Thomas Times March 2016 Newsletter February was a fast month for all of us! We did a lot of fun learning activities. The STEM Lab was OUTSTANDING! A big thank you to everyone who donated their time to make this STEM lab a wonderful success! The kids and I loved it! This month we also celebrated Valentine’s Day. Thank you so much for the thoughtful cards and goodies I received for Valentine’s Day. That was very thoughtful! We ended the month with the 100th day of school. The students did a wonderful job reading for 100 minutes, I was so proud of each and every one of them! Upcoming Events!!! March 4 – Minute To Win It assembly March 7-18 – Algonkian’s Read-A-Thon March 10 – March Muffin Madness March 11 – International Night @ 6:30pm March 17 – St. Patrick’s Day March 18 – Students vs. Staff Basketball Game March 21 – 25 – Spring Break Academic News!!! In Reading, we continue to use phonetic strategies when reading and spelling. The students are using context clues and expanding their vocabulary while reading. Students are reading fiction texts and identifying the main idea, and summarizing with beginning, middle, and end. Students are also reading non-fiction texts. They are practicing identifying the main idea and making/confirming predictions. In Content, we have finished up our China Unit. China switch day was fun! Now we are learning about Ancient Egypt. The students will be learning about contributions and how they influenced the present world. We will also be developing map skills by learning about the relationship between the environment and the culture. Then we will be learning about the weather. The students will be learning the basic types, changes and patterns of weather. Finally to end the month, the students will be learning about Economics. The students will be comparing changes in community life over time, describe nature/human/capital resources, and be able to explain scarcity. In Math the students just finished our time/calendar/temperature unit. Next, we will be working on geometry. The students will identify, describe, compare, and contrast plane and solid geometric figures, along with finding/creating figures with symmetry. After that we will be studying fractions. The students will identify parts of a set/region, write fractions, and compare fraction units. Please continue to use Reflex and I Ready for individualized math and reading instruction. Please ask your child if they need any new school supplies. Many children need new crayons, markers, glue and some need a new pair of scissors. Several children have lost their scissors. Our class is in need of glue sticks and dry erase markers. If you are able to add to our class supply, it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for all you do! Kathy Thomas News Update!!! Please continue using I-Ready Reading and Math at home for INDIVIDUALIZED instruction. (user name is lunch number & password is student’s Study birthday) Guides are now available on the 2nd grade web page. March reading logs need to be filled signed by a parent or guardian and Mathout Websites nd Baseball areGeometry due on April 1 . Identifying Geomentric Shapes Identifying Geometric Solids The websites listed above are for extra practice of the math content knowledge and not reflective of our unit tests or Virginia SOL’s.