Day 1: Introduction, Plagiarism, and Beginning Research Date: _______________ Day 1: INTRODUCTION 1. Warm Up: Choose topic from summary sheets 2. Introduce project details: Final product (a powerpoint) will be written in first person. Task sheets for work days (Daily Five) o Daily Five requirements are due by the end of class or they are homework. o If you do not have them completed by the next class, you will receive reduced credit for the classwork grade that day. Source Sheets – fill these out as you work o Your final project will have a works cited page and IN-TEXT citations throughout o Keep track of what information you gathered from each source Library to learn about credible sources and research tools Expectations Day 2: Background Information Research and Notes Date: _______________ Day 2: Daily Five #1 1. Write a paragraph stating the crime and introducing the general background information. Set up the scene and cover the basics: Who, What, When, Where, Why? 2. Write a paragraph going further into the setting of the crime. You will complete a map of the setting, but use this opportunity to describe in words what the scene looked/felt/sounded like. Think about your senses. 3. Recall that Sherlock only chose cases of unusual circumstance. What would make Sherlock want to solve this particular crime? Make sure to mention details about why you think this case is interesting to research. 4. Create a timeline of events leading up to and following the time that the crime happened. Include at least ten events. You have the freedom to make your timeline unfold through years, months, weeks, days, or hours; just make sure that all of your events are of significance and detailed (hint: Victim and suspect birthdates usually do not hold much significance in the case). 5. Create a map of the crime scene. This is an opportunity to be creative as well as give a visual to what you have learned about the setting of the crime. You may use anything to help you create this, including a computer, but make sure it is your own work and that if you use any other sources, you cite them. Day 2: Background Requirements Writing: 1. State the crime paragraph _____/5 points 2. Describe the setting of the crime paragraph _____/5 points 3. “Why would Sherlock pick this crime to solve?” Paragraph_____/5 points Visuals: 4. Timeline of events surrounding the crime (10 events) _____/10 points 5. Setting map _____/5 points Day 3: Victims and Suspects Research and Notes Date: _______________ Day 3: Daily Five #2 1. Write a paragraph describing the background of the victim(s). For example, in what way do they “fit in” to the background information you have given previously? This might be different for a murder, burglary, or missing person case, but make sure we know as much about our victim(s) and their personal lives as possible. 2. Write a paragraph describing the victim’s status in the crime. This means answering the questions directly relating the victim(s) to this case. Why were they at the crime scene? Again, depending on what the crime was, you will have to expand on this information. For example, in a murder mystery, how were they found? Using words, paint a picture of the day that they were murdered. 3. Make a list of the possible suspects of the crime. Then, describe them using background information. You will later list why they are suspects, so save the speculation/motives for the next step. This section is to help you get better acquainted with the personal lives of the suspects. 4. For each suspect, list the clues/evidence that verifies them as a suspect. Include possible motives. This can be in bulleted or paragraph format, but make sure you give as much information for each suspect as possible. Remember, you want to build the best possible case, so stacking up evidence to find your “prime” suspect is important. 5. Create a sketch of your prime suspect. This can be done in the style of a witness facial composite, or in any other way that you feel suits your project. As with all other visuals for this project, be creative and make sure this is your original work! Day 3: Victims and Suspects Requirements Writing: 1. Description of the victim’s background _____/5 points 2. Description of the victim’s status in the crime _____/5 points 3. List of suspects and descriptions _____/5 points 4. List of clues as to why they are suspects _____/ 5 points Visuals: 5. Sketch of prime suspect _____/ 5 points Day 4: Theories and Deduction Research and Notes Date: _______________ *Final in-class workday! Make sure you are keeping track of your work cited pages and notes! Day 4: Daily Five #3 1. Write a paragraph discussing the dilemma of this unsolved mystery. Why has it not been solved? Why has it not been pinned on any of the suspects? Were there any “red herrings” (false clues)? 2. List and describe popular theories or other’s opinions on this case. This may be a list, but make sure you are giving plenty of details of their theory in paragraph form. 3. Now, what you have been waiting for—your turn! Write a paragraph introducing your theory about the case. You should introduce this by “mapping out” your deduction of the crime. You can take this literally, creating some sort of chart or graph to map out how you came to your conclusion, or you could write this in paragraph form (just be sure to organize your thoughts so that we see your line of deduction). 4. Create a works cited page in MLA format. See separate handouts for information on how to use MLA format. 5. Include your in-text citations along with matching source recording sheets. These in-text citations should follow the MLA format as well. You should have an in-text citation for each source on your works cited page. Day 4: Theories and Deduction Requirements 1. Why this is still a mystery paragraph _____/5 points 2. Popular theories _____/ 5points 3. Your theory and deduction map of the crime _____/10 points 4. Works cited with source sheets _____/10 points 5. In-text citations matching source sheets _____/10 points