Teacher’s Name: Katy Roth Birthday: 7/14 Favorite restaurant(s): Panera, Cheesecake Factory, Clydes, Chipotle Favorite clothing store(s): DICKS, Target Favorite bookstore? (Barnes and Noble, Amazon): Amazon Do you like going to the nail salon or spa: YES If so, which one: SpaFinder gift cards Which services: Massage Favorite candy: Peanut M&Ms, Pretzel M&Ms Do you prefer coffee or tea (or neither): tea Favorite coffee spot: Starbucks Favorite color(s): pink Hobbies: going to the beach, crossfit (exercising) Favorite Sports/Teams: Steelers Allergies (food/flowers): neither Favorite Bath & Body Works scent: NONE Or have simply too much of that stuff? Have too much Other favorite stores to get gift cards to? (Ex. I-Tunes): Favorite mall to shop at: Dulles Town Center Any Classroom Wish List Items: tennis balls, recess equipment