Bellringer: 5/24 and 5/25 1.Take out a piece of paper and something to write with. 2. Write down your homework: Your research essay THESIS AND SOURCE LIST (3-5 sources min.) due NEXT CLASS! You can type them out beforehand and bring them to class completed or you can have them available to fill in the form during the first 10 minutes of class. Any sources/thesis turned in after that will be considered late. Bring in your TEXTBOOK next class. If it is not turned in to me next class, it will be considered temporarily late and you will be given a deficiency until it is turned in. Bring in a trifold board for next class so that you can begin working on that portion of your project after you complete the project planning. DUE DATE CHANGE! Project bibliography (3-5 sources) due date CHANGED to June 2 (A) and June 3 (B). Make this change on your end-of-year calendar. Essay Writing Tips: Compare-Contrast/CCOT Ms. Allen Pre-AP WHI 1. Change over Time Essay Change over Time Step 1: Read the Question: Consider the sample CCOT question below. Analyze the continuities and changes in South Asia’s relationship to global trade patterns from 6001450 C.E. Be sure to describe South Asia’s involvement in global trade patterns 600 C.E. as your starting point. What is the question asking you to do? Change over Time Step 2: Brainstorm Evidence: Now begins the hard part of recalling information that will answer the question. Here is a generic template that you can use to help you organize your essay. Write any Continuities above the timeline, Changes below. Timeline Continuities Beginning Date End Date --|-------------------|-------------------|--------------------| Changes Change over Time Step 3: Organize Evidence: Here’s a table that graphically represents the same organizational content printed above. Beginning Middle End TOPIC #1 TOPIC #2 TOPIC #3 Advantages Disadvantages •Periodization of each “Middle” section in each paragraph can change from paragraph to paragraph •Organizing each paragraph by topic encourages analytical cause-effect inside a paragraph •Easy to include continuities in each paragraph •Requires students to know chronological order •Difficult to make cause-effect analysis between paragraphs (i.e. “Why did A in the last paragraph cause B in this paragraph?”) Comparison-Contrast Essay: Sample Thesis Statements – BAD TERRIBLE AWFUL Thesis: Compare and contrast the Han Empire during 206 B.C.E.-220 C.E. with the Spanish empire of the sixteenth century. THESIS: There were many similarities and differences between the Han Empire during 206 B.C.E an-22 B.C.E. and the Spanish empire of the sixteenth century. Unfortunately, this is not good enough for the AP World exam. It is too general and more or less repeats the prompt. Change over Time: Sample Thesis Statements – BAD TERRIBLE AWFUL Prompt: Analyze the changes and continuities in the Indian Ocean trade from 650-1750. Thesis: Between 650 and 1750 CE, Indian Ocean trade experienced substantial changes; however, some aspects of the trade remained the same as well. This is NOT a good thesis. It won’t work in Pre-AP essays and it definitely won’t work in AP World. Change over Time: Sample Thesis Statements - GOOD Prompt: Analyze the changes and continuities in the Indian Ocean trade from 650-1750. Thesis: In the period from 650 to 1750, there were many changes and continuities in commerce in the Indian Ocean. The continuities include the trade of certain goods such as spices and the use of the same trade routes due to the consistency of the monsoons. The changes involve the usage of new technology and the globalization of the trade due to the addition of the Europeans. Change over Time: Sample Thesis Statements – DETAILED/AP LEVEL Prompt: Analyze the major political and economic continuities and changes that occurred in Mesopotamia from 8000 BCE to 600 CE. Thesis: Mesopotamia changed between 8000 BCE and 600 CE with the development of agriculture and domestication of animals. These innovations led to the development of trade and formation of city-states and empires. Despite all these changes, most people continued to live in clan-based villages on the periphery of urban centers, some hunting and gathering continued, and the patriarchal system governing Mesopotamian society persisted. Change over Time: Essay Structure 1. Intro paragraph with thesis and support info 2. Body paragraphs (at least 3+, discussing your 3 topics of analysis) 1 each on major points along with historical evidence and links to global context 3. Conclusion restating thesis and showing that you have proved your case 2. Comparison-Contrast Essay Comparison-Contrast Essay: Sample Thesis Statements – BAD TERRIBLE AWFUL Thesis: Compare and contrast the Han Empire during 206 B.C.E.-220 C.E. with the Spanish empire of the sixteenth century. THESIS: There were many similarities and differences between the Han Empire during 206 B.C.E an-22 B.C.E. and the Spanish empire of the sixteenth century. Unfortunately, this is not good enough for the AP World exam. It is too general and more or less repeats the prompt. Comparison-Contrast Essay: Sample Thesis Statements – Basic Thesis: Compare and contrast the Han Empire during 206 B.C.E.-220 C.E. with the Spanish empire of the sixteenth century. THESIS: There were many similarities and differences between the Han Empire during 206 B.C.E.- 220 B.C.E. and the Spanish empire of the sixteenth century; these comparisons and contrasts can be analyzed using political, economic, and religious lenses. Comparison-Contrast Essay: Sample Thesis Statements – Better/Good Thesis: Compare the economic, social, and political characteristics of ancient Mesopotamia and ancient Egypt. THESIS: “Two ancient civilizations, Mesopotamia and Egypt, created complex societies with distinct social, political, and economic characteristics. One similarity is that both civilizations developed strong economies based on trade with other cultures. One difference is that the Mesopotamians traded with people across the Indian Ocean in South Asia, while the Egyptians traded with their neighbors to the south in Nubia. The historical evidence would indicate that the two civilizations of Mesopotamia and Egypt had some subtle differences, but were, for the most part, nearly identical. Change over Time: Sample Thesis Statements – AP Level Thesis Thesis: Compare and contrast reactions to western European commercial and cultural contacts in two of the following empires between 1500 and 1800. JAPAN CHINA RUSSIA THESIS: Even though both empires’ economies benefited from trade with Western Europe, the variety, quality, and high demand for the Chinese products gave China more advantageous terms of trade compared to the Russian commercial interactions with the West. The governments of both countries attempted to control and regulate economic exchanges with western Europeans. On the other hand, Russian culture underwent more dramatic changes as a result of opening and expanding the country, especially in the 18th century. Chinese high society, though influenced by Jesuits, remained more traditional. Change over Time: Body Paragraphs 1. Each body paragraph should start with a topic sentence that will state either a similarity or a difference previewed in your thesis statement. 2.Then, you must provide evidence to support your topic sentence. Preferably, the evidence in your body paragraph will directly compare/contrast the two societies. 3. Follow evidence with analysis when appropriate.