Ms. Michelle Menna- United States/Virginia History 2014-2015 Course Overview: In U.S./Virginia History you will expand your ability to think clearly and carefully about social and historical forces that have shaped American history. You will compare the roles of different groups of people, including young people, in different times and regions. You will learn to think in an organized way to understand history and to express yourselves in all forms of writing, both formal and informal. In this class you will develop your ability to independently use historical evidence to make arguments and draw conclusions. This course will also help you improve your ability to think critically while examining how the people of America have met their needs, formed communities, and developed into new, diverse, and complex societies. Readings: McDougal, Little. The Americans. 2003. Articles, novel excerpts and primary sources Supplies: Composition Book/Spiral Notebook/Loose Leaf Paper (optional) 3-ring binder for organization of handouts/class work/graded work Pen/Pencils/Highlighters Attendance and Make Up Work: You are expected to regularly attend class and arrive on time. It is your responsibility to get any missing work and/or notes when you return to school. Late assignment make-up time is the number of days missed, plus one. Check the calendar and/or class website to see what you missed. All tests and quizzes must be made up before/after school within one week of the excused absence. Please schedule a time as needed to complete these tasks. Rules and Expectations: Follow all rules as prescribed in the Park View High School agenda/handbook (pages 7-14). In terms of behavior, my most serious expectation is that you will treat everyone the way that you would like to be treated. This expectation can be met by following these three guidelines: 1. Be Respectful- Be respectful to yourself, your peers, and your teacher. 2. Be Responsible- Come to class on time with all the items you need to be successful and turn your work in on time. 3. Take an Active Role in Your Learning- Participate in class, complete all the work, and take advantage of the opportunities given for extra help. If students are having issues with appropriate conduct and interaction, then they may participate in teacher assigned retraining session. Retraining Sessions may be held Monday – Friday at 8AM or 4PM. A Note about cell phones: I do not want to hear or see any cell phones. I will confiscate phones and/or call parents of repeat offenders. Continued issues will result in parent contact and administrative referrals as required. Grading: Grades will be calculated on a total points system. Your grade will be determined based on the following summative assessments: Tests/Projects/ Essays Chapter Summaries Unit Vocabulary/Terms Reading reflections and analysis Unit Quizzes See your student agenda pages 7-14 for the grading scale. Test Retake Policy: Students will be allowed to correct any of the graded assessments. Corrections are due a week after the assessment is handed back to the students. 1. Procedure for multiple choice questions: a. Rewrite the question and answer in a complete sentence. b. Explain why the first answer is incorrect or why it was missed. c. Explain why the new answer is correct and where the new answer was obtained. 2. Written assignments: a. Using the feedback on the graded assessment, rewrite or revise the portion of the written assessment that was incorrect or lost points. Late Work Policy: All late work must be turned in by the time of the unit test. Late work for that unit will not be accepted once the unit test has been taken. Academic Dishonesty Cheating and plagiarism will not be tolerated. All students are expected to adhere to the PVHS Academic Honor Code. Any violation of this policy will result in disciplinary action. Major Units of Study: Unit One: Three Worlds Meet (1492 to 1600) - Quarter 1 Unit Two: The Colonial Era (1600-1754) - Quarter 1 Unit Three: The Revolutionary Era (1754-1783) – Quarter 1 Unit Four: The New Republic (1783-1800) – Quarter 1 Unit Five: The Expanding Nation (1815-1837) – Quarter 1 Unit Six: Antebellum America/Causes of the Civil War (1837-1860) - Quarter 1 Unit Seven: The Civil War and Reconstruction (1860-1877) – Quarter 1 & 2 Unit Eight: America Grows-Industrialization thru Progressives (1877-1914) – Quarter 2 Unit Nine: Emergence of the U.S. as a World Power and World War I (1890-1918) – Quarter 2 Unit Ten: Roaring Twenties and Great Depression (1918-1941) – Quarter 3 Unit Eleven: World War II (1939-1945)– Quarter 3 Unit Twelve: The Cold War & Civil Rights (1945-1970) – Quarter 4 Unit Thirteen: The Recent United States (1970-2015)– Quarter 4 **This is a tentative schedule, dates may change as we go through the year** Instructor Availability I am available before school or after school to provide extra help. Please let me know when you are planning on coming so I will be sure to be available at that time. You can also reach me by email at ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------I have read the above information and will commit to excellence in all endeavors while in U.S. History. Student Signature: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Date: ______________________