CLARKSON UNIVERSITY AWARD FOR INSPIRATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL EDUCATORS COMMENCEMENT 2016 NOMINATION FORM Most of us have had a high school teacher, counselor, coach, administrator, or staff member who stands out in our hearts and memories as a significant influence in our lives. The lessons such outstanding educators teach often go far beyond the subject matter of their fields. They may instill values and a love of learning that shape our educational and career choices, and guide us well throughout our adult lives. Clarkson University wishes to recognize a few of the exceptional high school educators who have influenced the lives of our students. A few former educators of members of the 2016 class will be invited to campus for Commencement Weekend, during which they will be honored. Selections will be made on the basis of information and insights presented on this nomination. This form must be returned by Monday, January 18, 2016 to Pat Thompson, Assistant to the Dean of Students, Clarkson University, Box 5570, Potsdam, NY 13699-5570. Telephone 315/268-6620 or email at Please do NOT notify the educator of your nomination. NOMINATION INFORMATION Clarkson Student’s Name: _________________________________________________________________________________________ Local Address: __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Telephone: ____________________________ Major: __________________________________________________________________ YOUR NOMINEE: Educator’s Name:________________________________________________________________________________________________ Subject(s) taught/or position held:___________________________________________________________________________________ School’s name and address: ________________________________________________________________________________________ (As completely as you can) ________________________________________________________________________________________ Name of School Superintendent: __________________________________________ Telephone: ________________________________ Does this educator still work at the school: Yes ________ Unsure _______ No* _________ *If No, can you give the educator’s present professional location: __________________________________________________________ Educator’s home address (if known): ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Telephone: ____________________________________ To the best of your knowledge, is this educator recognized as an outstanding educator and person of good character by other students and colleagues? _________ Comments: _________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ In honoring the high school educators who are selected, may we quote from your statements in this nomination? Yes ____ No ____ Your signature: _________________________________________ Date: ___________________________________________________ Please complete the following sections of the questionnaire in your own words. Submit printed responses to these four questions, keeping answers clear and to the point. It is helpful for the selection committee when responses are as specific as possible, reinforcing your praise and comments with real-life examples that reflect the educator’s qualities and character. 1. What are the three primary reasons for your choosing this educator to be your nominee? 2. Describe the ways in which this educator has had a positive impact on your life, including the successes you have enjoyed here at Clarkson. 3. Please describe an actual situation in which you remember observing this educator demonstrating characteristics that you feel are the hallmarks of outstanding educator. 4. In a brief paragraph, write a “thank you” message to this educator, expressing in a personal way your gratitude for the ways in which he or she has influenced your life. THANK YOU FOR YOUR COOPERATION RETURN BY MONDAY, JANUARY 18, 2016 To: Pat Thompson Assistant to the Dean of Students Box 5570 Clarkson University Potsdam, NY 13699-5570 or Email her at