Spanish 2 Loudoun County Public Schools Pacing Guide 2015- 2016

Spanish 2
Loudoun County Public Schools
Pacing Guide
2015- 2016
First Quarter
Recommended pacing: 2 weeks
Repaso de gramática
o Vocabulary Review
o Regular verb conjugation of –ar, -er, and –ir verbs in the present tense
o Verbs: tener, hacer, querer, jugar, dormir, preferir, etc.
o Stem changing verbs
o Present progressive
o Correct word order of nouns and adjectives
o Definite and indefinite articles
o Question words
o Transition words
Recommended pacing: 3 weeks
Unit 2A: Tu día escolar
o Vocabulary
 School activities
 School rules
 Classroom objects
o Prepositions of location ( al lado de, delante de, detrás de , ect)
o Describe classroom objects and activities
o Talk about classroom rules
o Express affirmative and negative ideas
o Grammar :
 Yo go verbs : tener, hacer, poner, and traer
 Phrases: tener que + inf., (no) se prohíbe + inf., hay que + inf.
 Stem-changing verbs in present tense
o Compare the school rules and customs in other countries with those of your own school
Recommended pacing: 2 weeks
Unit 2B: Extracurricular Activities
o Vocabulary
 Extracurricular activities
 Pastimes
o Talk about extracurricular activities
o Compare people and things & Say what people know/ what they know how to do
o Ask/ tell how long something has been going on
o Understand cultural perspectives on extracurricular activities
o Grammar
 Making comparison using: tan..como, tanto (as)..como, mejor que, peor que… etc.
 Superlative ‘más / menos’
 Verbs : saber, conocer & ir
 Hace + time + que
Pacing Guide Spanish II 2015-2016
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Second Quarter
Recommended pacing: 2 weeks
Unit 3A: Daily routines and Getting ready for a Special Event
Un evento especial
 Daily routines & Personal daily routines
 Items
 Body parts
 Events
Daily Routines and Getting Ready for an Event
 Talk about daily routines
 Describe a special event
 Describe getting ready for a special event
 Compare special events in Spanish-speaking countries with those in the U.S.
 Reflexive verbs
 Present tense of verbs Ser & Estar and telling time
 Possessive adjectives (long form)
Recommended pacing: 2 weeks
Unit 3B: A Special event & Clothing and Fashion
o Describing What You Wear
 Describe clothing
 Describe what you wear for certain events
 Talk about fashion, material and sizing
 Compare clothing and fashion in Spanish-speaking countries and the U.S.
o Grammar
 Stem-changing verbs pensar, querer & preferir
 Indefinite articles
General review
 Adjective/noun agreement
 Demonstrative adjectives
 Verb ‘quedar’ to express fit
Recommended pacing: 4 weeks
Unit 4: Shopping and Prices
 Shopping
 Prices/Numbers
 Gifts and Accessories
 Places to shop
Talk about shopping and prices
Talk about gifts and accessories
Talk about different types of stores
Talk about what you want and what you prefer
Talk about what happened in the past
Understand cultural perspectives on gift-giving and shopping.
 Preterite tense for regular verbs & -car/ -gar/-zar endings
 Direct object pronouns
 Demonstrative adjectives
 Using adjectives as nouns
Review for Midyear Benchmark Assessment
Pacing Guide Spanish II 2015-2016
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Third Quarter
Recommended pacing: 2 weeks
Unit 5A: Errands & Places in the City
o Vocabulary
 Places around town
 Errands & chores
o The City and Traveling
 Talk about things to do on vacation
 Describe places to visit while on vacation
 Talk about events in the past
 Understand cultural perspectives on travel and vacation
o Grammar
 Direct object pronouns
 Irregular preterite forms of ir, ser, hacer, tener, estar, and poder
Recommended pacing: 2 weeks
Unit 5B: Vacations, Modes of Transportation, and Nationalities
o Vocabulary
 Vacation places
 activities
 modes of transportation
 nationalities
o Talk about
 travel
 vacations
 past events
o Grammar
 Personal ‘a’
 Regular and irregular preterite for the verbs aprender, salir, ver, and ir.
Recommended pacing: 2 weeks
Unit 6: You & Your community
o Vocabulary
 Asking for and giving directions
 Driving advice
 About driving
o Modes of transportation, driving, and directions
 Talk about getting around and giving directions
 Talk about points of interests
 Talk about good driving habits
o Grammar
 Direct object pronoun (review)
 Regular and irregular affirmative tú commands
 Present Progressive - irregular forms
o Art in your Community
 Identify types of music in Spanish-speaking countries
 Compare popular music in Spanish-speaking countries to that of the United States
 Research famous painters in Spanish-speaking countries
“Casi se muere” Blaine Ray Reader
Pacing Guide Spanish II 2015-2016
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Fourth Quarter
Recommended pacing: 2 weeks
Unit 7A: Celebrating the past, Childhood Activities
o Vocabulary
 Toys
 Animals
 Childhood activities and places
 Behaviors and characteristics
o Childhood Activities
 Discuss childhood toys and games
 Describe what you were like as a child
 Talk about activities that you used to do as a child
 Understand cultural perspectives on childhood songs
 The imperfect tense of regular verbs: jugar, hacer, vivir
 The imperfect tense of the irregular verbs ir, ver and ser
 Imperfect vs. Preterite
Recommended pacing: 4 weeks
Unit 7B: Family, Food, and Holiday Celebrations
o Vocabulary
 Family members
 Holiday celebrations
Family , Food and Holiday Celebrations
 Talk about your family and relatives
 Describe people and situations in the past
 Talk about how people interact
 Talk about holiday celebrations
 Talk about typical foods eaten during celebrations
 Understand cultural perspectives on holidays and special events
 The imperfect tense: describing a situation in the past
 Reflexive verbs
“¿Dónde está Eduardo?” Blaine Ray Reader
Review for End of Year Benchmark Assessment
Pacing Guide Spanish II 2015-2016
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