Report Card Topic Statement: Reads and comprehends fiction Standard(s): SOL 2.8:
The Student Can… 4 3
Exceeds the Standard Meets the Standard
Making Predictions The student makes and confirms predictions before, during, and after reading using evidence to support predictions independently.
The student makes and confirms predictions before and after reading using evidence to support predictions.
Approaching the Standard
The student makes predictions before reading using the title and cover page.
Below the Standard
The student makes predictions before reading using the title and cover page with teacher prompts.
Making Connections
Identifying Problem and
The student can elaborate and expand on the main idea using previous experiences, thoughts, and feelings.
The student can relate previous experiences to the main idea and supporting details.
The student can make connections with characters or setting of the text.
The student can identify and explain the problem and solution with details, as well as create alternative solutions.
The student can identify and explain the problem and solution with details.
The student can identify the problem and solution.
The student can make connections, but they are unrelated to the text.
The student can identify the problem.
Read with fluency, accuracy, and expression
The student can read and reread familiar fictional stories, poems, and passages with elaborate expression and an accuracy rate of 100%.
The student can read and reread familiar fictional stories, poems, and passages with expression and an accuracy rate of 98-99%.
The student can read and reread familiar fictional stories, poems, and passages with some expression and an accuracy rate of 90-97%.
The student can read and reread familiar fictional stories, poems, and passages with an accuracy rate of less than 90%
Report Card Topic Statement: Develops and expands vocabulary, applies phonetic principles Standard(s): SOL 2.5, 2.6, 2.7
The Student Can… 4
Exceeds the Standard
Meets the Standard
Approaching the Standard
Apply phonetic principles The student will independently use knowledge of consonants, consonant blends, consonant digraphs, and advanced patterns to decode words.
The student will use knowledge of consonants, consonant blends, and consonant digraphs to decode words.
The student will use knowledge of consonants and simple consonant blends to decode words.
Below the Standard
The student will use knowledge of consonants to decode words.
Develop and expand vocabulary The student will independently use meaning cues and surrounding words in a sentence to read, selfcorrect and determine the meaning of unfamiliar words in above grade level text. The student will apply vocabulary from content areas to explain and express knowledge and interests.
The student will use meaning cues and surrounding words in a sentence to read, self-correct and determine the meaning of unfamiliar words. The student will use vocabulary from content areas to express knowledge and interests.
The student will use meaning cues and some surrounding words in a sentence to read and self-correct unfamiliar words. The student will identify vocabulary words from content areas.
The student will begin to use meaning cues to read some unfamiliar words.
Rereads at difficulty
Monitors for meaning
Monitors for visual
Breaks words apart
Smooth and phrased
Appropriate intonation
Attends to punctuation
Retells w/o pictures
Uses vocabulary strategies
No attempt at difficulty
Ignores middle/end of word
Sounds out letter by letter
Slow and choppy
Reads in monotone
Ignores punctuation
Needs support to retell
Ignores text clues for new vocabulary
Report Card Topic Statement: Reads and comprehends non-fiction Standard(s): SOL 2.9
The Student Can… 4
Exceeds the Standard
Meets the Standard
Previews Using Non-Fiction
The student will explain how using non-fiction text features to help understand the text prior to reading.
The student will use nonfiction text features to help understand the text prior to reading.
Uses Prior Knowledge to
Make Connections
The student will elaborate and expand on the text using previous experiences, thoughts, and feelings to comprehend non-fiction texts.
The student will use prior and background knowledge to comprehend non-fiction texts.
Approaching the Standard
The student will use pictures and words to help understand the text prior to reading.
The student will use prior knowledge to make a connection to the topic.
Below the Standard
The student will use picture to help understand the text prior to reading.
The student will make an unrelated connection.
Use a table of contents The student will locate titles and page numbers using a table of contents. The student will use the table of contents to locate information of interest.
The student will locate titles and page numbers using a table of contents.
The student will locate titles using a table of contents.
The student will recognize a table of contents.
Standard(s): SOL 2.12
Learning Target: The student will consistently write stories, letters, and simple explanations.
The Student
Generate Ideas for writing
Organize with a
Middle, and End
Exceeds the Standard
The student will consistently generate ideas before writing through discussions and detailed graphic organizers.
The student will consistently organize writing to include a beginning, middle, and end, as well as supporting details for each part.
Meets the Standard
The student will consistently generate ideas before writing through discussions and graphic organizers.
