Attendance: Since many third grade learning activities are group-oriented and involve interaction with classmates, it is next to impossible to recreate these activities at home. Please view school as a priority and see to it that your child attends every day except in cases of illness or emergency. When your child needs to be absent, please call the absentee line at (703) 957-4432. If your child is going to be out for an extended period of time, please let me know so that assignments may be prepared in advance. Art: We will have art once a week. During art class students will be working with a variety of materials that can get messy. Please don’t have your child wear their finest clothes for art class. Arrival: School begins promptly at 7:50 a.m. If your child arrives after 7:50, please be sure to go to the office so they can receive a tardy slip. Agenda: Each child will receive an agenda at the beginning of the year. Each day students will copy their daily homework assignment into their agenda. The agenda is also a place where you can write me quick notes or I may write you a note. Please be sure to review the agenda each night and sign. Your signature lets me know that you have seen the agenda. Book Orders: Book orders will be sent home throughout the year. This is often a very inexpensive way for parents to get great books for their child’s home library. However, please do not feel obligated to purchase any books. It is just an option for you. We receive bonus points for each book that is ordered, which I use to buy books and other items for our classroom. You will be able to order books online with a credit card. More information about online ordering will come home with the first book order. You may still send in your order with a check. Please make checks payable to Scholastic. Birthdays: We have a strict policy related to birthdays. If you would like to send in a treat to celebrate your child’s birthday, it must be a non-food item (NO cupcakes, cookies, candy, etc.). Please consider other items such as stickers, toys, a book or recess equipment donation in your child’s name, or other knickknacks. If your child is planning a party, invitations may not be brought to school unless everyone in the class is invited. Communication: Communication is an essential ingredient in our success together. You can reach me by sending a note with your child, calling the school, or sending me an email. My email address is . Conferences: Conferences will be scheduled with all parents at the end of the first quarter. You may schedule a conference at any time during the school year if you have any concerns or questions. I may also request to meet with you if I feel that your child is having difficulty in a subject area or with behavior. If you ever have any concerns, questions, ideas, etc., please feel free to e-mail me ( or call (703-957-4425). Computers: We use computers for typing writing pieces, SME, and reinforcing skills learned in class. Computer use is supervised by me in the classroom and computer lab. The children have access only to websites that I direct them to. Curriculum: Our curriculum is based on the Virginia Standards of Learning. You can view the standards by visiting the Virginia Department of Education website. Discipline: Establishing good classroom discipline is essential to each child’s success, confidence, and well-being. Every child should feel that the classroom environment is safe and secure, as well as free from all threats of physical and emotional harm. It is important that each child learn to develop self-discipline and good work habits, resolve conflicts peacefully, and think independently. In order for all children in our class to learn, we have rules, procedures, and guidelines to follow. Without this structure, the behavior of some children may distract others, prohibiting them from learning. With your support of our classroom discipline system, I will be better able to teach and help your child reach his or her potential. On the first day of school the students and I will work together to create a set of class rules. Having the students help create these rules allow them to take ownership of them and they will be more likely to follow them. Daily Schedule: A copy of our specials schedule is included in the Back to School Night packet. Please review the specials schedule so that your child is dressed appropriately for the day’s activities. DRA: Students will participate in the Developmental Reading Assessment (DRA). This is a tool that helps to determine your child’s reading level. The end of the year benchmark for 3rd grade is a DRA level of 38. Students will be required to write a detailed written retelling and interpretation of the text. Emergencies: Please make sure we have the correct emergency numbers and information on file for your child. Please notify me and the office of any changes. Early Dismissal: In the event of an early dismissal, students will be sent home according to the information you provided on the early release form at the beginning of the year. If this information changes, please let me know. In the event of inclement weather, please stay tuned to weather-related announcements on TV and the radio. Please do not call the school or send an email. Field Trips: The third grade team is working to plan a field trip for this school year. All children must have a signed permission slip to attend. More information will be made available as our field trip is scheduled. Facts: Math facts (multiplication/division) are very important this year! Students will participate in daily timed math facts drills. Please help your child to study their math facts. Flash cards are an easy way to help your child prepare. Flash cards can be done whenever you have a few extra minutes, such as while waiting for a table at a restaurant or while driving to the grocery store. Grading: The following assessment procedures will be used on your child’s work this year to let you know how your child is progressing in the mastery of identified skills: 4= Exceeds Standard 3= Meets Standard 2= Progressing Towards Standard 1= Performing Below Standard Homework will not be graded; however, it will be checked for completion. Gym: We will have P.E. three times a week for 30 minutes. Please make sure your child either wears or brings sneakers for P.E on Mondays, Thursdays, and Fridays. Homework: Your child will have nightly math and word study homework. Word study homework should be completed nightly in the word study notebook. Book reports will come home occasionally with a template and a due date. Students should also read for 15 minutes each night and record it on their reading log. Illness: The question of when to keep your child home from school is often a difficult one, especially when decisions must be made first thing in the morning. It is important, however, to keep your child home if he or she is ill. This helps to make them more comfortable and prevents others from becoming ill. Children function more effectively in the classroom when they are healthy. Interims: Interims will be sent home midway through each 9-week grading period if your child is struggling with a particular skill or behavior. Interims should be reviewed, signed, and returned to school. Journals: Your child has a writing journal. Students will practice their writing skills frequently. Kindness: Students in my classroom are encouraged and expected to