November 18, 2010 Minutes Call to Order: 8:02 pm OFFICER’S REPORTS President: Angie Morris Nothing VP – Fundraising: Terri Williams Nothing VP-Academics: Caroline Credno Last meeting we discussed having a line item on all requests that must be signed off by Mrs. Walthour – this has been done. Request from Odyssey of the Mind – Mr. Hearlihy - for $670.00. Odyssey of the mind promotes creative thinking, abstract thinking and problem solving. These are goals we also have at Ashburn Elementary this year. The money is for the fees associated with the program such as coaches training, tournament fees in March, fees to be a member of the program. There is a fee of $40.00 per team and we have 7 teams. We have 41 kids participating. These are long term projects the kids are working on. For example, building something that can go down a course of a certain length with a certain task. Some are more academic such as a drama problem where they are a tour guide who is a character from classic literature and things that are incorporated with that theme. When they get to the tournament they may get a spontaneous problem where they go in a room and the judges give them a problem like think of as many things as you can that are blue. They have 3 minutes to give as many answers as they can and they are judged on the creativeness of the answers. Team work is a huge part. This is offered to K-5th grade. This is an after school program. There is already a $35.00 per student fee for supplies which the students have to pay. If the program grows there may be more fees in the future for next year which we need to consider. This is all kid driven and the coaches are there to ask guiding questions and they can teach certain skills but they have to build things themselves. This is a good program but there are other programs that we need to think about funding like 1 Girls on the Run in the future. As a PTO we need to consider possibly shifting some of these costs back to the families. Maybe not fund this every single year but parts of it, like the coaches fees. Other PTOs in the area are funding this program through the PTO. Some schools set aside $2,000 each year and they ask $50-75 per student. We have had trouble this year finding out costs because they Odyssey of the Mind company didn’t tell us everything up front. Due to this we were able to cut some of the costs for this year. Maybe we agree this year and in the future we look at it each year. Teams are already established so the season runs from November to March when the tournament occurs. Once a week meeting then they meet more often as it gets closer to March tournament. More of the cost needs to be passed on to the families in the future. MOTION TO FUND – MOTION APPROVED Treasurer’s Report: Angie Morris for Laura Moynihan $2,900 to be deposited for Coupon book sales $200 for All American Steakhouse We did decide to cancel all you can eat pizza night in December, we made only $175.00 last year and Betsey will help with the Spring Fundraiser. They had raised the prices on pizza last year so we didn’t make as much. It is a hard time of year to get volunteers. We will have to make this up throughout the year. COMMITTEE REPORTS Bingo: Jennifer Rodriguez. Huge success! We had over about 500 people and had to set up extra tables We made about $2,200 before we take out for supplies so we will have made about $1,800.00. Cultural Arts: Jen Younce November 11 – Our Changing Climate– kids seemed to enjoy it, good response from teachers, thought it was long and dry but teachers said that the older kids enjoyed, the younger kids could have handled more engagement. January 6 – Math Magician Dinner for Dollars: Jen Younce We just had our first on at All American Steakhouse and made $200.77 Rubino’s dinner on Tuesday night seemed to be very popular, still waiting for proceeds. McDonald’s most likely for December. 2 Fall Fundraiser: Jen McNally We made over $10,000, which is really great. 5th Grade Promotion Had a meeting November 17, 2010 Looking for donations, have $600.00 from the PTO, will use stuff left over from last year, will be setting up time to meet with Mrs. Walthour Grocery Fundraiser: Terri Williams Going well – Harris Teeter is farther ahead then last year this time but think we are right on target. Hospitality: Angie Morris for Cheryl Hart . Had the lunch for the staff for American Education week Had chili, sandwiches, soups, etc. Donations almost covered the entire luncheon and will ask $40.00 from PTO to cover the remaining. LEAP/MSAAC – Mrs. Walthour .How to help your child in school at the different levels they are at. Thinking of having a Principal’s Coffee in January to share the elementary version so parents can hear what was discussed Angie Morris had mentioned to Mrs. Vickers about Sylvan Learning Centers who can come in for free to tell parents ways to help kids study…maybe for a parent education night. Odyssey of the Mind We had a great response and teams have been formed and are meeting Kids were very excited about the entire idea of the program Original Art Work – Angie Morris for Beth Shannon Expecting the delivery any day now. Distributed the week after Thanksgiving Pizza and Bowling Night – Angie Morris for Betsey Goodwin This year we are not doing it but will discuss for 2011. 