Minutes EMES PTA General Membership Mtg. Wednesday, November 13, 2013

DRAFT MINUTES to be approved at EMES PTA General Membership meeting on 12/11/13.
EMES PTA General Membership Mtg.
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
7:00 p.m.
1. Juana Kazmierczak
2. Shantell Evans
3. Mike Pellegrino, Principal
4. Maureen Kirk
5. Angie Tomaszewski
6. Michelle Taliaferro
7. Kathy Goodhardt
8. Lynn Colavita
9. Chandra Bittner
10. Deirdre Rommelmeyer
11. Julie Sprinkle
12. Kevin Arcono
13. Lisa Krepich
14. Anne Marie Veda
15. Gretchen Leonard
16. Susan Crouse
17. Matt Giamporcaro
18. Monica Morrell
19. Caroline Geidl
Call to Order: Meeting was called to order by President, Angie Tomaszewski at 7:00 p.m.
Approval of Minutes: Lisa Krepich presented the previous meeting’s minutes. Michelle Taliaferro
made a motion to approve the minutes from 10/9/13, as written. Matt Giamporcaro seconded.
Minutes were approved with unanimous vote.
Report of the Executive Committee
Treasurer’s Report, Juana Kazmierczak, Treasurer
Juana presented attendees with a “Monthly Report” document representing our budget balance
sheet and comparing 2013/2014 Actual figures to budgeted amounts. She also provided a Checking
Account report for October 11, 2013-November 8, 2013 (representing the day after the last meeting
until the current date). This documents shows our account balance as it changes on a daily basis
with deposits and reimbursements noted as entered. Some highlights of activity included 12 teacher
reimbursements, the purchase of D.A.R.E. t-shirts for our 5th graders, $10,375.89 in registrations for Fall
Session After School Enrichment Programs, a missing Box Tops reimbursement check in the amount of
$880.38 was reissued by the company and deposited by EMES (thank you Mr. Pellegrino for making
the official phone call). Our current bank statement has our balance at $46,857.41 with our books
reflecting $40,686.45. A more orderly timing of the PTA balance was discussed with the suggestion
that monthly expenditures be evaluated so comparisons can be done and are more consistent
(using calendar dates instead of meeting to meeting dates.)
Kevin Arcano made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report with the stipulation that these
comparisons be explored, which was seconded by Maureen Kirk. Motion carried.
 Mission Statement Approval, Angie Tomaszewski
Two versions of a proposed EMES PTA Mission Statement were presented and discussed. Lisa Krepich
made a motion to approve and adopt Option 1 which was seconded by Michelle Taliaferro. Motion
carried. The EMES PTA Mission Statement shall read:
The mission of the Evergreen Mill Elementary School PTA is to advocate on behalf of our children and
provide support (through time, talent, and resources) toward the unified goal of promoting a passion
for learning in an academic environment where students can reach their highest potential.
 Cash Flow Monitoring, Angie Tomaszewski
With guidance provided by the Virginia PTA, we would like to explore reducing our cash balance in a
methodical manner. Hopefully, choosing projects that will be important to our school, its teacher
and students. A thorough and candid discussion ensued resulting in a motion by Anne Marie Vedaa
that we appoint a SPECIAL COMMITTEE FOR CASH FLOW ANALYSIS that will explore ways to analyze
our annual income and expenses to find a responsible way to spend down our cash balance while
still keeping enough in reserves to cover the changing time gaps between our fundraising and our
expenses for programs. Kevin Arcano seconded the motion. Motion carried. Maureen Kirk and Matt
Giamporcaro answered a call for volunteers and we will solicit others.
During this discussion of accounting practices, it was noted that EMES PTA has still been using a mostly
manual procedure with Excel Spreadsheets. Chandra Bittner made a motion that we create a
PTA accounting methodology and provide recommendations for revised procedures whether
automating (pay4schoolstuff; Quick Books, etc.) or otherwise. Motion was seconded by Kevin
Arcano. Motion carried. Chandra Bittner answered the call for volunteers and we will solicit others.
Report of Standing and Special Committees
 Outdoor Classroom (OC) –Shantell Evans
A survey was sent to all EMES teachers about what they would find most useful in the Outdoor
Classroom and 27 responses have been received and will be evaluated and considered in our
planning. An exciting grant titled GreenKids is being written and we already have 5 of 6 teachers
volunteering to provide the needed leadership to apply for the grant. This grant will equate to
$1500/year for 2 years going to EMES for the OC and it’s deadline is in March 2014. A second Lunch
& Learn for the teachers is being planned to give an additional opportunity for input in our planning.
