WORLD HISTORY II 1500-Present Mr. Kleffman Room 2209

Name: _________________________
Period: _______
Mr. Kleffman
Room 2209
Welcome to World History II! During this course we will focus on the development on the world
since from the 1450s to present day. We will begin with major trade routes and Muslim Empires
and end with the modern world. As students, you will examine the economic, political, and
geographical reasons for why the world looks like it does today. Together we will analyze the
decisions made and how the consequences shaped today’s world. It is important to remember
that those who hold power are still human and are no different from you or me. They do make
mistakes too.
Please have the following with you for each class period:
Pen or Pencil
Binder or notebook and folder
High expectations for yourself and our class
Grades will be determined by adding up the total points earned across all assignments in the
quarter. The number of grades will vary between each quarter. My tests are worth 100 points. If
for any reason you do not like your test grade you may retake the test. The average will be taken
from the original test and retake to determine your new grade. Projects will be worth 50-75
points depending on the workload of the rubric. Classwork and homework is worth between 5-40
points depending on the degree of involvement. Class participation is very important for the
learning process, and encouraged even if it’s incorrect.
Late Work
Any assignments not submitted at the beginning of class on the day it is due is considered late
and will be penalized by 50%. Late work will be accepted at the end of each unit. I will not
accept any late work from the previous unit (before the last test).
Students are responsible for making up notes missed when absent. Students will come to me for
any work they missed. Students absent for a single class period will not be excused from longterm deadlines (such as tests or project dates, unless they miss critical content).Any long term
absences requires a discussion between student and teacher to set deadlines for missed work.
If absent on the day an assignment is due, the assignment must be turned in as soon as
you return
If absent on a test day, be prepared for the test on the day you return.
You have homework EVERY night. If there is no assignment given, you are to read over
material covered that day. Spend 10-15 minutes every night looking over your notes to facilitate
studying for the test, it makes a world of difference.
Course Topics
1. Islamic Empires: Ottoman Empire, Mughal India, Songhai
2. Renaissance & Reformation
3. European Expansion and Exploration
4. Absolutism and Enlightenment
5. French & Latin American Revolutions
6. Napoleon, Congress of Vienna, Unification of Germany and Italy
7. Imperialism & WWI
8. Totalitarian Regimes & WWII
9. Cold War: Europe
10. Cold War: Asia
11. Modern World
Contacting Mr. Kleffman
I encourage all parents/guardians to contact me at any time about the progress of your child. If
necessary, I will be contacting you about concerns with your child. My email is I am looking forward to working with you and your child and the
exciting year ahead.
Acknowledgement of Syllabus
By signing below, students and parents are stating that they have read and understood the
policies and procedures of the class. If you have any questions, please contact me by my email at
Parent/Guardian Signature:
Date __________________
Student Signature:
Date ___________________