Lab Set Q1W7 Advanced Strings Complete the following methods in the StringPractice Class. Level 1 Name: printOutEachChar Input: String word Output: nothing Action: print out all the letters in the string on separate lines. So the String “Cat” would print out: Char 1: C Char 2: a Char 3: t Name: Input: Output: Action: printOutInReverse String word nothing print out the string in reverse. Level 2 Name: countVowels Input: String word Output: int countOfVowels Action: counts the number of vowels in the word passed in. Assume that there can be both upper and lower case vowels. Name: countConsonants Input: String word Output: int countOfConsonants Action: count the number of consonants in the word passed in. Assume that there can be both upper and lower case consonants. Also assume that there are no special characters. (Hint – there is a supper easy way to program this method) Level 3 Name: printWords Input: String word Output: nothing Action: print out the words in the string on separate lines. So the String “My code won’t compile” would print: Word 1: My Word 2: code Word 3: won’t Word 4: compile Level 4 Name: Input: Output: Action: pigLatinateWord String word String result takes in a word and does the following: The word will have the first letter removed to the front and placed at the back and then an “ay” added to the end. So “happy” becomes “appyhay”. If a word starts with a vowel then it remains at the beginning but it is also still placed at the end with a “hay” added instead of an “ay”. So “orbit” becomes “orbitohay”. If there is more than one consonant at the beginning then each consonant until the first vowel gets moved to the end with an “ay” still added. So “scram” becomes “amscray” You do not need to worry about capital letters or punctuation Level 5 Name: Input: Output: Action: pigLatinateText String word String result takes in text and pigLatinates each word in the text. You do need to worry about punctuation and capital letters.