Topic 4: Final thoughts on Vietnam (and Nixon) Name: ______________________

Unit 11: The Cold War
Topic 4: Final thoughts on Vietnam
(and Nixon)
Name: ______________________
Block ______________
Date: ________________
Final Thoughts on Vietnam
 Pres. Kennedy started a
_____________________ and Pres. Johnson
continued it.
 While the US was stronger, it could not win a
limited guerilla war and could not win the
_____________________________ of the people
in Vietnam.
 In the US _________________________changed
and went against the war especially on
 Vietnam leads to Johnson not running for
President again & _______________ is elected
with a promise to get the US out of Vietnam w/
 ____________________________ - Nixon’s policy of withdrawing American
troops and replacing them with S. Vietnamese troops, while keeping up military
aid to South Vietnam.
 After Vietnam US ________________ did not return to a hero's welcome. They
faced ________________________ or ____________________ from some who
opposed the war. It took many years before vets were recognized for their
Why did people protest the war?
Compare the experience of Vietnam veterans with
soldiers who fought in WWII. How is it the same, or
different? What about Iraq or Afghanistan today?
The End of Vietnam:
 The _________________________ policy failed
because the South was ______________ and
could not withstand invasion from the North.
 By 1975, South Vietnam was taken over by the
 This left scars and Americans became skeptical
(wary) of military or peacekeeping interventions.
Nixon and the “Opening” of China
 In __________, President Nixon makes the first diplomatic visit to ___________
since ________________,
 This visit makes the Soviet Union nervous.....and more willing to cooperate with
the US on __________________.
Watergate and the End of Nixon
 In 1975, Nixon is forced to resign the presidency due to ____________________.