– Basic Nutrition FCSN 245 – Summer 2005 Final Exam

FCSN 245 – Basic Nutrition
Final Exam – Summer 2005
Questions for Dr. Gee’s portion of the class.
1) Energy and Healthy Weight
a) Energy
i) Define a calorie
ii) Describe how the calorie content of foods is determined.
iii) Describe how the caloric value of specific activities is determined
iv) Define basal metabolic rate (or resting metabolic rate) and roughly its
contribution to overall total energy expenditure
v) Describe factors that increase or decrease basal metabolic rate.
b) Assessment of healthy weight
i) Be able to calculate BMI from height in inches and weight in pounds
ii) Be able to assess what weight category this belongs to
iii) Be able to list what other health risk factors must be considered in
order to determine if a person is at a healthy weight or not.
iv) Be able to define a healthy weight.
c) Weight loss and obesity
i) Describe the approximate prevalence (% of population) and
prevalence trend of overweight and obesity in the US population.
ii) List which major chronic disease rates are increased in obese
iii) Describe why the growing prevalence of overweight Americans is a
public health concern despite some evidence showing that the
overweight state is not associated with increased mortality.
iv) Diets
(1) Describe general characteristics of balanced hypocaloric diets, low
carbohydrate diets, restrained carbohydrate diets, and healthy diets
and the research findings regarding the short and long term
success of these diets.
v) Exercise
(1) Describe the benefits of exercise in attaining and maintaining a
healthy weight
(2) Describe the role and benefits of aerobic exercise, strength training,
and lifestyle activity in weight loss and maintenance.
vi) Drugs and Surgery
(1) Name and describe the way the two prescription drugs work to
promote weight loss
(2) Describe how gastric bypass and gastroplasty promote weight loss
(3) Describe the criteria that is generally used to determine who
qualifies for drug or surgical intervention.
2) Vitamins and Minerals
a) General information
i) Describe the differences in physiological properties between fat soluble
and water soluble vitamins
ii) List the general functions of vitamins
iii) Name the deficiency syndrome associated with deficiencies of vitamin
C, thiamin, niacin, and rickets
b) Vitamin D
i) Describe dietary sources of vitamin D
ii) Describe how and under what conditions vitamin D can be synthesized
in the body
iii) Describe the function of vitamin D
c) Calcium
i) List important dietary sources of calcium
ii) Describe the functions of calcium in the body
d) Osteoporosis
i) Describe the medical treatment of people with osteoporosis
ii) Describe how osteoporosis is detected
iii) Describe how osteoporosis is best prevented.