SBHS Library Teen Advisory Group (T.A.G.)

SBHS Library Teen Advisory Group (T.A.G.)
2014-2015 School Year
Name: ______________________________________________________
Grade: ________________________ Birthdate: ___________________
Email address: ______________________ cell phone: _______________
Reasons to join:
Volunteer and get involved in your school
Meet new friends
Plan programs and activities for you and your friends
Help make decisions for the library
Gain leadership experience
It’s fun! And sometimes we’ll have food!
Responsibilities of a T.A.G member:
 Attend monthly meetings and be an active participant
 Contribute to planning and implementation of various special programs and assist
with setup and cleanup
 Promote library events
Qualities we are looking for in T.A.G. members:
 Ability and willingness to express oneself clearly
 A desire to build a better library
 Enthusiasm, commitment, creativity, and an open mind
Why do you want to be a member of the SBHS Teen Advisory Group?
Student signature ___________________________________________