Secret Santa Form

Secret Santa Form
Please fill out and return to Mr. Daniel in a sealed white envelope with your name on it
Due Dec. 4th by 4pm,
Pick Secret Santa from Mr. Daniel on Dec 7th
Come with gift (min of $15) to party on Dec 18th after school
*You are still invited to attend party w/o participating in Secret Santa, just be aware, you will not be entered into drawing*
My Name:
My Interests/Hobbies:
My Favorite Dessert/Candy:
My Favorite Drink:
My Favorite Magazines/Books:
My Favorite Movie/s:
My Favorite T.V. Shows:
My Favorite Clothing:
My Favorite Color:
My Favorite Band:
My Favorite Scent (for example apples & cinnamon):
My Favorite Restaurant:
My Favorite Store:
My Favorite Holiday Tradition:
Anything Else I would like to Add:
I DO NOT Want:
I am allergic to: