportation that you and your family use?
Click here to enter text.
Project Module prepared for the Project-Based Global Climate Change Education Project, funded by NASA GCCE
Clarkson University, Potsdam NY
Where in the world does < character name> live
and how much impact will they have on our earth’s climate?
22. Bailey Standhope: Nurse (Middlearmenica)
Costume: White clothing, medical tool
Background: I am a 34 year old registered nurse who is employed by the county public health
Hypothesis: It bothers you that so much of the rainforest has been cut down, just like acid rain at home
is concern. Humans are destroying the environment!
Interest: You are taking on-line courses to complete your Bachelor degree in nursing and someday you
hope to pursue a nurse-practitioner certification. Your annual tours with Doctors Without Borders have
made you realize how much more helpful you could be
Preferred Action: You are doing what you can to protect the environment and wish others would too.
Questions to think about and answer:
 Where in the real world do you think Bailey lives? (describe the characteristics of the region
and select a country (state/province) that might be his/her home)
Click here to enter text.
What are some of the things that you like to eat and how often do you eat them?
Click here to enter text.
How much do you spend on household items and clothing?
Click here to enter text.
How many people live in your household?
Click here to enter text.
What kind of house do you have? What are the different kinds of energy that you use?
Click here to enter text.
What are the different types of transportation that you and your family use?
Click here to enter text.
Project Module prepared for the Project-Based Global Climate Change Education Project, funded by NASA GCCE
Clarkson University, Potsdam NY
Where in the world does < character name> live
and how much impact will they have on our earth’s climate?
23. Leigh M. Goldhammer: Oil Agent (Abul Dabul)
Costume: Fancy business suit
Background: I am a 48 year old executive vice-president of Bonne Oil Company, a major distributor of
automobile fuel.
Hypothesis: My personal trainer makes sure I work off the extra calories during my weekly sessions in
your weight room, maybe the Earth needs to lose a few pounds too.
Interest: I enjoy the finer things in life, such as luxury cars and elegant designer clothes.
Preferred Action: Action, smaction, that stuff is the movies! Why do something about nothing!
Questions to think about and answer:
 Where in the real world do you think Leigh lives? (describe the characteristics of the region
and select a country (state/province) that might be his/her home)
Click here to enter text.
What are some of the things that you like to eat and how often do you eat them?
Click here to enter text.
How much do you spend on household items and clothing?
Click here to enter text.
How many people live in your household?
Click here to enter text.
What kind of house do you have? What are the different kinds of energy that you use?
Click here to enter text.
What are the different types of transportation that you and your family use?
Click here to enter text.
Project Module prepared for the Project-Based Global Climate Change Education Project, funded by NASA GCCE
Clarkson University, Potsdam NY
Where in the world does < character name> live
and how much impact will they have on our earth’s climate?
24. Quinn Sherwood: Environmental Activist (Worchestershire Wood)
Costume: Eco Thrift design, Save the Whales sign
Background: I am a 28 year old researcher for the Greenpeace Organization.
Hypothesis: We buy and use too much. Reduce, reuse and recycle is the way!
Interest: After graduating from Princeton University with a degree in biology, I spent 3 months hiking
the Appalachian Trail before I went to graduate school for Environmental Science and Policy.
Preferred Action: The money that I save has allowed me to contribute to causes that help sustain the
earth, everyone working together is the only way we will survive.
Questions to think about and answer:
 Where in the real world do you think Quinn lives? (describe the characteristics of the region
and select a country (state/province) that might be his/her home)
Click here to enter text.
What are some of the things that you like to eat and how often do you eat them?
Click here to enter text.
How much do you spend on household items and clothing?
Click here to enter text.
How many people live in your household?
Click here to enter text.
What kind of house do you have? What are the different kinds of energy that you use?
Click here to enter text.
What are the different types of transportation that you and your family use?
Click here to enter text.
Project Module prepared for the Project-Based Global Climate Change Education Project, funded by NASA GCCE
Clarkson University, Potsdam NY
Where in the world does < character name> live
and how much impact will they have on our earth’s climate?
25. Casey Agricola: Industrial Farmer (Flatlaounder)
Costume: Overalls and a straw hat
Background: I am a 38 year old dairy farmer who owns 1500 acres. Much of the land is used for
growing hay and corn to feed my 800 head herd.
Hypothesis: Get rid of the fossil fuels and go for the poop, we need more poop!
Interest: “Selective diversity” and “sustainability” were drummed into me during your years at Cornell
University and the messages have worked well for me.