The student will consistently organize writing to include a beginning, middle, and end and stay on topic.
Approaching the Standard
The student will occasionally generate ideas before writing through discussions or graphic organizers when prompted.
The student will organize writing to include a beginning and an end.
Apply Phonetic
The student will consistently use above grade level phonetics and patterns to spell words. The student will use correct spelling for above grade level sight words.
The student will consistently use grade level phonetics and patterns to spell words. The student will use correct spelling for grade level sight words.
The student will occasionally use grade level phonetics and patterns to spell words. The student will occasionally use correct spelling for sight words.
Edit Writing* The student will consistently use complete sentences, advanced capitalization and punctuation (,
… “”).
The student will consistently use complete sentences, correct capitalization, and punctuation (.
? !). The student will capitalize
The student will occasionally use complete sentences, capitalization and punctuation (.
!). the word I.
*Students will not receive a grade for edits writing for the first quarter on the report card. This will be assessed second quarter.
Below the Standard
The student will occasionally generate ideas orally before writing with guidance and verbal prompts.
The student will organize writing to include a beginning.
The student will spell words phonetically with teacher prompts. The student will use the desktop word wall to spell sight words correctly.
The student will recognize complete sentences and use some capitalization and punctuation.
Standard: Math SOL 2.13
Learning Target: The student will identify past and future days of the week and specific days and dates on a calendar.
Learning Progression
The student will create their own calendar to include days, dates, and events, as well as use it to identify past and future days and dates.
The student will identify past and future days of the week and specific days and dates on a calendar.
The student will identify days and dates on a calendar.
The student will recognize the days of the week.
Standard: Math SOL 2.4
Learning Target: The student will count forward by 2s, 5s, and 10s to 100 and count backwards by 10s starting from 100, as well as identify even and odd numbers.
Learning Progression Scale
The student will skip count forward and backwards using other multiples from various starting points, as well as explain how to identify even and odd numbers using mathematical vocabulary.
The student will count forward by 2s, 5s, and 10s to 100 and count backwards by 10s starting from
100, as well as identify even and odd numbers.
The student will count forward by 2s, 5s, and 10s to 100 starting at 2, 5, and 10.
The student will count forward by 10s to 100.
Standard: Math SOL 2.2
Learning Target: The student will identify and write ordinal numbers 1 st through 20
Learning Progression Scale th .
The student will be able to apply ordinal numbers to problem solving and/or real-world experiences.
The student will identify and write ordinal numbers 1 st through 20 th .
The student will identify ordinal numbers 1 st through 20 th .
The student will count using ordinal numbers in sequence.
Standard: Math SOL 2.20
Learning Target: The student will identify, create, and extend a wide variety of patterns.
Learning Progression Scale
The student will create growing and repeating patterns and explain how they know what type of pattern it is.
The student will identify, create, and extend a wide variety of patterns.
The student will identify and extend a wide variety of patterns.
The student will identify a wide variety of patterns.
Standard: Math SOL 2.1a
Learning Target: The student will read, write, and identify the place value of a three-digit number.
Learning Progression Scale
4 The student will read, write, and identify the place value of a three-digit number, as well as explain how to determine the value of each digit.
The student will read, write, and identify the place value of a three-digit number.
The student will read and write the place value of a three-digit number.
The student will read and write the place value of a two-digit number.
Standard: Math SOL 2.12
Learning Target: The student will tell time to the nearest five minutes on both analog and digital clocks.
Learning Progression Scale
4 The student will tell time to the minute on both analog and digital clocks.
The student will tell time to the nearest five minutes on both analog and digital clocks.
The student will tell time to the nearest quarter hour and half hour on both analog and digital clocks.
The student will tell time to the nearest hour on both analog and digital clocks.
Standard: Math SOL 2.1
Learning Target: The student will compare two whole numbers between 0 and 999 using symbols and words.
Learning Progression
The student will compare two whole numbers between 0 and 999 using symbols and words that explain the value of the digits.
The student will compare two whole numbers between 0 and 999 using symbols and words.
The student will identify larger or smaller three-digit numbers.
1/B The student will identify larger or smaller two or one-digit numbers.
Standard: Math SOL 2.17
Learning Target: The student will use data from experiments to construct a picture graphs, pictographs, and bar graphs.
Learning Progression Scale
The student will describe an instance in their own life in which they could collect data and construct a graph, as well as explain and analyze which type of graph would best fit the situation.
