PVHS 9th Grade Health and Physical Education *This syllabus, properly signed and returned (next class), is worth 10 points* Course Description: HPE 9 is designed to provide students with an opportunity to acquire appropriate knowledge, understanding, and will in a variety of individual and team sports. Emphasis is placed on the development of efficient body control and movement, the development of desirable social skills and on safety awareness. Basic rules and skills are reviewed at the beginning of each unit and students are given an opportunity to improve their skills and understanding of each activity. As part of the course, health classes stress the importance of personal and lifelong health and will teach students how to take an active role in creating a healthy lifestyle for themselves, their families, and community. Physical Education Objectives: In this course students will be exposed to a variety of activities. These activities may include but not limited to the following. Physical Fitness Testing, Fitness Games, Team Handball, Basketball, Floor Hockey, Soccer, Flag Football, Weight Lifting, 5 For Life Activities, and more. All lessons and activities will align with the Virginia State 2015 Physical Education Standards of Learning. Health Education Objectives: In this course students will be taught a variety of health concepts, skills and behaviors for their personal, lifelong health goals. Units taught during 9th grade health include, First Aid/CPR, Mental and Emotional Health, Nutrition, Personal Health and Physical Activity, Consumer and Community Health, Environmental Health, and Family Life. All lessons will align with the Virginia State 2015 Health Education Standards of Learning. Rules / Expectations: 1. All students are required to wear school appropriate athletic clothing during physical education class at all times. This includes t-shirt/sweatshirt, shots/sweatpants, athletic shoes (no flip flops, slides, flats, open toe shoes, or boots) and socks. (Sleeves may not be cut off). Rentals are available, but limited ($1.00 ea.) 2. All students will meet in the main gym before the tardy bell. Attendance will be taken in squad lines, and students will be dismissed to get dressed (8 minutes max). Once dressed students report immediately to their assigned location. At the conclusion of class, students will wait in the main gym until class is over. 3. Keep valuables locked up, students are responsible for all possessions brought to class. 4. Each student will be issued one lock and assigned locker. Students will keep their lock the entire school year, but will need to share their locker with other classes when in the health classroom. Replacement locks/non-returned locks will be charged $5.00. 5. The following are not allowed during P.E. classes: Wearing jewelry, chewing gum, eating candy, cell phones, music devices, tablets, etc. (unless instructed otherwise). No food or drink allowed in the locker room. 6. Students with minor ailments or injuries may bring a note from a parent/guardian. Notes from home are limited to 2 P.E. days. Students with a parental note will be expected to dress out with modified activity. For prolonged medical excuses, a doctor/nurse document is required. The doctors/nurse note should include what the student it allowed to do, alternate assignments will be required for a grade. 7. If a student is absent from P.E. class, a makeup assignment is required for daily credit (see P.E. teacher). 8. The team rooms are off limits during the school day. 9. Participation, effort and a positive attitude are the keys to success! Bad attitudes, negative comments, whining, and failure to follow the teacher's rules will not be tolerated and will result in disciplinary actions. 10. Students will follow all school policies as stated in the student handbook. Grading (50 % P.E. & 50 % Health): 0-20 points may be acquired each day based on the following levels . . . -Dressing (P.E. only): 0 = Not Dressed, 5 = Fully Dressed with sneakers, t-shirt/sweatshirt, shorts/sweatpants – if the student does not fully dress for P.E., they cannot truly engage or demonstrate their knowledge in the activity. * Sneakers and jeans will count as a 0, as jeans are not suitable for Phys. Ed. class; students cannot achieve full range of motion. -Engagement/Demonstration of Content Knowledge: 0 = no engagement/demonstration of content knowledge, refusal to follow rules, negative comments. 4= minimal engagement/demonstration of content knowledge, 10 = moderate engagement/ demonstration of content knowledge. 15 = full engagement/ demonstration of content knowledge. - Quizzes and reading/writing activities will be given. If a student misses a quiz or reading/writing assignment it is their responsibility to make arrangements to make it up. Opportunities for retakes are available at the student’s request. - Grades will be put into phoenix on a daily basis. ~ We do not have enough lockers to give students a personal one for the semester. Students will be issued one lock to use for the entire school year, but will turn their lock into me each 3 weeks that we are not in P.E.. The cost to replace a lock is 5 dollars. Locks must be purchased from students P.E. teacher only. IT IS THE STUDENT’S RESPONSIBILITY TO MAKE SURE THAT THEIR POSSESIONS ARE LOCKED UP! We recommend that students do NOT bring money and other valuables to the gym/locker room if they do not have a lock. Thank you for your future cooperation; feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns at any time. I hope that we can make this an enjoyable class for your child. I can’t wait to have a great year! Sincerely, Mr. Wheaton Email: jeffrey.wheaton@lcps.org