Thomas Jefferson, James and then ask questions about it Madison, George Mason

Mr. Beichler, Ms. Webber, Mrs.
Haney, & Mr. Cook
The second quarter has started and
students are expected to be more
responsible for themselves here at
school. It is important that students
are at school each day, and here on
A basic outline of current and
upcoming units of study:
Math –quotient, divisor,
dividend, graphs, geometric
Science – Scientific Process,
anemometer, air pressure,
barometer, cirrus, cumulus,
cumulo-nimbus, front,
hurricanes, humidity,
meteorologist, precipitation,
rain gauge, stratus,
thunderstorms, thermometer,
temperature, tornadoes
Virginia Studies: Trade,
Declaration of Independence,
American Revolution, patriot,
loyalist, George Washinton,
Thomas Jefferson, James
Madison, George Mason
Reading – Fiction/Nonfiction
Comprehension, Context Clues,
& Word Origins: Vocabulary:
Preview/Predict, Question,
Visualize, Connect, Infer,
Conclude, Summarize
Thursday Envelopes. Each
Thursday, your child will bring home
a communication envelope. Inside
will be important papers for you to
look over. It is important that the
folder is looked through each
Thursday night and returned on the
next school day. PLEASE sign the
corresponding parent signature
Homework. Students will usually
receive homework nightly, Monday
through Thursday. Students will
write the assignments in their
personal agendas. Please review
your child’s agenda with them
nightly to ensure that the
assignments have been completed.
Homework is important. It is an
extension of the learning process
that takes place in school.
Special points of interest:
School starts promptly at 7:50
 Please encourage your child to
at least attempt the homework–
November 2014 □ Fourth Grade Team Newsletter
and then ask questions about it
in class
All students should be reading
and practicing basic math facts:
addition, subtraction,
multiplication, and division
Dates to Remember
Donuts for Dad, Wednesday
December 3rd & Friday,
December 5th at 7:15 a.m.
Movie Night, Friday December
12th at 6:00 p.m.
4th Grade Winter Party, Friday,
December 19th at 11:30 a.m.
Winter Break, Monday,
December 22nd to Friday,
January 2nd