The student will use data from experiments to construct and analyze picture graphs, pictographs, and bar graphs.
The student will use data from experiments to construct picture graphs, pictographs, and bar graphs.
The student will read information presented in picture graphs, pictographs, and bar graphs.
Standard: Math SOL 2.5
Learning Target: The student will recall addition facts with sums to 20.
Learning Progression Scale
4 The student will recall 40 addition facts with sums up to 20 in 2 minutes or less with at least 90% accuracy.
3 The student will recall 40 addition facts with sums up to 20 in 2-3 minutes with at least 90% accuracy.
2 The student will recall 40 addition facts with sums up to 20 in 3-6 minutes with at least 90% accuracy.
1 The student will recall 40 addition facts with sums up to 20 in more than 6 minutes.
Standard: Math SOL 2.5
Learning Target: The student will recall subtractions facts with differences to 20.
Learning Progression Scale
The student will recall 40 subtraction facts with differences up to 20 in 2 minutes or less with at least 90% accuracy.
The student will recall 40 subtraction facts with differences up to 20 in 2-3 minutes with at least
90% accuracy.
The student will recall 40 subtraction facts with differences up to 20 in 3-6 minutes with at least
90% accuracy.
The student will recall 40 subtraction facts with differences up to 20 in more than 6 minutes.
Standard: Science SOL 2.1
Learning Target: The student will conduct investigations using scientific method vocabulary such as observation, hypothesis, investigation, recording, conclusion.
Learning Progression Scale
The student will create and conduct investigations using scientific method vocabulary such as observation, hypothesis, investigation, recording, conclusion. Conclusion statements will include information to support what they learned from the experiment.
The student will conduct investigations using scientific method vocabulary such as observation, hypothesis, investigation, recording, conclusion.
The student will participate in investigations using scientific method vocabulary such as observation, hypothesis, investigation, recording, conclusion.
The student will recognize scientific method vocabulary such as observation, hypothesis, investigation, recording, conclusion.
Standard: Science SOL 2.5 & 2.8c
Learning Target: The student will explain that plants and animals rely on the living and non-living things in their environment and explain that habitats change over time due to many influences.
Learning Progression
The student will be able to create a new habitat and describe living and non-living things located there. Students will be able to explain how this habitat could change due to influences.
The student will explain that plants and animals rely on the living and non-living things in their environment and explain that habitats change over time due to many influences.
The student will be able to list living and non-living things, as well as describe a habitat.
The student will be able to categorize living and non-living things.
Standard: Social Studies SOL 2.10
Learning Target: The student will be able to explain the responsibilities of a good citizen to include respecting the rights and property of others, voting, improving the school and community, demonstrating self-control, and practicing honesty.
Learning Progression
The student will be able to explain the responsibilities of a good citizen and analyze the effect being a good citizen has on our community.
The student will be able to explain the responsibilities of a good citizen to include respecting the rights and property of others, voting, improving the school and community, demonstrating selfcontrol, and practicing honesty.
The student will be able to identify the responsibilities of a good citizen to include respecting the rights and property of others, voting, improving the school and community, demonstrating selfcontrol, and practicing honesty.
1/B The student will be able to identify a good citizen in their life.
Standard: Social Studies SOL 2.12
Learning Target: The student will be able to explain and understand that people of Virginia have elected officials and have diverse customs and traditions that unite us as Americans.
Learning Progression Scale
The student will be able to apply knowledge of citizenship to describe an ideal elected official for the state of Virginia.
The student will be able to explain that people of Virginia have elected officials and have diverse customs and traditions that unite us as Americans.
The student will be able to recognize that people of Virginia have elected officials and have diverse customs and traditions.
The student will be able to recognize that there are differences among the people of Virginia.
Standard: Social Studies SOL 2.11
Learning Target: The student will be able to identify George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Susan B. Anthony, Helen Keller,
Jackie Robinson, and Martin Luther King, Jr. as famous Americans who helped to improve the lives of Americans.
Learning Progression Scale
The student will be able to identify all of the famous Americans who contributed to the lives of
Americans, imagine they were a famous American and explain how they will improve the lives of
The student will be able to identify George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Susan B. Anthony, Helen
Keller, Jackie Robinson, and Martin Luther King, Jr. as famous Americans who helped to improve the lives of Americans.
The student will be able to identify some of the famous Americans who contributed to the lives of
Americans and explain why they are good citizens.
The student will be able to identify a famous person.