3 PE does bowling but maybe we could pair with Skate Night instead Or maybe do with movie night instead Maybe move to another event and another time of year Room Parent Coordinator – Betty Mattimore This is going very slow this year, I need teachers to respond with information Teacher’s gifts – wish list for the year, gifts throughout the year, things they would like to have either personal or classroom ideas, some teachers have on website. Ideas such as gift cards or movie tickets, etc. SCRIP: Angie Morris for Beth Shannon Just picked up orders – more than last year – hopefully went well Skate Night: Debbie Cosentino Coming up in February Spirit Wear: Caroline Credno We made about $70.00 at Bingo We have had people asking for T-shirts but we have a minimum order Idea: copy of order form in all kids backpacks at beginning of year to encourage more buying We are at the end of the season for this and we need to not purchase more unless we get enough for an order NEW BUSINESS: Tabled: Need to discuss after school programs and how the PTO can support these and what to do regarding those families who can’t afford to pay and how the PTO might be able to support these kids so they can participate. Funding for Playground – Sandy Bricka I’m here tonight to ask the PTO for two things: 1. To vote to remove the outdated playground equipment (which is the silver gym/monkey bar structure) and replace it with newer, safer equipment that the children will actually want and be allowed to use, and… 2. To fund this initiative in whole by partially utilizing our existing savings and supplementing that withdrawal by adding a new fundraiser going forward in late winter/early spring until such time the PTO deems the additional fundraiser unnecessary. 4 Background Before I get into the details of what that will look like financially, first – let me give a little background info: Ask any grade-school child what he or she likes best about school and more times than not - the answer will be recess. And recess isn’t recess without a good playground. Uninhibited free play is almost non-existent during school (AES students have approximately 15 minutes during the school day) - so what little time they do have needs to be stimulating and fun. The biggest piece of equipment we have is outdated and underutilized. Not all classes are allowed to use the silver gym and if they do, they typically can only use it on specific days. Because it’s made of galvanized steel, it’s too hot to play on during certain periods of the year the teacher’s require the kids to have ‘training’ before they’re even allowed near it. No provision exists for handicapped use. Yes, we have a newer piece of equipment on the playground but that does not accommodate a large number of kids at one time and there aren’t that many play activities to keep them busy. Some of you might be thinking “Recess is free time for the students” or “Why should I care about recess? Our money should be spent on education.” In reality, recess is much more than free time and envelopes what a ‘rounded education’ stands for. Recess gives students the opportunity to not only engage in physical activity, but also to learn about and build their character, develop cooperation skills and practice social interaction. Now - the PTO has funded countless educational programs over the years. We’ve spent money on technology, cultural arts, landscaping, field trips, scholarships, murals, a school security system, teacher appreciation luncheons and gifts, educational materials and most recently $10,000 on library books, $16,000 on new Elmo’s, $1,800 on the art program and numerous other expenditures. Our expenditures on health and physical education have been very nominal. A new playground expansion will be something the kids will be excited about, proud of, something that will provide much needed physical exercise and a piece of equipment that will be a permanent fixture for years to come. Ashburn Elementary was completed in 1992 – almost 20 years ago – and that piece of equipment is original to the school. Just like we would update something in our homes – it’s time to update our playground for the next 20 years. Playground Options – I’ve been researching playground companies and play structures since June of last year. After many discussions, we feel that an Ashburn-based company -All Recreation of Virginia which represents Playworld Systems – is who we should be doing business with. Playworld has the best equipment warranty in the business and their playgrounds are located in almost every LCPS, almost every county park, and over 98% of all the other playgrounds in Loudoun County. They also hold the contract for Fairfax County Parks & Rec and are the same company that put in our other piece of play equipment the PTO purchased in 1999. 