Welcome, Falcons! Mrs. Cramer’s Geometry Classes September 2014 – June 2015

Welcome, Falcons!
Mrs. Cramer’s Geometry Classes
September 2014 – June 2015
Course Description: This course is designed to enable students to pass the
Geometry Standards of Learning (SOL) exam and move directly to Algebra 2 next
 Elements of Geometry: This includes, but is not limited to, Parallel and Perpendicular
Lines; Triangles; Quadrilaterals; Polygons; Circles; Right Triangles; Trigonometry;
Reasoning and Proof; Transformations; and Area/Volume of Solids.
 Ongoing Review of Algebra: You will find that Algebra is woven heavily into Geomtry,
which will help you keep these skills fresh for next year.
Supplies Needed: Bring 3-ring binder, paper, pencils, graph paper, compass, TI-8x or
other scientific calculator (recommended).
Textbook: Geometry, by Larsen/Boswell/Stiff. Cover the book. Replacement of a lost
book costs $39.
Attendance: In case of absence, you are still expected to review material from the book
and posted class information, and attempt to do the assignment. If you are prone to
frequent absences, you will have to work hard to ensure you don’t get behind.
Assignments: You will have an assignment each class day so that you can practice what
we’ve gone over in class. Assignments are due at the beginning of the class day on which it is
due. Late assignments will not be accepted, unless you were absent.
Absences: If you miss “n” days of class, you have exactly “n” days to make up the work
upon your return. If you have a pre-arranged, pre-approved absence, make sure you know
what the assignments are before you leave, and complete them by the time you return to
class in order to keep pace with class.
Quizzes and Tests: If you are absent the class before a quiz or test, you are still
required to take the quiz or test on the announced day. Quizzes and tests are announced
well in advance, so there should be no surprises.
Honor Code: Cheating will not be tolerated. This includes copying or using someone
else’s work as your own (including the Internet), discussing quiz or test questions, and any
form of communication about or during a quiz or test. The Honor Code applies on all assigned
work, unless otherwise stated.
Grades: Grades are not negotiable: you will get what you have earned. Your grade
reflects what you have learned, and how well you can apply the knowledge. It is the quotient
of the number of points you’ve earned, divided by the total number of points possible.
Extra Help: Sign up for help at the first sign of confusion. We can resolve most issues
quickly if we attack them immediately!
Common Sense: All school rules listed in your planners will be observed in this classroom .
Dear Parent or Guardian,
September, 2014
I am looking forward to working with your student in Geometry. I am sure
that this year will be a challenging as well as a rewarding experience for everyone
Your student’s success is my first goal, so it is important that your student
attends every class and keeps up with the lessons. If your student is absent, I
suggest that (s)he calls a classmate and/or checks my website for missed notes and
assignments. If your student has difficulty with the material, please encourage him
or her to arrange with me for extra help.
Please take a moment to review the information and policies/procedures to
which this letter is attached. Please also be aware that my web page, which you and
your student can access from the BWHS home page (click on “Staff” then on my
name), contains a calendar with all assignments as well as a great deal of
information and handouts as we progress through the course.
I am looking forward to seeing you at our upcoming Back-to-School Night. In
the meantime, feel free to contact me at school by phone or email (preferred and
fastest) at judith.cramer@lcps.org with any questions or concerns.
Mrs. Judith Cramer, Geometry Teacher
Please acknowledge receipt of these policies by signing below
and returning this portion to Mrs. Cramer.
Changes and/or additions to these expectations might occur as the year progresses.
We have read the preceding pages with our student, understand what
is required, and agree to follow the policies outlined.
Date ________________
Student Name ____________________________________
Block/Period ________
Student Signature _________________________________
Student e-Mail _______________
Parent Name ____________________________________
Parent e-Mail ________________
Parent Signature _________________________________
Parent Phone _________________