1. What is an indulgence? 2. Who was Martin Luther? Church?

1. What is an indulgence?
2. Who was Martin Luther?
3. What happened to Luther in the Catholic
4. Why did King Henry VIII break off from the
Catholic Church?
5. Who did Elizabeth I defeat in 1588? Why
was this important?
The renaissance secular ideas challenged the
authority of the church.
The printing press helped spread these secular
Merchants grew tired of paying church taxes to
Leaders resented the pope (felt they were being
Popes spent money like A-rod and started beef
worse than 50 cent.
Priest and monks were poorly educated.
Married, Gambled, and drink to excess– When
in Vegas?
Christian Humanist criticized the church.
i.e. Desiderius Erasmus and Thomas More
1490s – Girolamo Savonarola preached in
Florence until executed for “heresy”.
Taught scripture at the University of
In 1517, became public about the sale of
October 31, 1517 nailed the 95 theses to the
door of the castle church in Wittenberg.
Eventually wanted a full reform of the church.
3 teachings:
1. Win salvation only through faith in God.
2. Church teachings should only be based on
the bible.
3. All people with faith were equal.
His ideas spread rapidly
Pope Leo X threatened to excommunicate
Luther if he did not take back his statements.
Luther refused and he was excommunicated.
Emperor Charles V put Luther on trial and
declared him an outlaw and heretic.
Stated no one was to give him shelter or feed
People disobeyed this decree where Luther
In 1522, Luther returned to Wittenberg and
found most people were using his ideas.
They were called Lutherans.
Priest dressed in ordinary clothes.
They were free to marry.
Led services in German rather than Latin.
Put yourself in Martin Luther’s shoes. Think of
the fear he had before nailing the 95 theses.
Write a paragraph/rap explaining his feelings
going up to the church in Wittenberg.