Zhengzhou International Young Leaders Summit (ZIYLS) Application Innovation and Maker is the theme of the upcoming China Summit. Selected delegates will be actively engaged in discussing technology and innovation, maker, peace, economy, globalization, and how to preserve quintessence of the different cultures. This summit will also offer an invaluable opportunity to the participants to visit The Great Wall of China, The Forbidden City (the old palace), Shaolin Temple (the birth place of Kungfu), Kaifeng Folk Village, and the ancient civilization site around Yellow River. The dates of this trip will be from October 16 to October 25, 2016. Important dates: INTEREST MEETING (STUDENTS): MAY 4TH AT 8:15 AM in the auditorium. INTEREST MEETING (PARENTS): MAY 12TH AT 7:00 PM IN ROOM 401. APPLICATIONS DUE MAY 20TH APPLICANTS NOTIFIED MAY 25TH DEPOSIT ($500) DUE AND PARTICIPANT MEETING: JUNE 1ST REMAINDER OF PAYMENT DUE SEPTEMBER 14TH FALL 2016 – A schedule of meetings will be announced upon the start of the 20162017 school year. Eligibility: Students must be enrolled in Academic or A.P. World History, Academic or A.P. Government or Academic or AP Economics or International Relations in the 2016-2017 school year to apply. Additionally, students who are members of the Model United Nations Team may apply. Each student will connect their social science research paper to some aspect of Chinese history, politics, or culture. Interested students must: 1. complete the written application; 2. have two teachers complete recommendations Name______________________________ Grade_________ Address:____________________________ Home Phone #:_____________________ ___________________________________ Parent Cell Phone #:_________________ Student Cell Phone #:________________ Parent E-mail address____________________________ Student E-mail address___________________________ Parent signature _________________________________ I have read the information about the Cuba Study Visit in which my child would like to participate and support their desire to take part in this opportunity. Coach signature __________________________________ Please have your coach sign if you are participating in a fall sport to indicate that you have discussed this opportunity and the impact that your participation will have on the team with him/her. Written application instructions Answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper. Utilize no more than two sheets of paper in total to answer the following: 1. List the extra-curricular activities in which you participate, leadership positions you hold, and community service projects in which you have taken part. Activities and leadership experiences that demonstrate an ability to learn outside of the classroom, adaptability, and an appreciation for other cultures are highly desirable. 2. Why do you feel you would make a good “ambassador” from Dominion High School and the United States during this visit to China? Ideal candidates will be able to articulate the character traits that they possess, as well as prior life experiences that have prepared them to represent Dominion and the U.S. on this trip. Prior international travel experiences are not necessary, but candidates should demonstrate that they understand the perceptions that Chinese may have of them, as well how they plan to leave a positive impression of Dominion High School and America with Chinese people they will encounter on this trip. 3. What do you hope to gain from taking part in this trip? Ideal candidates will be able to articulate how this trip will contribute to his/her “leading a life of significance.” Application Rubric: Applications will be judged by the following criteria: Teacher recommendations (25%) Response to question #1 (25%) Response to question #2 (25%) Response to question #3 (25%) Return completed applications to Mrs. Carter and Mrs. Kim. 2016 China Summit Teacher Recommendation Form Students are required to submit 2 teacher recommendation forms to be considered for participation in this program. Please respond to the following questions, based on your relationship with the applicant, as accurately and honestly as possible. Please keep in mind the physical and emotional rigors that these international travel opportunities present, as well as the desire to have the students participating serve as excellent representatives of Dominion High School and the United States. Thank you! Mrs. Kim and Mrs. Carter Return the evaluation forms to Mrs. Kim (turn in to Mrs. Brothers in the Media Center) or the Mrs. Carter’s mailbox in the main office. Student Name: __________________________________ Teacher Completing Recommendation: _______________________________ Relationship to Student: ____________________________________ Characteristic Exceptional (Top Above 3% of class) Average Average Below Average/ Does not exhibit Leadership Independence Responsibility/Maturity Character Academic Achievement Openness to new experiences Additional Comments: __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ China Summit Trip: October 2016 Dates: October 16 to October 25, 2016. Estimated Costs: Air fare to China (TBA at the parents’ Meeting). **Zhengzhou Number 2 High School will provide lodging, meals, and transportation fares during the summit, and admission fees to the Great Wall of China, the Forbidden City, Kaifeng Folk Village, and Shaolin Temple. Accomodations and Itinerary: A more detailed itinerary will be made available at the interest meetings.