Name: _______________________________ USVA History Chapter 10.2 – Protest, Resistance, and Violence

Name: _______________________________
USVA History
Chapter 10.2 – Protest, Resistance, and Violence
Main Idea - Pro slavery and Anti Slavery factions ________________ over the treatment of
________________ slaves, and the spread of slavery to the_______________
Protest, Resistance, and Violence
Pro slavery and Anti Slavery factions disagreed over the treatment of __________________
slaves, and the spread of slavery to the ________________________
Harsher revisions to the ___________________________ took away a fugitive's right to testify
in court on his/her own behalf and also led to harsher punishment for anyone convicted of
__________________ a slave __________________________
Northern Response:
 ___________________________- Some Northern states forbade imprisoning runaway
slaves and guaranteed them the right to trial
 _____________________________- Network of abolitionist who worked to aid runaway
slaves in their journey to freedom.
Harriet Tubman- aka________________- Who was
Think about it: Why did Harriet Tubman start taking fugitives all the way to Canada after
Fanning the Flames
Literature such as the book _______________________________ written by
____________________________________ stirred even more controversy on the slavery debate
The Kansas-Nebraska Act
Issue of slavery in territories resurfaced by _____________________________________
Territory ________________ of Iowa and Missouri- divide into__________parts
Nebraska- ____________________, Kansas- ________________________
Question of slavery would be settled by popular sovereignty (__________________________)
Most fair and democratic way
If passed it would repeal the __________________________ ________________________
Making slavery legal north of the ____________________ parallel
___________________- Douglas introduced the bill
Congressional debate was bitter
Northerners saw the bill as a part of a plot to turn the territories into ______________ states
Nearly __________% of Southern congressmen voted for the bill
Became a law in May 1854
Bleeding Kansas
Settlers poured in from the North and SouthKansas ready to become a state
Thousands of people from slave state _________________ crossed into Kansas and
_____________________ ____________________ for slavery to be allowed
-_____________________________ raged through Kansas
Some __________________________ people were killed
Where else was violence seen?