Welcome Welcome to Chemistry at Park View High! I am excited... anticipate a successful year with each and every one of...

Welcome to Chemistry at Park View High! I am excited to begin a new year and
anticipate a successful year with each and every one of you!!
Contact Information
Mrs. Suzanne Irwin
E-mail: suzanne.irwin@lcps.org
Phone: 571- 434-4500
Contact Information
Follow me on Twitter: @su_irwin
All students must sign up for Remind. Remind is an easy way for me to send you
information by text, and for you to text me. I will use Remind to send out timely
information about your class. You can also text me with questions, (and I can text you)
through Remind. In order to sign up, please text the appropriate code below to the
number 81010:
Block 2:
Block 3:
Block 4:
Block 6:
Block 7:
Website and VISION
I will post all of our class notes and homework assignments on my VISION page and on my
Google sites website. This will be a partially flipped class, so you will sometimes have to
watch videos as homework. These videos will be located on these webpages. You may use
either VISION or the Google site, whatever you prefer. I suggest that you bookmark the
page you prefer for easy access. The LCPS site will have links to both pages, as well as my
contact information.
LCPS Website: http://www.lcps.org/Domain/16341
Google Website: https://sites.google.com/site/irwinchemistry/home
VISION: Look for Irwin Chemistry. The enrollment code is atom.
Chemistry Syllabus--DRAFT
Mrs. Irwin
Instructional Objectives
Chemistry is the study of matter, its properties and structures, and how it interacts with
energy, which causes it to change. This is important because the way matter behaves is the
basis for everything we see or do. No matter what your future life path, you will use
chemistry almost every day (whether you know it or not!).
When you are done with this class, you will:
 Be familiar with common chemical terms and ideas.
 Understand how chemistry relates to your life outside of school.
 Be better able to use science to figure out things in everyday life.
 Realize that chemistry is actually kind of fun
 Spiral notebook interactive notebook. At least 70 pages, college ruled, without
perforaration (if you can find that). I will provide this notebook to you, but you are
free to get your own if you like. Notes, diagrams, handouts, quizzes, reflections, labs, and
other class materials will be created and kept in this notebook.
 A folder to keep a limited number of papers that we cannot tape into our notebook.
 A scientific calculator for home use. A calculator will be provided during class. (TI-30X
or something similar. These are about $9. I have some used ones available for sale or
 Pen and pencil/eraser
BYOT Expectations
We will use our technology, including our phones, as a learning tool in this classroom. In
order to respect each other and give ourselves the best environment to learn, we will
follow the follow technology guidelines:
RED: Possession Only
 All devices/phones/ipads/tablets must be SILENT and OUT OF SIGHT.
 Electronic devices may be confiscated by faculty if visible or in use.
YELLOW: Specified Use
 Electronic Devices are permitted only for a specific purpose as instructed.
 Permission may be revoked if off task.
GREEN: General Use
 Usage is permitted without distracting others.
 Making or receiving phone calls is not appropriate.
 Loss of network access or other consequences possible for violating Acceptable Use
Charging: You may charge your phones/other devices as needed in the SPECIFIED AREAS.
Ask Mrs. Irwin where the specified areas are.
Chemistry Syllabus--DRAFT
Mrs. Irwin
Poll Everywhere account: We will use poll everywhere as a way to answer quick
questions and complete formative assessments during class. Everyone will sign up for a
poll everywhere account during our first trip to the computer lab.
Your performance in this class will be assessed in a number of ways, both formally and
informally. You will keep all of your work in your interactive notebook. In addition to
receiving feedback and grades for thesis statements, labs and lab conclusions, and other
assignments, you will receive a grade for you interactive notebook at the end of each unit.
Assessment Type
Lab Writing
Interactive Notebook
in Lab
Unit Tests/Projects
Homework assignments, when assigned will be
graded for completion and will be due at the
beginning of class.
We will be using a writing to learn approach in this
classroom. (We will be also do a lot of drawing and
labelling). We will write the answers to questions,
claim and evidence paragraphs, thesis statements,
lab conclusions, data tables, and reflections, among
other things. Rubrics/Guidelines will be provided.
All classwork, notes, and homework will be kept in
an interactive notebook in your interactive
notebook. It is important that you bring your
notebook to EVERY CLASS. If you choose, and there
is no written homework, you may keep your
notebook in the bin for your block. Instructions and
a rubric for the notebook will be distributed and
discussed. The notebook will be collected and
graded at the end of each unit.
There will probably be at least one short quiz each
week. These may or may not be pre-announced. 15
points each
There will be an assessment at the end of every unit.
The format will vary, but may consist of multiple
choice, fill in the blank, matching and/or free
Retest Policy
Students who score below a 70% on a unit test will be invited to take a retest. In order to
be allowed to take the retest, the student must complete a test correction sheet for the
original test. The retest grade will replace the original grade in the gradebook. Retests will
be offered during specific time periods, either before or after school or during Pride. If
students cannot be at school during those times, we will discuss other options.
Chemistry Syllabus--DRAFT
Mrs. Irwin
Late Work and Absences
All work must be turned in at the beginning of class or when I have said it is due. Work
turned in late will not be accepted except under the following conditions:
 Illness
 Field Trip
 Other legitimate reason (excused by your teacher).
If you are absent, it is your responsibility to make up any missed assignments.
Check your class period’s folder in the While You Were Out bin for missed work.
The scope and sequence, notes, assignments and their due dates will be posted on
the class website. Any homework or classwork missed will be due the next class period. If
you are absent for a test, you are expected to make up the test. Appointments to make up a
test must be scheduled ahead of time to come before or after school or during a Pride.
Class Expectations
Respect yourself, and the opportunity you have been given to learn in this classroom.
Respect others and their needs, both in and out of the classroom.
Respect our environment: in the classroom, in the school, and outside.
Safety is of the utmost importance in chemistry. For this reason, you will be expected to
wear goggles and follow lab rules during every lab. Failure to wear goggles will result in
removal from that lab and a grade of 0. Lab safety will be discussed in detail at the
beginning of the semester.
Inappropriate Behavior
Safety Shower: Students are not permitted to pull the safety shower handle unless it is
an emergency. Any violation of this policy will result in time spent cleaning the room and
an additional 10 hours of community service for the science department.
Eye Wash: Students are not permitted to play with or turn on the eye wash unless it is an
Vandalism: Please take care of all furniture and equipment. Any violation of this policy will
result in immediate disciplinary action from administration.
It is expected that you will follow the Park View Honor Code at all times. Cheating,
plagiarism and other academic dishonesty will result in a 0 for that assignment. Plagiarism
includes not citing your source correctly or copying someone else’s work word for word..
Cheating includes copying someone else’s work or letting other people copy your work.
There will be a lot of group work during labs in this class, but everyone must turn in their
own work in their own words.
Chemistry Syllabus--DRAFT
Mrs. Irwin
Extra Help
Ms. Irwin will be available for extra help on Tuesdays and Thursdays before school and on
Wednesdays after school, and by appointment. If you need help and those times do not
work for you, please ask and we can arrange a time. Ms. Smith is also available after
school on most days for extra help.
Final Words
Don’t panic if some concepts or vocabulary seem difficult or confusing. Ask for help, and
we will work through the concepts together. If you pay attention, learn to identify your
points of weakness, and develop good study habits, you should have no problems in
chemistry. Science can be fun!
I have read a copy of the syllabus and grading policy.
Student Name: _______________________________ Signature: ___________________________________________
Parent Name: ________________________________ Signature: ___________________________________________
Phone # (h): ______________________ (w): _________________________ (c): _________________________
Parent Email: ____________________________________________________