Rolling Out a Data Warehouse Communication, Coordination and Collaboration for Successful Implementation Presentation Overview Background Communication Collaboration Coordination Implementation Plan Data Warehouse Tour of Reports Summary with Q & A LCPS Background 66 schools (Elementary, Middle, Intermediate and High) plus 1 alternative school 1 technology center 1 academy of science 50,500 students Average annual increase between 1996 and 2006 4.2% Projected increase of 7.1% or 3,379 students for FY07 LCPS Background Growth Teacher Mobility 678 New Licensed Positions (2006) 15.3% Growth from 2005-2006 (3764 to 4442) 12% (estimate) (Attrition, retirement, change schools) (436 of 3637) Administration Mobility 12% (8 of 66 Principals New to Schools – 2006) Key questions… What is the vision? Who is the audience? Assess current status Develop a shared meaning/vision among all stakeholders Get a long term commitment Incremental change using appropriate leverage points Audience and leverage points change as implementation expands What will be different as a result of a data warehouse? Manage expectations Create personal value Means to Communicate Pre-Launch Data Summit Bi-weekly updates Web Site Email Blasts Newsletter (Print and e-newsletter) Brochures Meetings …. Communicate “Division” Value How will the data warehouse help schools to serve students more effectively? How will the data warehouse help schools improve? Identify strengths and weaknesses Tie directly into the School Improvement Planning process How will the data warehouse save schools time? One source with reports pertinent to their school (20002006) Communicate “School” Value How will the data warehouse help staff to serve students more effectively? How will the data warehouse help staff to be better leaders and teachers? Assist in program evaluation and intervention Include data as evidence during discussions regarding teaching and learning How will the data warehouse save staff time? Ability to disaggregate data using common filters Communicate “Personal” Value How will the data warehouse help me to serve my students more effectively? How will the data warehouse help me to be a better leader and teacher? Multiple data points highlight strengths and weaknesses Provide a common foundation to discuss student performance How will the data warehouse save me time? No more walking to the office to get the “cum” folder Framing an approach to data What data best informs our improvement planning? What data best informs our instructional practice? How can this data best be analyzed and organized? How do we find the time to make data a valuable tool for our planning and decision-making? Do I have all of the data I need to make an informed decision? Key Understandings About Data-Driven Decision-Making 1. Data for Accountability and Data for Continuous Improvement are NOT the same. ACCOUNTABILITY STATEWIDE HIGH-STAKES TESTING RESPONSIBILITY DISTRICT BENCHMARK TESTING & CHAPTER TESTS STATIC LONG-RANGE IMPROVEMENT PLANNING CLASSROOM OBSERVATIONS, ASSESSMENTS & STUDENT WORK DYNAMIC SHORT-TERM PLANNING & INTERVENTION IMMEDIATE INTERVENTION Key Understandings About Data-Driven Decision-Making 2. Data mean different things to different people, because the kinds of decisions they make are different. Key Understandings About Data-Driven Decision-Making 3. Data have no meaning in and of itself. Key Understandings About Data-Driven Decision-Making 4. It is not the data that is important; it is the discussion about the data that is important. Key Understandings About Data-Driven Decision-Making 5. Strong instructional leaders build a culture for using data on a routine basis. Collaboration Administration School Staff Central Office and School-Based Staff Development Information Technology Support (AIT, DIT, ITS and TRT) Principals Instructional Staff Establish Data Teams Common Tools Common Language Common Goals Coordination DW Development Team Instruction Research Office ITS Staff Development Curriculum and Instruction DIT IBM Pupil Services SIS Office Business and Finance AIT Principals Elementary (3) Middle/Intermediate (2) High (5) Star Base Team Server and Network Support Team Database Development Report Development Document Development Project Management Hardware/Software Support School-Based Data Team Traits • • • • • • • • • • • Questioner Problem Posing Precise Thinker Anticipatory Egalitarian Inspirational Influential Networker Computer Literate Action Oriented Personable • Professional • Inquisitive • Respected By Admin and Teachers • Effective Communicator • Analytical Thinker • Visionary • Patient with All Questions • Positive Data Team Responsibilities • • • • • • • • • Educate staff on appropriate data use Access DW and generate reports Meet w/school level committees Monitor SIP data reports Train staff to access and generate reports Build assessment and data literacy capacity within school School level communication Recognition and celebration Liaison with support systems needs Data Warehouse Tour LCPS Warehouse Login A data warehouse solution should provide… • Improved data integration, accessibility and service for all users through coordinated planning, design, development and deployment of technology solutions • Improved collaboration among staff with end-users regarding system-wide technology and data policies through • Coordinated needs assessment from the classroom level to central administration • Annual audit of data, hardware, software and networks “Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing” Data becomes accessible throughout the system with mission appropriate access Efficient management of data systems leads to better data analysis by administrators and teachers Easy access to data helps teachers make informed decisions about instruction based on student learning Data analysis can promote a better alignment between curriculum and professional development Improved efficiency learning improved services improved Through a data warehouse solution… LCPS will realize benefits for students, teachers and administrators Improved access to information and data that can inform decisions regarding instruction, curriculum and assessment Improved timeliness of data analysis at the local level to better inform decisions Improved distribution of data for decision making at the classroom, building and district levels Question and Answer Contact Information Stephan Knobloch, Research Supervisor Loudoun County Public Schools 21000 Education Court Ashburn, VA 20148 571-252-1484