With no guarantee of the Green Kids grant it was asked if we continue without it. Lisa Krepich made
a motion the EMES PTA move forward with OC planning and installation regardless of the GreenKids
competition results (the plan for the grant application can still be used to guide our OC). Anne Marie
Vedaa seconded and the motion carried.
 Communications and Marketing – Angie Tomaszewski
There was a discussion about what is working and what is not with our PPIs, email newsletters and
other communications mediums. Our goal is to create a multi-channel approach for our
communications with will include the EMES PTA Facebook page; the EMES PTA tab on the school
website; email PYTHON POST-Its through Constant Contact; electronic newsletters through Constant
Contact emails (timing adjustment may be forthcoming); and traditional flyers, posters and PTA
bulletin board. The goal is a more targeted marketing approach.
 Volunteers – Kevin Arcano
We have had several new volunteers come forward: Amy Coppa will Chair our Variety Show; and
Courtney Gatlin for Chair of the Silent Auction.
 School Events – Kevin Arcano
Many thanks to Maureen Kirk and Laura Wigglesworth for a fantastic SPOOKY BINGO event! Donuts
with Dad is coming up 11/20, 21, 22 and we hope all dads will Rsvp on our Sign-up Genius.
 Outreach –Sally Dunleavy
The first ever used book sale was a terrific success! We made $210 but the amazing point is that
represents over 400 books going to new owners! Many thanks to Maureen Kirk for having this event
piggy-back on Spooky Bingo. Our holiday food drive is ongoing and will be complete on Friday,
November 15, 2013.
 Ways and Means – Maureen Kirk
Our Sponsorship Committee has correspondence ready to go to benefit our Outdoor Classroom and
they are excited to get to work. As noted in the Treasurer’s Report, Box Tops brought in $880 by
locating the missing check from last year’s proceeds. For the silent auction, they are exploring a
venue to hold a performance by children’s performer, Robbie Schafer whose time will be donated
by Chandra and Jake Bittner, EMES parents.
 Staff Support – Lisa Krepich
Laurie Williams is planning a chili luncheon for our staff and teachers to be held on Wednesday,
November 20th. A sign-up genius for donations will be publicized soon. We have also decided to
“gift” a new EMES Pythons car magnet to each of our teachers. These will be given to teachers next
week to celebrate American Education Week (11/18-22).
 Membership – Lisa Krepich
More teachers are getting their membership in so we are excited to have our numbers up to 287.
Stephanie will forward emails to Kathy Goodhardt and Michelle Taliaferro to be added to Constant
 Education, Arts and Athletics – Julie Sprinkle attending LEAP meeting.
Angie reported that the Fall Session of After School Enrichment Programs has been a great success!
The committee will meet on Friday, 11/15/13 to discuss improvements and plans for the Winter Session
– including the possibility of providing automated registration online.
Mr. Pellegrino, EMES Principal, shared his strategic plan for our school with those attending. Highlights
included the idea of Evergreen Mill being a Professional Learning Community (adults are also life-long
learners) and the creation of the EMES Leadership Team who analyzes data of all kinds to study
improvements for our school. All new initiatives are focused on upholding the school’s vision. Math
and Reading remain core focuses for academics.
Pay4schoolstuff is being researched for use by EMES PTA. It is a software created specifically for PTA’s
and would automate many of our functions. There is a $99 sign-up fee and also fees per transaction.
It is already being used at Simpson Middle School. The new SPECIAL COMMITTEE created to find new
accounting practices can explore this program further.
Anne Marie Vedaa asked to speak regarding our LCPS budget funding and asked that parents email
the Board of Supervisors to request that they fully fund the school budget. The Loudoun Board of
Supervisors is considering a change to the property tax rate, which could jeopardize our school
funding. If the property tax rate is 1.16 we will have a 68.2 million gap in the budget. If it goes down
to 1.14 it is an $80.4 million gap to the school budget. Right now the Board of Supervisors is collecting
data to see if Loudoun residents would approve the higher tax rate. By writing we support a fully
funded proposed school budget we are asking that educational services not be cut. A request is
outlined below:
Help Support Our Schools!
Please send an e-mail to the Board of Supervisors at loudounbudget@loudoun.gov
Let them know you are a taxpaying Loudoun resident who supports fully funding the proposed school
budget. Our Board of Supervisors have the power of the purse. If the budget is not fully funded by
the Board of Supervisors, the Board of Education has the unpalatable job of deciding which
programs to cut. Please show your support for retaining a quality education for our children by emailing loudounbudget@loudoun.gov. Your participation is vital to the budget process. Thank you.
Adjournment. The meeting was adjourned by President, Angie Tomaszewski at 8:24 p.m.