Global Climate Change Education Workshop Learn Project-Based Curriculum Units using NASA & NOAA Climate Resources Supported through a NASA Climate Change Education Grant Clarkson University Potsdam, NY August 8-12, 2011 Application Deadline: March 10, 2011 Notification of Acceptance: March 31, 2011 Please complete and submit first two pages of the application electronically. Email: The last page with signatures should be printed and mailed or faxed: Fax: (315) 268- 6515 Mail: Diane Brouwer Office of Educational Partnerships Box 5631 Clarkson University Potsdam NY 13699-5631 Applicant Information : Name Home Address Home Phone Cell Phone E Mail (home) E-mail (school) School District Information: School District County Address Phone Course Assignment for 2011-2012 School Year (best guess) Course/Subject Grade Level # Sections #Students per section Lab ? Yes/No Years experience teaching this course To be completed by the Teacher Applicant: (type in response below each question) 1. Do you currently teach climate change science or concepts? If so, please briefly describe how and at what level you now include climate change in your instruction. 2. Briefly describe your interest or motivation in teaching climate change to your students. 3. How do you anticipate integrating new climate change curricula into your instruction? 4. Please describe any experiences you have had teaching inquiry or project based units. 5. What do you hope to gain through participation in this workshop? 6. Have you ever participated in other professional development activities? If so, briefly describe the activity, including sponsoring university or agency, length of workshop, and follow-up or classroom implementation requirements. 7. Describe your activities in professional or community (presentations at conferences, committee leadership etc.) organizations 8. One component of the workshop will be the utilization of NASA and NOAA resources, including database acquisition, downloading information to excel spreadsheets and interpreting the datasets. Please check the phrase that best describes your experiences and comfort level with these types of activities. (Don’t let this scare you, some of these skills will be taught in the workshop!) Novice, but willing to learn Familiar, have limited experience Moderately comfortable Proficient, willing to help others Please print this page and sign where indicated. Return this signed page by fax, mail or email (your choice.) See page 1 for contact information. To be completed by the School Principal: Principal’s Name:____________________________________________________ E Mail: ________________________________Phone Number:_______________________________ It is expected and necessary that the teachers involved with this grant will have the full support of their districts. Please respond to the following: 1. The grant funds include a stipend for the teacher participants of $1000 for the 5 day workshop. If your district has a contract-required teacher stipend for this type of summer workshop, does our stipend meet this requirement? 2. The grant from NASA requires that students participate in two surveys: a climate literacy survey as a pre/post test and an interest in STEM careers survey. These assessments of student participants have been reviewed as “research on human subjects” by Clarkson University’s Institutional Review Board and have been approved. Will your school support the collection of assessment information from your students to help define the success of this project? 3. Will project staff and evaluators be allowed to visit participating classrooms, interview teachers and students (confidentially) and take photos and videos of project implementation (with signed release forms and no names)? ________________________________________ Principal’s Signature _____________________ Date To be completed by the applicant: 1. I have read the “Benefits for and Expectations of Participants” and am committed to full participation in this project if I am selected as a participant. ________________________________________ Applicant’s Signature _____________________ Date