1. Pick up the test replacement calculation sheet on the desk by the door. 2. Answer the following questions about the Cold War to the best of your ability. You can write these down if you wish, but you need to at least discuss them quietly with the people around you. A) What two countries mainly fought the Cold War? B) When do you think the Cold War started/ended? C) Name any major events of the Cold War that you think you know. D) Why is the Berlin Wall considered a symbol of the Cold War? E) Do you think the world is still experiencing the after effects of the Cold War today? Why or why not? BELLRINGER: 4/13 (WHII) 1. Bellringer 2. Test Replacement Math 3. Film Analysis: Understanding WWII and 1940s Europe through “The Book Thief” AGENDA: 4/13 1. Pick up the papers by the door. There is a viewing guide for today’s film clips as well as a quiz replacement form. 2. Have your SOL Reading questions on your desk so I can check them as I walk by. 3. I will be returning your Scantrons from the Unit 5 Test as you come into the room. Please begin calculating your quiz replacements as soon as possible. You will NOT be eligible for quiz replacements unless you fill out this form. I will not calculate your grades for you. 4. When you are done with the quiz replacements, please put a check mark next to the quizzes you want to replace on your sheet. Put the completed quiz replacement sheet on my desk. BELLRINGER: 4/13 + 4/14 (PRE-AP) 1. Bellringer 2. Quiz Replacement Calculations 3. Film Clips Analysis: “Monty Python” and the Middle Ages HW: Read pages 371-381 in your textbook (African kingdoms) AGENDA: 4/13 + 4/14 (PRE-AP) We talked about medieval literature briefly during Unit 5. We mentioned some of the central characteristics of this particular kind of literary work. What were some central characteristics of medieval works? Chivalry, courtly love, knights going on quests, protecting people, knights fulfilling the requests of ladies, kings, lords, etc. A good example of medieval literature is the poem “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight.” We will watch a brief summary of the poem and see what evidence of medieval literature we can identify. SPOTLIGHT: MEDIEVAL LITERATURE AND FILM