Welcome to Back to School Night ! Pinebrook Elementary

Welcome to Back to
School Night!
Pinebrook Elementary
Mrs. Ducharme
5th Grade
Room 38
Some Actual “Forgot my homework” excuses…
•I just saw it on the New York Times Bestsellers List, so that
means someone stole it.
•I had better things to do.
•I didn't do it because I didn't want to add to my teacher's
heavy workload.
•I accidentally divided by zero and my paper burst into flames.
•I hired a paper writing company and they did it in Chinese.
A little bit about me…
• This is my second year
at Pinebrook!
• I graduated from James
Madison University for
both my B.A. and M.A.
• I recently got married
over the summer. I am
still getting used to my
new name!! 
• I enjoy traveling,
baking, and reading in
my spare time.
Some Communication
Tools I Will Be Using:
•My Pinebrook website
Odds and Ends
•Snack – lunch is very late, please send in a snack for your child!
•Conferences – Sign ups are set up on my PNB site!
•DARE – Drug Abuse Resistance Education - 10 lessons throughout year
•Field Trips – first it to Camp Highroads next month
•Thursday Folder Volunteers – Please fill out on my PNB site.
•Donating to our Class – Wish list on my PNB site
A look at all of our Teachers!!!
• Our 5th Grade Team
•Mrs. Donahue
•Mrs. Noel
•Ms. Payne
•Mrs. Kursman (Schultz)
•Mrs. Flynn
•Mrs. Stanley
•Mrs. Ducharme (Yang)
•Our specialists are:
•Mrs. Ross – Guidance
•Mr. McPherson – P.E.
•Mrs. Hoffmaster – Music
•Mrs. Johnson – Art
•Mrs. Higgins – Library
Grade Level Expectations
• Students will be responsible for being prepared
for all classes everyday
*Students may not call home for homework
• Students will produce quality work at all times
• Students will show respect for everyone that
they come in contact with
• Students will respect classmates’ learning by
following both the Classroom and School Rules
• Students will be positive role models for
younger students
Grade Level Behavior
Stick System
1st step: Warning
Eye-contact, touch, gesture, and/or proximity for minor
2nd step: Consequence (STICK ONE)
5 minutes off recess, Stick Form
3rd step: Consequence (STICK TWO)
10 minutes off recess, Stick Form
4th step: Consequence (STICK THREE)
15 minutes off Recess, Note home (from you) & Teacher will
contact parents
5th step: Same as above AND
Conference with administrator, teacher and student
Parental Support
Nightly Reading
40 Book Challenge
Science Daily Review
•Students are expected to complete homework in a timely
manner and will be responsible for making up any missing
40 Book Challenge
• All students participating in Reading Workshop
• Allows for CHOICE in their reading as well as READING TIME each day.
• Students will keep their charts at school.
• Students should be keeping track of books that they read at home so
that they can talk to their teachers during conferences & have them
recorded on their Challenge Sheet
• Students should also record this on the 40 Book Challenge Form on my
• Includes 40 books in a variety of genres, we will review these at school
Grading Policies
• Students will be assessed in a variety of ways on a daily basis.
• Three primary forms of assessment are:
– Diagnostic- not graded/used to assess knowledge of concepts
– Formative- to check for understanding
– Summative- graded assignments
– 4 – Exceeds the standard
• Higher Level Thinking
– 3 – Meets the standard
– 2 – Progressing toward the standard
– 1 – Not meeting the standard
Math Units/Strands
Numeration (Number Sense, Numerical Operations)
Data Analysis
Problem Solving
• Flexible math grouping all focused
on 5th Grade SOLs
• Common Pre & Post Assessments
• Differentiated Instruction
Students will participate in Reading Workshop which is a
method that uses a combination of mini-lessons, independent
reading time, and individual conferences to inspire and
motivate students. Some skills that will be taught during the
year include:
•Comparing Texts
•Using Context Clues
•Making Inferences
•Making Connections
•Analyzing Author’s Style
•Reading & Answering
SOL Test Type Questions
Students will participate in Writing Workshop, similar
to Reading Workshop.
Instruction will focus on the following types of writing:
Grammar will be reviewed on a daily basis through mini lessons
and writing conferences.
Students will have regular Spelling/Word Tests based on their
current spelling level.
Changing Earth
Ocean Environment
Cells and Organization of Living Things
States of Matter
Light and Sound
Science Fair
Experiments and hands-on investigations are
incorporated into each unit!
Social Studies
Regions of the United States
•Map Skills
Report Cards
• Students will be marked in the content areas of Reading,
Writing, Mathematics, Social Science and Science using
the following Grading Key and Progress Indicators:
Grading Key
A = Advanced Proficient
B = Proficient
C = Intermediate
D = Beginning
New Report Card Software: Phoenix
ParentVue Opens next week.
Sounds like it is similar to Clarity.
We will be learning it along with
Progress Indicators
4 = Advanced Proficient
3 = Proficient (This is the target for all
2 = Intermediate
1 = Beginning
• = Denotes knowledge or skill not assessed at
this time
Questions or Comments?
•Check Pinebrook’s 5th grade webpage for
newsletters and important dates.
•You can reach us by phone or email. We
will get back to you as soon as possible!
•School Phone: 703-957-4325
•5th Grade Team E-mails are online
•If you have specific questions or comments
please leave them on an index card for me.
I’ll be in touch soon! 
Thank you for taking the time
out of your very busy
schedule to be here tonight! I
am looking to a fun and
successful year with your
children! 