Welcome to Communications!!! 2015-2016 Mrs. Crawford THE RULE: Respect yourself and others. We are going to be an interdependent learning community, and as such we cannot function if people are rude or disrespectful to one another. You will work with everyone in the class at some point during the school year. I expect that you treat one another with respect and courtesy. ***Any student who insults, curses at, or threatens another student will immediately be removed from the classroom and referred to the Dean*** Grading: 98 – 100 93 97 90 92 87 89 83 86 80 82 A+ 77 – 79 – 73 – 76 A 70 – 72 – A– 67 – 69 B+ 63 – 66 – 60 – 62 B – B0 – 59 F C+ C C- To the left is the LCPS grade scale. D+ D D- Much of your work in this class will be participation-based. As such, you need to come to class prepared to participate in class. You will receive a daily grade for participation. The grades will be added together to form a weekly grade. Your grades can be as follows: 100 – full participation 75 – partial participation or needs to be talked into participating 50 – refuses to participate or is rude to those performing Retake Policy: There are not going to be summative assessments such as tests/quizzes in communications. Your summative assessments will be performances, and/or projects that you are collaborating on in class. As such, there should be no need for retakes. Absences: When you are absent from class, you cannot participate. This is extremely critical especially when we are working on group projects. Since a big part of your grade depends on participation, it will also affect your grade. FOR EACH SUBSEQUENT ABSENCE AFTER YOUR THIRD PER QUARTER, YOU WILL RECEIVE A 50 THAT DAY FOR YOUR DAILY PARTICIPATION GRADE. Obviously, if there are extenuating circumstances, we will work around them. Please let Mrs. Crawford know if there are. Dress and Water: We will be active in this class. Make sure you are dressed appropriately to participate each day. Also, bringing a water bottle is recommended. Obviously, I cannot have an entire class go to the water fountains numerous times during the class period. I do have sinks in my room, so you can fill your water bottles then. PLEASE SIGN AND RETURN THIS SHEET Student: I, , have read Mrs. Crawford’s classroom expectations and agree to follow them to the best of my ability. (student signature) Parent/Guardian: I, , have read Mrs. Crawford’s classroom expectations and agree to help my child follow them to the best of my ability. (parent signature) Parent/Guardian Contact Information: (please check preferred method of contact) Email: Phone Number: Any notes or questions for the teacher?