Document 17587998

DESCRIPTION: English/Language Arts - Grade 7
The Grade 7 English curriculum, aligned with the Virginia SOL, is an integrated program of reading and
writing skills, activities, and applications designed to develop clear and effective written and oral
communication and a life-long appreciation of literature. Specific goals include helping students
1) improve critical thinking skills
2) develop a literary background
3) read challenging literature
4) develop usage/mechanics and spelling through the writing process
5) develop oral communication skills through individual, small group, and large group learning
The items listed below outline the required topics for this level. All teachers reinforce the requirements from
previous years and, depending on the needs of individual students, may extend instruction beyond the
required curriculum. Teachers incorporate activities to review and practice the skills texted on the Grade 7
SOL reading test.
Review grammar and mechanics, as necessary; edit for correct
spelling, capitalization, and punctuation; style; tone; sentence variety;
writing process; organization; unity; elaboration; central idea; writing
for specific purposes including writing for the work place, and
descriptive, narrative, and expository writing; selected vocabulary
Probe, narrow research topics; avoid plagiarism; practice note-taking
skills; paraphrase; explore and utilize print and non-print references;
practice Internet safety; create a works cited page; generate research
Survey/analyze a variety of genres, including fiction/nonfiction,
poetry, novel, short story, drama, and folklore; study of literary
elements such as poetic devices and figurative language
Oral Language
Demonstrate and practice oral skills through oral performances,
presentations, and reports; verbal vs. non-verbal messages, readers’
theater, drama, and various oral activities
Continue exploration of Latin and Greek word elements, including
prefixes, suffixes, and roots; word study through literature
Honors English/Language Arts - Grade 7
The Grade 7 Honors English curriculum, aligned with the Virginia SOL, is an extension of the academic
program. Instruction at the honors level emphasizes the appreciation and analysis of challenging literature;
refined, articulate, and astute communications; and activities requiring high levels of critical and creative
thinking. The Grade 7 Honors English curriculum is an integrated program of reading and writing skills,
activities, and application designed to develop clear and effective written and oral communication and a lifelong appreciation of literature. Specific goals include helping students:
1) apply critical thinking skills
2) develop a literary background
3) read challenging literature
4) develop and mater grammar, usage/mechanics, and spelling through the writing process
5) develop oral communication skills through individual, small group, and large group learning experiences
The items listed below outline the required topics for this level. All teachers reinforce the requirements from
previous years and, depending on the needs of individual students, may extend instruction beyond the
required curriculum. Teachers incorporate activities to review and practice the skills texted on the Grade 7
SOL reading test.
Effectively apply the writing process to craft well-developed paragraphs
for specific purposes in a variety of genres, including writing for the
work place and descriptive, narrative, and expository writing; develop
and master mechanics/usage; enhance editing skills for spelling,
capitalization, and punctuation; use of technology in the writing process
Probe, narrow research topics; avoid plagiarism; practice note-taking
skills; paraphrase; explore and utilize print and non-print references;
practice Internet safety; create a works cited page; generate research
Survey/analyze a variety of genres, including fiction/nonfiction, poetry,
novel, short story, drama with an emphasis on Shakespeare, and folklore;
study literary elements, such as poetic devices and figurative language
Oral Language
Demonstrate and practice oral skills through oral performances,
presentations, and reports; verbal vs. non-verbal messages, readers’
theater, drama, and various oral activities
Continue exploration of Latin and Greek word elements, including
prefixes, suffixes, and roots; word study through literature