Name: _________________________________________ Block:______ Imperialism Cartoon Project How can POLITICAL CARTOONS teach us to understand perspective? Objective: students will be able to create and analyze political cartoons. I. Create a Cartoon: you must create your own political cartoon expressing your opinion on imperialism. Completion of the planning process. o This will include completing a graphic organizer and several drafts based on peer and teacher feedback. Clear perspective of imperialism. o Your perspective should include your opinion of imperialism. o Cartoon persuades readers to think about imperialism in a similar way. At least 3 symbols that support your opinion. o The meaning behind symbols must have historical relevance (things we have talked about in class). Creativity o Final product should include unique ideas and symbols that demonstrate original thought. Nuts & Bolts – your cartoon must have a title, include color, and be neat. II. Critique and Analyze Cartoons Peer Editing o Your group will collaborate in order to critique student cartoons. o You must provide clear, specific, and kind feedback. Analyzing Cartoons o You will apply information learned from Mr. Artley and class discussions in order to analyze cartoons. III. Written Reflection: you will write a paragraph describing your perspective of imperialism. Clear perspective statement of imperialism. o Your perspective should include your opinion of imperialism. At least 3 supporting details that make your opinion clear. o Supporting details must have historical relevance (things we have talked about in class). *** Students will receive teacher and peer feedback throughout the drafting process regarding necessary revisions. Students are expected to incorporate the revisions into their final project. Therefore, students may not request a retake. Name: _________________________________________ Block:______ Imperialism Cartoon Project Rubric Cartoon - 15 total points Task Mastery - 3 points Progressing - 2 points Beginning - 1 point Process - Planning, Rough Draft(s), and Revisions. Artist thoughtfully completes all required steps of the process. Artists completes all steps of the process but not thoughtfully. OR Artist is missing steps of the process. Artist is missing multiple crucial steps of the process. Perspective Artists demonstrates an understanding of imperialism with a clear perspective. Artists demonstrates an understanding of imperialism with an unclear perspective. Artists demonstrates an understanding of imperialism without depicting a perspective. Symbols Artist used appropriate or relevant symbols to support my perspective. Artist used somewhat appropriate or relevant symbols to support my perspective. Artist did not use appropriate or relevant symbols to support my perspective. Creativity Artists goes above and beyond in choice of symbols. Artist shows basic creativity in choice of symbols. Artist shows little to no creativity in choice of symbols. Nuts & Bolts (title, neatness, and color) Artist includes all necessary “nuts and bolts”. Artist is missing one necessary “nuts and bolts”. Artist is missing two necessary “nuts and bolts”. Critique & Feedback - 3 total points Task Mastery - 3 pts My peer edit was clear, specific, and kind. Critique Progressing - 2 pts My peer edit was somewhat clear, specific, and kind. Beginning - 1 pt My peer edit was vague, not clear, or unkind. Written Reflection - 7 total points Task Point Value Perspective Statement _____/1 3 supporting details with explanation (2 pts each) _____/6 Comments TOTAL: ______/25