TO at Algonkian Elementary Mrs. Tracy Mayobre • Get the Knowledge • Find the Possibilities • Defend your Ideas • • • • • • • • Use of the ETM Machine and Ecard System Students earn money as they learn. $ 1.00 - $ 6.00 for Center work $ 1.00 - $ 10.00 for Enrichment $ 1.00 - $ 2.00 for good behavior, team work, etc. Withdrawals of $ 1.00 - $ 2:00 for missing binder or bad behavior Withdrawal of $ 10.00 for a new Ecard. Use of a registry to document earnings also keeps track of work completed. • Using the Ecard Rewards Chart students can spend money at any time. • Room is set up in zones so that students can independently locate supplies. • Contracts are used to define rules and boundaries so that students can take risks within a less restrictive environment. Computer Contract Programs that need mandatory teacher permission: According to county and school policies, students need teacher permission to have internet access while using school computers. If you are working on a center contract that tells you to use one of these programs, this considered ‘teacher permission’. These sites include, but not limited to: 1. All Bookmarked sites 2. Internet searches to include: Google, Yahoo, Yahooligans 3. Google Earth 4. Google Image Programs that need limited teacher permission: 1. Go Quest 2. MS Word 3. Pixie 4. Photo Shop 5. MS Power Point 6. MS Publisher 7. Timeliner Any programs not mentioned above are subject to mandatory teacher permission. If the student is working on one project and needs to switch to a different program, permission from the teacher is needed. I, ________________________________, understand the terms of this contract and will abide by the rules pertaining to the use of computers in school. Any violation of this contract will result in an administrative referral. __________________________________ ___________________________ Student Signature Date Center Time Mon. & Weds.. - 9:30 am – 11:00 am Thurs. – 9:15 am – 10:45 am Enrichment Time Mon. & Weds. - 11:45 am – 12:15 pm Thurs. -10:45 am – 12:00 pm LUNCH/RECESS 11:00 am – 11:45 am Team Time Mon. & Weds. – 12:15 pm – 1:45 pm Thurs. – 12:00 am – 1:35 pm Clean Up & Dismissal Mon. & Weds. – 1:45 -2:00 pm Thurs. – 1:35 – 1:45 pm • Independent Study thru Contract work • Learn to Earn • Uses the theory of Bloom’s Taxonomy • Uses the theory of Multiple Intelligences • Levels allow for divergent thinking • Self-discovery through interest levels •Student/teacher conferencing provides for clarification and assessment • Provides task-based assessment Level 1 Cells, Organisms, Plants Objectives: 1.Students will investigate single cell organisms, plant seeds and spores through observing, comparing, and classifying. 2.Students will investigate and correctly use a compound microscope to make observations and measurements of cells, organisms and plants. Activities: 1.Two scientists associated with the development and uses of compound microscopes are Sir Isaac Newton and Robert Hooke. In the folder marked, Scientists, read about them and complete a biography book report on each of the scientists. 2. Read the booklet, Cell Structure, in the folder marked, Cells. Complete the activity sheet in the folder marked, Cell Activity. 3. Read the booklet, Pond Life, in the folder marked, Pond. Complete the activity sheet in the folder marked, Pond Activity. 4. In the folder marked, Microscopes, read how to use compound microscopes. Choose six different prepared slides to complete the microscope activity found in the folder marked, Microscopes part 2. Level 4 Biomes and Ecosystems Objectives: •Students will learn the difference between a biome and an ecosystem through vocabulary, internet sites and research. •Students will create a project that reflects their knowledge of the subject. Activities: 1. To get familiar with the vocabulary associated with biomes and ecosystems, complete the crossword puzzle located in the folder marked, Crossword. 2. Using various resources, investigate a Biomes & a ecosystem. Write/type at least twenty interesting facts . What is the difference between a biome and an ecosystem? ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 3. Develop a food web for one of the biomes in the folder marked, Biomes. Use the vegetation and wildlife lists that are stated on each of the biomes. You can also use the web sites and information from Activity 2. Use the computer program, Inspirations, to design a food web for one of the biomes in the folder. Examples of webs are shown below. • Students complete packets – Levels 1 & 2 •Packets target math, language & reading skills, problem solving • Sequencing of skills provides for independent learning • Learn to Earn Authentic Project-Based Learning SYSTEMS 1. Allows for a variety of learning styles 2. "Real" world oriented - learning has value beyond the demonstrated competence of the learner 3. Risk-free environment - provides positive feedback and allow choice 4. Encourages the use of higher order thinking skills and learning concepts as well as basic facts 5. Utilizes hands-on approaches 6. Provides for in-depth understanding 7. Utilizes various modes of communication 8. Assessment is performance-based 9. The learning process is valued as well as the learning project 10.Students are responsible for their own learning 11. Students have ownership of their learning within the curriculum 12. Projects promote meaningful learning, connecting new learning to students‘ past performances 13. Learning utilizes real time data - investigating data and drawing conclusions 14. Learning cuts across curricular areas - multidisciplinary in nature 15. Teacher is a facilitator of learning- provides mini lessons 16. Student self-assessment of learning is encouraged Q&A 1. Are there going to be any field trips? No 2. What about volunteers? Notices will be sent home when volunteers are needed for special activities. You may come to volunteer in the classroom anytime. Please remember that this is not a conferencing time, but a time to get involved with your child’s learning. 3. When are conferences? Conferences can be scheduled at any time. Just email me at: What are portfolios? At the end of the first semester, students will bring home a folder filled with completed Center work, Enrichment packets & Team Time work. A teacher assessment and student self-assessment will be included. Students should share work in that folder, and remove the items from that semester. Please return the folder with a signature. A second portfolio will be sent home at the end of the year and you can keep the folder. 5. What is the policy on missed work from the classroom and homework on the day of FUTURA? The policy is in the handout located on my website. Please feel free to view it. If you feel that your child’s teacher is not aware of the policy, please address the matter directly with your child’s teacher and share the policy with them. 6. What if my child does not want to attend FUTURA? There is a withdrawal form on the county web site under “Gifted” that the parent needs to fill out to release the child from the program. Students enrolled in the program will attend until that form is turned in. 7. Are there any supplies that my child will need? Most of our supplies are on a donation basis. A newsletter will go home periodically to update parents of events as well as needed supplies. Many supplies that are needed are typically common items such as tissues & paper towels. Donations of supplies will be gladly accepted throughout the year. Please feel free to tour our room!