Ms. Polanski’s 2 Grade Class Welcome Parents!

Ms. Polanski’s
2nd Grade Class
Welcome Parents!
Before We Begin
 Sign up for a Fall conference
 Sign up for volunteer opportunities-fill
out volunteer form
 Look around the room
 Write your child and tell them your hopes
and dreams for them for this year
Welcome to Room 21!
 Introduction
 University of MN (B.S., M.Ed.)
Georgetown (TEFL)
Hamline University Urban Learner Certificate
 Over 14 years of elementary school teaching
 4th year in LCPS
 Experience teaching Pre-K-6 and adults
 Supervised student teachers and literacy
 Morning Procedures
 School starts at 7:50 so please make sure your child
arrives on time.
 If you know your child will be absent please call the
absentee line (703-957-4391) or send a note or email in advance.
 Meals
 Snack - Nut Free 9:15ish
 Lunch 11:25-11:55 –Come and eat with your child!
 Dismissal
 Buses start loading at 2:35. Car riders and Daycare
released at 2:40.
 Please send a note or e-mail about any changes.
Please do NOT send an e-mail if the change occurs
after school starts just call the office and leave a
message. (703-957-4390)
Classroom Expectations
 We will have a calm, open, warm and safe
environment so our brains can do their best
 Our classroom rules are:
Gentle, nice, light touch for all living things
Listen and be quiet when others are talking
Walk in the classroom
Be nice
Classroom Opportunities
 Students earn classroom dollars by asking good
questions, doing extra research, following directions,
offering solutions to problems, repeating something
important from the announcements, etc
 Students use their classroom dollars for many
special things including reading to Arcola staff
during DEAR (Drop Everything and Read), creating
a flip chart for the class, checking out one of my
books, stuffed animals or learning games overnight
or for the weekend, teaching the class about a topic
they researched, reading to a younger student,
going on a mission to an upper grade etc.
 Students are expected to follow the school
and classroom rules
 Gentle reminders are given when needed
 If a student needs additional reminders
they may be fined classroom dollars along
with a follow-up discussion when needed
 Persistent behaviors will be discussed with
parents and school administration
Our Daily Schedule
 Academic Blocks (Average Daily Time)
 2-3 hours Language Arts
 reading, writing, word study, read aloud, shared reading
 1 hour Math
 45 minutes for Science or Social Studies
 Specials
PE ( Tues., Wed, and Fri.) - tennis shoes
Music (Mon., and Fri.)
Library (Thursday.)
Computer Lab (Tuesday.) Dream Box (Wednesday)
Art (Thursday)
SEARCH and Guidance (EOW Monday.)
Recess (daily for 15 minutes)
 Virginia SOL’s (web site)
 9 week plans (web site)
 Language Arts
 Balance Literacy Approach
 Readers Workshop: shared reading (poems and
readers theater), guided reading (flexible groups),
independent reading and read alouds
 Writers Workshop: generating ideas, develop
independent and fluent writing, editing and revising
 Word Study: understand patterns and spelling rules,
recognize “oddballs”
 Math
 Math centers and manipulatives to improve and extend
 Math To The Moon – math facts
 Dream Box – computer based program individualized
based on student’s level
 Problem Solving – math journals
 Socials Studies and Science
 VA SOL’s drives instruction
 9 week plans
 Study guides are sent for tests
Grading Policy
 Assignments are scored with a 4/E, 3/M, 2/P, 1/B.
 4/E = exceeds standards, 3/M = meets standards,
2/P = making progress towards standard, 1/B = below
 These letters are not the same as the traditional A-F report
 Effort is scored with O, S, N
 O = Outstanding, S = Satisfactory, N = Needs
Grading Policy
 Please keep in mind that information about a child’s
achievement and development may be gathered in a
number of ways. Some techniques are:
Work samples
Class participation
Formative and Summative Assessments
County wide assessments (PALS an DRA)
Sample Rubric
Standard: Math SOL 2.4
Learning Target: The student will count forward by 2s, 5s, and 10s
to 100 and count backwards by 10s starting from 100, as well as
identify even and odd numbers.
The student will skip count forward and backwards
using other multiples from various starting points, as
well as explain how to identify even and odd numbers.
The student will count forward by 2s, 5s, and 10s to
100 and count backwards by 10s starting from 100, as
well as identify even and odd numbers.
The student will count forward by 2s, 5s, and 10s to
100 starting at 2, 5, and 10.
The student will count forward by 10s to 100.
Report Cards
Report cards are issued 4 times a year.
Conferences are held in the fall and by request.
LCPS uses a standard based report card
Students are assessed on their academic
achievement and effort level.
 Reading Level (above, on, or below)
 Comment section will elaborate on student’s
strengths and weaknesses
 Phoenix
Look in agenda every night.
Reading (10 minutes nightly)
Raz-Kids one day a week (Thursday)
Word Study (Monday.) – please see
the web site for directions
 Math -IXL or Dream Box (Tuesday)
 Research (Wednesday)Science, Social Studies, Math,
etc. Can be done online, in a book, interviewing
someone, in a magazine, etc.
 Pick any days including weekends for your 4 days
 Folders
 Take Home Folders (green)
 Homework-spelling words
 Notes to and from school
 Thursday Folders (red)
 PTA and school information
 Student work
 Agendas
 Homework - written instructions
 Phone Calls
 Please leave a message in the office. (703-957-4390)
 E-mail Updates-be sure that I have your current email
 E-mail - do NOT use for emergencies
 Website
Upcoming Events
Nine Week Plans
Classroom Schedule
Grading Policy
State SOL’s
Curriculum Web Sites
 Birthdays
 LCPS does not allow any food or non-food items
to celebrate birthdays.
 Student’s name will be announced on the
morning announcements.
 Students cannot pass out invitations at school.
 Parents are welcome to donate a book to the
Arcola library to honor your child’s birthday
Student of the Week
 Each student will have a
special week to design a
poster (provided by me)
about their favorite books
and bring in items to share
with the class.
 The poster will be sent home
a week before it is due.
 If your child requires medication,
please give it directly to our
school nurse. The children are
not allowed to give it to the
 Children are NOT allowed to have
medication in class. This includes
cough drops.
I’m looking forward to
a great year!