Name________________________________________ Block_________ The Policy Making Process: Use page 60 in your notes 1. What is public policy? __________________________________________________________________ 2. What does it mean to influence? ________________________________________________________ 3. True or False. The President can influence public policy. 4. True or False. Individuals can influence public policy. 5. True or False. Interest Groups can influence public policy. 6. Lauren contacted her Senator because she has an idea for a new bill, to get rid of standardized testing. Would this bill start in the House of Representatives or the Senate? ___________________ 7. Chris contacted his Representative with an idea for a new bill, to give students access to tablets instead of textbooks. Put the steps in order for this bill to become a law. Number the steps 1-9. ______ Education bill introduced in the Senate ______ House Education Committee works on bill ______ Representative Wolf introduces the bill ______ President signs bill into law ______ Senate debates on Education bill ______ Senate education committee works on bill ______ Education bill receives 290 votes in the House ______ Education Bill is debated in the House of Representatives ______ Senate passes bill with 51 votes 8. The House of Representatives debates the Education Bill on the floor. What is the next step in the lawmaking process? ______________________________________________ 9. The Healthcare bill has only made it through the lawmaking process in the Senate and received 55 Senator’s votes. What is the next step in the lawmaking process for this bill? ________________________________________________________________________ Influencing Public Policy: Use pages 62-65 in your notes 10. What is an interest group? ______________________________________ 11. What is an individual? __________________________________________ 12. What is mass media? ___________________________________________ 13. Fill in the blank on the chart below with who would most likely take these actions. a. b. c. d. Interest Groups President Mass Media Individuals Identifying an issue in a TV Interview Making a large political contributions ? Hiring a lobbyist to influence lawmkers 14. Fill in the blank on the chart below with who would most likely take these actions. a. b. c. d. Interest Groups President Mass Media Individuals Focusing public attention on selected issues Offering a forum for opposing viewpoints ? Holding government officials accountable 15. Fill in the blank on the chart below with who would most likely take these actions. a. b. c. d. Interest Groups President Mass Media Individuals Participating in Politics ? Expressing Opinions Joining an interest group 16. Fill in the blank on the chart below with who would most likely take these actions. a. b. c. d. Interest Groups President Mass Media Individuals Propose laws Approve or veto laws ? Appeal to the people President Influences Public Policy: Use page 62 in your notes 17. Due to the influence of mass media and technology, the power of the Presidency has ________________________ (increase/decreased/stayed same) throughout history. 18. Vocabulary Practice: a. Propose means…_________________________________________________________ b. Appoint means…_________________________________________________________ c. Appealing to people means…_______________________________________________ Word Bank: A. Proposing Legislation B. Appointing Officials C. Appealing to the people D. Approve or Veto Laws 19. ___The President signed the Healthcare Bill into law. 20. ___The President chose Janet Yellen to be the next head of the Federal Reserve. 21. ___The President spoke in the State of the Union Address to request more Gun Control. 22. ___The President is going on Good Morning America to convince Americans that his new tax plan will be great for the country. Mass Media Influences Public Policy: Use page 63 in your notes 23. The Washington Post reported the voting record of Representative Frank Wolf. Which influence on the public agenda is being shown? a. Government officials communicating with the public b. Media focusing on selected issues c. Offering a forum for opposing viewpoints d. Holding government officials accountable to the public 24. All major news channels and newspapers were talking about the damage from Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines. Which influence on the public agenda is being shown? a. Government officials communicating with the public b. Media focusing on selected issues c. Offering a forum for opposing viewpoints 25. During the government shutdown, Fox News had a democrat and a republican debate to share their different opinions on the reasons for the shutdown. Which influence on the public agenda is being shown? a. Government officials communicating with the public b. Media focusing on selected issues c. Offering a forum for opposing viewpoints d. Holding government officials accountable to the public 26. Which of the following is true of interest groups? a. It is a group of elected officials b. It is a group of unelected officials who carry out laws c. It is an official group of people who have the same opinions on many issues d. It is an official group of people who have 1 focus and work to influence the government Individuals and Interest Groups Influence Public Policy: Use page 64 in your notes 27. Antonio works for the National Education Association. He was hired to influence policymakers to introduce a bill that would raise the salary of all teachers. What is Antonio’s job? a. Congressman b. Legislator c. Senator d. Lobbyist 28. The National Rifle Association made political contributions to both Republican and Democratic candidates in the 2013 Governor’s Race in Virginia. What are political contributions? a. Donating money to a campaign b. Working for a campaign c. Voting for a candidate d. Demonstrating at a political event 29. Individuals express opinions to influence public policy. What does this mean? ____________________ 30. Individuals participate in politics to influence public policy. What does this mean? ________________ 31. Fill in the blank on the chart below with who would most likely take these actions. a. Individuals are participating in politics b. Individuals are expressing their opinions Demonstrating ? Write letters Lobbying 32. Fill in the blank on the chart below with who would most likely take these actions. Voting a. Individuals are participating in politics b. Individuals are expressing their opinions ? NOW THAT YOU ARE DONE, SEE YOUR TEACHER TO CHECK YOUR ANSWERS! Running for Office Campaigning