Preferred Action: I work very long hours because the farm demands my attention, everyone needs to
help spread the “liquid gold” on the earth and tend the crops.
Questions to think about and answer:
 Where in the real world do you think Casey lives? (describe the characteristics of the region
and select a country (state/province) that might be his/her home)
Click here to enter text.
What are some of the things that you like to eat and how often do you eat them?
Click here to enter text.
How much do you spend on household items and clothing?
Click here to enter text.
How many people live in your household?
Click here to enter text.
What kind of house do you have? What are the different kinds of energy that you use?
Click here to enter text.
What are the different types of transportation that you and your family use?
Click here to enter text.
Project Module prepared for the Project-Based Global Climate Change Education Project, funded by NASA GCCE
Clarkson University, Potsdam NY
Where in the world does < character name> live
and how much impact will they have on our earth’s climate?
26. Dr. Iwana Pepper – King of Malvenadoria
Costume: Uniform with Red sash
Background: Grew up as a member of the royal family and became King at age 12.
Hypothesis: Rich countries are using too many resources and the people are all overweight. This
causes the land to sink and push the water up.
Interest: Polishing my gold and playing his Wii games.
Preferred Action: Big countries need to send land to my island nation so that we can build it up as the
water rises. We do not want to find ourselves underwater, where would I play the Wii?
Questions to think about and answer:
 Where in the real world do you think Iwana lives? (describe the characteristics of the region
and select a country (state/province) that might be his/her home)
Click here to enter text.
What are some of the things that you like to eat and how often do you eat them?
Click here to enter text.
How much do you spend on household items and clothing?
Click here to enter text.
How many people live in your household?
Click here to enter text.
What kind of house do you have? What are the different kinds of energy that you use?
Click here to enter text.
What are the different types of transportation that you and your family use?
Click here to enter text.
Project Module prepared for the Project-Based Global Climate Change Education Project, funded by NASA GCCE
Clarkson University, Potsdam NY
Where in the world does < character name> live
and how much impact will they have on our earth’s climate?
27. Ima Treecutter: Logger (Weleavenotrees)
Costume: Plaid shirt and boots
Background: I was raised in the woods and got lost as a toddler. I’ll never forget how scared I was. If
there is ever a tree to cut, I’m the person to call. I love chainsaws.
Hypothesis: The trees are like weeds, they just keep coming up. If we cut more trees then there will be
more room. More room means fewer problems!
Interest: Cutting down trees
Preferred Action: Cut down all the trees. With all the kids I have, I could use the room.
Questions to think about and answer:
 Where in the real world do you think Joe Cool lives? (describe the characteristics of the
region and select a country (state/province) that might be his/her home)
Click here to enter text.
What are some of the things that you like to eat and how often do you eat them?
Click here to enter text.
How much do you spend on household items and clothing?
Click here to enter text.
How many people live in your household?
Click here to enter text.
What kind of house do you have? What are the different kinds of energy that you use?
Click here to enter text.
What are the different types of transportation that you and your family use?
Click here to enter text.
Project Module prepared for the Project-Based Global Climate Change Education Project, funded by NASA GCCE
Clarkson University, Potsdam NY
Where in the world does < character name> live
and how much impact will they have on our earth’s climate?
28. Kool Youngsta (high school student)
Costume: Most popular fashion of the day for boy or girl
Background: I have lived in this suburban community in New York State for my entire life. I hang out
at the mall and try to buy every new electronic gadget and game as soon as it comes out. I expect one
of my parents to drive me to the mall at least three times a week. The four miles each way is
DEFINITELY too far for me to bike.
Hypothesis: If there is anything wrong with the planet, my parents messed it up. I am entitled to do
whatever I want; there is nothing I can change to make a difference for the climate.
Interest: Scarfing down burgers at the mall food court with friends and hiding in my room with my
Preferred Action: Why should I “act”? It’s not my fault the world if the world is in trouble.
Questions to think about and answer:
 Where in the real world do you think Kool Youngsta lives? (describe the characteristics of
the region and select a country (state/province) that might be his/her home)
Click here to enter text.
What are some of the things that you like to eat and how often do you eat them?
Click here to enter text.
How much do you spend on household items and clothing?
Click here to enter text.
How many people live in your household?
Click here to enter text.
What kind of house do you have? What are the different kinds of energy that you use?
Click here to enter text.
What are the different types of transportation that you and your family use?
Click here to enter text.
Project Module prepared for the Project-Based Global Climate Change Education Project, funded by NASA GCCE
Clarkson University, Potsdam NY