Mrs. O'Hara's, Mrs. Stock's and Mrs. Peterson’s Kindergarten Newsletter for March

Mrs. O'Hara's, Mrs. Stock's and Mrs. Peterson’s
Kindergarten Newsletter for March
Dear Parents,
Your children have grown and matured so much since the beginning of school. They have so
many new skills and strategies to help them read, write and work with math. Socially,
they are learning to speak in front of an audience, take turns with their classmates, and
work cooperatively with a wide range of personalities. We are observing new
accomplishments each and every day.
What we are learning:
In Guided Reading, Mrs. O'Hara has been focusing lessons on reading strategies for
unknown words. These include looking at the picture, getting one's mouth ready for the
first letter's sound, and stretching the sounds in words. In these small groups, your child is
learning a new sight and practicing familiar sight words in each new lesson. The recall of
these new words will help your child become a fluent reader.
In Math, we are continuing to learn about graphing and adding coins to ten cents. Soon we
will start simple addition with manipulatives(things students can touch). We will also be
continuing our work with oral counting and number recognition. Practice makes perfectespecially with math, so please practice with your child through the homework calendar
assignments for March.
In Art, we will created seasonal St. Patrick's Day hats and leprechauns. We also made lions
and lambs to symbolize the unique weather in March. Hopefully, these colorful projects will
usher in a warm and lovely spring.
Weekly Shared Reading Poems
Please continue to have your child read their poems to you a few times each week. Point to
common words and ask them to say them. It is great practice for cementing the sight words
in their memory.
Homework Calendars
If you choose to have your child complete the enrichment assignments on the March
calendar, please sign your initials on each day. If they return the calendar at the end of
March with all the days initialed, they are able to pick a prize out of the treasure chest.
Field Day
We are so excited to be joining 1st and 2nd grade for Field Day on April 9th. The rain date is
on April 17th. Due to erratic spring weather, please pack a jacket for your child that day and
have them wear tennis shoes. All sunscreen and bug spray will need to be applied at home.
We will still have snack that day.
Supplies Needed
If you are able to donate any of the following to our classroom, we would greatly appreciate
Prizes for the Treasure Chest
Cotton Balls
Thank you so very much for your support of our kindergarten program. As we work
together as a team, your child will continue to grow, learn, and feel positive about themselves
and school.
Andrea O'Hara, Andrea Stock, and Kameron Peterson