Writing Memoir Leads Grabbing the reader’s attention with an interesting opening

Writing Memoir Leads
Grabbing the reader’s attention with
an interesting opening
Write from experience
"In order to write memoir,
we need to see that literature is made out
of the everyday stuff of our lives."
Lucy Calkins
The Art of Teaching Writing
Where to begin
Chances are that you’ve chosen to write about
an event that has meaning to you, maybe even
personal in nature. This should be an event you
feel comfortable writing about. If it is a deeply
personal experience, you may find that the
writing flows more easily after you get past the
Types of Leads ~ Descriptive
Descriptive leads ~ These ‘set’ the scene by
painting a picture in the reader’s mind.
“the doorman of the Kilmarnock was six foot
two. He wore a pale blue uniform, and white
gloves made his hands look enormous. He
opened the door of the yellow taxi as gently as
an old maid stroking a cat.”
--Raymond Chandler
Suspense Leads
Suspense leads create curiosity in the reader’s mind
and leave them wondering what will happen next.
“Suddenly everything stops.”
--Alison James
“You must not tell anyone,” my mother said, “what I
am about to tell you.”
--The Woman Warrior
“Every so often that dead dog dreams me up again.”
--Stephanie Vaughn
Question Leads
Question leads immediately draw the reader
into the memoir, inviting the reader to ponder
the events that lie ahead.
“Why on earth had she shown up after ten long
years, and what was that expression of fury on
her face?”
“If I had a crystal ball to predict my day ahead,
would I have done anything differently?”
Leads that introduce the narrator
‘Narrator’ leads introduce the reader to the
narrator, acquainting the reader with the main
character in the memoir.
“The name my family calls me is Morning
Girl, because I wake up early always with
something on my mind.”
--Michael Dorris
Conflict Leads
Conflict leads present the central conflict to
the reader for immediate consideration.
“At the age of six, our family was faced with a
beast of a threat that would proceed to tear us
apart, piece by piece.”
Thematic Leads
Thematic leads hint to the reader at the ‘life’
lesson that the memoir will teach.
“I was six years old when my mother taught
me the art of invisible strength.”
--Amy Tan
Your lead…
How will you invite the reader into
your memoir?