Private and Public law lesson 11 The power of the public Administration to enter into agreements, according to the Italian Civil Code; legal enforcement of administrative decisions The power of the Administration to enter into agreements _________________________________________________ Is the Administration allowed to negotiate and enter into agreements with private individuals / companies? If so, is the Administration free to choose any method to entertain relationships with private individuals / companies? The power of the Administration to enter into agreements _________________________________________________ Need to set up relationships with private entities Duty to pursue public interest The power of the Administration to enter into agreements _________________________________________________ Need to set up relationships with private entities The ultimate aims of the Administration are set out by the law (i.e., they are not an option for the Administration) The power of the Administration to enter into agreements _________________________________________________ Definition of “contract” (“appalto”) under the Civil Code Definition of “contract” (“appalto”) for the purposes of public law - all “passive” agreements - agreements regarding the carrying out of public works, the provision of services and the supply of goods The power of the Administration to enter into agreements _________________________________________________ Obligation of the Administration to specify the reasons justifying the choice to act under the norms of the Civil Code (in the light of the duty to pursue public interest) The power of the Administration to enter into agreements _________________________________________________ Art. 1, paragraph 1-bis of Law no. 241/1990: general principle of contractual autonomy of the Administration: when issuing decisions other than those based on public authority, the Administration is generally allowed to resort to agreements and “tools” regulated by the Civil Code The power of the Administration to enter into agreements _________________________________________________ Art. 1, paragraph 1-bis of Law no. 241/1990: general principle of contractual autonomy of the Administration: the Administration should preferably resort to agreements and “tools” regulated by the Civil Code The power of the Administration to enter into agreements _________________________________________________ Art. 1, paragraph 1-bis of Law no. 241/1990: general principle of contractual autonomy of the Administration: There is no obligation for the Administration to use authority (nor to act under the norms of the Civil Code). By way of exception, the law may provide that, in certain situations, the Administration must resort to authority The power of the Administration to enter into agreements _________________________________________________ Art. 1, paragraph 1-bis of Law no. 241/1990: general principle of contractual autonomy of the Administration: When the Administration acts under the norms of the Civil Code, it is subject to the general rules regulating relationships among private individuals (e.g., liability regime, etc.): “Code of Public Works” The power of the Administration to enter into agreements _________________________________________________ Art. 1, paragraph 1-bis of Law no. 241/1990: general principle of contractual autonomy of the Administration: When the Administration acts under the norms of the Civil Code, it is subject to all rules regulating the relationships among individuals - [citizens are entitled to have access to internal documents] - [the Administration’s employees are regulated by “general” labor law] The power of the Administration to enter into agreements _________________________________________________ When the Administration acts under the norms of the Civil Code, the following norms are applicable to the Administration: - the norms regulating pre-contractual / contractual liability - the norms regulating default interest and termination due to the Administration default - the obligation to enter into the final agreement (when a preliminary agreement was entered into) - the obligation to specifically consent to “clausole vessatorie” The power of the Administration to enter into agreements _________________________________________________ Exception: art. 21-sexies of Law no. 241/1990: “il recesso unilaterale dai contratti della pubblica amministrazione è ammesso nei casi previsti dalla legge o dal contratto” The Administration is entitled to freely withdraw from the agreement, without the need to: - justify its decision in the light of public interest - specify the reasons justifying its decision to withdraw Agreements entered into by the Administration _________________________________________________ - are regulated by both the Civil Code and the special legislation (if any) - both “common” agreements and “special” / atypical agreements (art. 1322 Civil Code) - active agreements and passive agreements - impartiality; duty to act in accordance with the applicable law; duty to preserve third parties’ rights; any discrimination is prohibited The power of the Administration to enter into agreements _________________________________________________ Making the decision to enter into an agreement: an administrative proceeding special legislation + Civil Code Performing the obligations set out by the agreement Civil Code Agreements entered into by the Administration _________________________________________________ Phase 1: the Administration adopts a resolution regarding the entering into of the agreement OR the Administration approves a draft agreement, to be submitted to the counterparty/ies Phase 2: the Administration selects / identifies the counterparty and the latter is formally entrusted to carry out the works (“aggiudicazione”) Phase 3: the agreement is entered into (in writing) Phase 4: formal approval of the agreement (retroactivity). What if the formal approval is denied? Agreements entered into by the Administration _________________________________________________ In particular, Phase 2: the Administration selects / identifies the counterparty - “open” proceedings - “restricted” proceedings - “negotiated” proceedings Agreements entered into by the Administration _________________________________________________ In particular, Phase 2: the Administration selects / identifies the counterparty - “asta pubblica” - “licitazione privata” - “appalto-concorso” - “procedura negoziata” - “dialogo competitivo” Project financing _________________________________________________ Public entity Banks Loans Public concession Special purpose vehicle Proceeds of the project Assignment of receivables by way of security + special privilege + pledges + mortgages Project financing - The promoter presents a draft project, regarding the carrying out of public-interest works. The project must be self-sustaining - The public entity sets up a first competitive proceeding (“procedura negoziata”), in order to select 2 additional players (in addition to the promoter) - The public entity sets up a second competitive proceeding, to be run among the promoter and the 2 players selected during the first competitive proceeding - The works may be allotted in favor of the promoter(s). The “special purpose vehicle” may later step-in the project Project financing _________________________________________________ - The “special purpose vehicle” may issue bonds or debentures in order to ensure that the project is properly funded (corporate bonds) - Banks benefit of a “special privilege” (by operation of law) over all movable assets pertaining to the project. Banks may enforce such privilege in case that loans granted to the SPV are not paidback. Additional guaranties are usually created - No recourse on the promoters/shareholders of the SPV Project financing _________________________________________________ Several promoters may get together, in order to ensure that the requirements set out by the public entity are fulfilled (with regard to all of them jointly): “Avvalimento” / “Associazione Temporanea di Imprese” (ATI). In such cases: . A “lead promoter” is appointed, to deal with the public body and represent the other participants (mandatario con rappresentanza) . Before the setting up of the SPV, each participant is liable for its respective “share” in the project works . Appropriate evidence must be provided that all “segments” are actually available (members of the same group; assignment of business; close commercial relationships, etc.)