treat all members of our class, as well as others, with kindness and respect. Hitting, fighting, name calling, and making fun of others will not be tolerated. Library: Students will go to the library for 30 minutes each week. Students will be able to check out two books each week. They need to return their books on our library day in order to receive new books. Please help your child keep track of their library books. Since students can check out two books, I ask that at least one of their books be on their independent reading level. Please help encourage your child to make sure they can read one of their books independently or with minimal help. Lunch: Please feel free to join your child at lunch from 12:00-12:30 in the cafeteria. Lunch Money: When sending in a check for lunch money, please put your child’s name and student ID number on the memo line. Lunch costs $3.00. Please note that students sometimes choose extras (e.g., cookies, ice cream) at lunch that causes them to run out of lunch money earlier than expected. If you do not want your child to get these, please talk with your child. Music: We will meet twice a week for music. Students will participate in a presentation in the spring. Medication: A parent must bring medication to school and pick up medicine. Children cannot transport medication themselves. Cough drops are considered a medication. Money: Any time you send money to school with your child, please place it in an envelope or a baggie with a note explaining what it is for: e.g., lunch, pictures, books, field trips. Newsletters: The team will send home a monthly classroom newsletter. This newsletter will keep you informed about what is going on in third grade. It will contain information about what skills we are working on, upcoming events, and other general information. I will also send home frequent emails with updates, reminders, and celebrations. Please make sure I have your primary email address. Organization: Children are expected to bring their agendas home daily and return it to class. They are expected to keep track of their belongings and put them were they need to be. I also expect the children to keep track of their assignments and keep their work area neat. Parties: We will have three parties this year: Harvest, Winter and End-of-Year. Volunteers will be needed to help with the planning and implementation of the parties. Progress Reports / Report Cards: Progress reports will be issued at the end of each 9-week grading period. The progress report helps you see which specific skills your child needs additional reinforcement with at home. PTO: If you can, please try to get involved in our PTO. The PTO meets regularly. Questions and Concerns: If you have any questions, please feel free to write me a note, call me (703-957-4425), or email me ( If you call me at school, please realize that I may not be available to talk immediately. Reading: Please encourage your child to read at least 15 minutes nightly. This can be to you or with you, or you can read to him or her. Encourage your child to read many different kinds of books to expand their imagination and creativity. Reading is not only essential to your child's success, but it is also fun!! Students will participate in guided reading each week. The purpose of guided reading is to promote independent reading by helping students develop effective reading skills and strategies, fluency, and confidence. During the lesson, students will work with small, homogeneous reading groups that are flexible and change regularly based on students' needs. Recess: Your child has at least 15 minutes of recess before lunch every day. We will try to go outside daily. As the weather gets cooler, please make sure your child has appropriate clothing. Science / Social Studies: We will alternate units of science and social studies. Tests will be given at the end of each unit. Study guides will be sent home for many of the units. The study guides should be used to review concepts taught in class. Supplies: Supplies need to be replenished throughout the year. Ask your child to tell you if they need any more supplies. Snack: Third graders often become hungry around mid-morning. Please make sure they have an adequate breakfast. You also may choose to have your child bring a healthy snack. Candy, cookies, and other sweets are not appropriate. Fruit, vegetables, cheese, or crackers are good choices. Please respect students in our class who may have allergies and do not send in any snacks made with peanuts or peanut products as they will not be allowed. Also, make sure the snacks are easy to open, need no utensils, and are not messy. Instruction will be given during snack time so students are expected to remain focused during snack time. Students may keep a water bottle at their desk (the bottle must be filled with water, no juice or sports drinks). Toys: Toys are not allowed in the classroom. This also includes items that are not necessarily toys but that distract the student’s attention from their work. If a child has a toy that becomes a distraction, I will hold on to the item and return it at the end of the day. If the item returns to school and continues to be a distraction, I will hold the item until a parent can pick it up. Transportation: If your child's transportation will be changing, you must send a written note in the morning. If the office does not receive a note or message, your child will be sent home by his or her usual method of transportation. Unique: Each child is unique and has his or her own special gifts and talents. Visitors: According to school policy, all visitors need to check in at the office and obtain a visitor's badge whenever they are in our building during the school day. When visiting the school, please be sure to have your ID with you as you may need to show it upon entering the building. Volunteer: There are many ways that you can help out – for instance, photocopy, laminate, chaperone field trips; be a guest reader, share information about your career or hobby; color/cut out classroom materials; help with special projects. Website: Be sure to visit our school and grade level website to view current news and happenings. Word Study: Word Study is the spelling program that Loudoun County uses. At the beginning of the year students will be given a spelling assessment that allows me to see the spelling patterns that students use consistently in their writing. Students will then be given a bi-weekly list of words that review a particular spelling pattern. We will review the patterns and meaning of the words on Monday. Students will have nightly word study homework that will be completed in their word study notebook. In addition to the written assignment, students should sort their word cards each night. Extra Practice: Anytime that you feel your child is struggling with a concept and needs extra practice, or maybe needs a little extra challenge, send me a note, and I will see what I can find. You: You are your child’s first teacher, and you play an extremely important role in your child’s education. Zzzzz’s: Please make sure your child gets plenty of rest. It will help them be alert and ready to learn each day. Zooming through Many Skills: 3rd grade is jam packed with a lot of things to learn. I feel confident that your child will be successful in mastering these skills if we work together, by keeping in touch and by you reinforcing these skills at home.