5 Playworld currently has a sale that ends Nov. 30th – which is a major reason why I’m here tonight. This is their first huge sale of this magnitude – and I feel it’s too good to miss. For every $2 we invest, Playworld will give us $1. For example – if a playground costs $60k and we invest $40, Playworld will contribute $20k. With the cost of steel and resources going up and the unreliability of another sale coming up, it’s too good an opportunity to miss. So – everyone should have 3 playground proposals in front of them indicating 3 different play structures at 3 different price points. My recommendation is the first proposal which comes in at $31, 282. Unlike the other two, this model holds up to 51 children, has the majority of the design aspects we are looking for – tall slides, varying deck heights, cabana roofs – 18 ‘play events’ in all. Because of its size, it also allows us ample room in our existing footprint to expand in the future if we want to add more to the playground. It’s a bigger ‘bang for your buck,’ so to speak. If we don’t take advantage of the sale, this playset would normally cost $41,731. Financing it – How are we going to pay for this? The PTO currently carries about $39k in savings. Right now, we are under budget for expenses and have done well on the income side. I’ve done a bit of research and what I’ve found is that most PTO’s like to carry enough funds over from year to year in order to cover any expenses that may pop up in the first few months of school. We carry a huge excess and this is an excellent opportunity to make a long term, positive capital investment in our children and Ashburn. We have the ability to spend the majority of the funds each year on the kids so they realize an immediate benefit to our fundraising efforts. If you want to take a few minutes to look these over and if I can answer any questions, please let me know. Angie Morris: We have $43,000 in reserves, this playground discussion goes back years, we built up a reserve and every year that this sits collecting interest the kids are deprived of the ability to use it. Newton Lee’s playground cost over $60,000 so we are not asking for an over the top for playgrounds. I don’t think it is unreasonable to spend this amount on a playground. We really as a non-profit organization should not have this kind of money in our account. There are no laws that say how much we can or cannot have but as a PTO we are governed by our own by laws. PTA says that funds should not exceed about $16,000 is what we should not exceed. There is a website with a ton of guidance who can answer questions. This question of extra reserves was brought up and it was stated that start thinking about what are key objectives, no dictates but why not saving for certain big items like a playground. Also looked up information about non-profits and there is a point where if you have income that is excessive they can take away your non-profit status. County must approve the site. We are working with Mrs. Walthour to work through this. We are using an existing site so they have to agree to maintain it. 6 The small little playground by the black top only has about 3 things to do and most of the time not more than a few kids can be on it. Concerns are having enough funds to fund after school programs, math masters, etc. with all the budget cuts coming. People know the kind of money the PTO has so why should they continue to support the PTO with fundraisers when there is so much money sitting in the bank. We can always do more fundraisers if we need more money. We have tried to look at what else is coming but there might be a short fall in the future but we don’t know. Our hope is that we would come together as a school to raise whatever money we need. We might need a new shed or some new signage. Hopefully we can make some repairs to the shed ourselves. The only things that might be coming but neither one is critical at this point. We will build up our reserves again and add another fundraiser. Don’t think that getting a new playground is going to limit us because we have been able to do all the funding requested and still have money left over. Things are in pretty good shape in our school even with all the budget cuts at this point. What about getting a company to fund some of these things, maybe for other items we need. Trying to get some grants but totals of budget have to be provided which showed the excessive money we have in the bank. We may not be getting approved because of our surplus. We are known as the school with all that money. The playground is still going to leave enough space that we can expand it over the coming years with further fundraising. We can build on just by taking off a panel and adding a new piece and expanding out. This is the first and only sale the company is having so we are tight on getting approval and getting the order in. Order on the 30th – 3-4 weeks to make and will install as soon as it arrives as long as the ground isn’t frozen. We would like the County to take it out and have requested them to do so but we will explore other routes if they choose not to do it. MOTION TO FUND – MOTION APPROVED TO PURCHASE PLAYGROUND Teacher’s Report: Mrs. Weisman Teachers really appreciate the lovely luncheon that was put on by PTO, lots of compliments Principal’s Report: Mrs. Walthour Again, thank you so much for the wonderful luncheon especially with budget cuts and furlough days the teachers were very appreciative of the lunch The County has decided to now pay the teachers for the 2 furlough days by Dec. 15th Principals meeting: There is a new Capital Improvement Plan going on in the County and we are being asked to keep a close eye on things because what has been proposed is not in line with what is coming 10 years down the line. We 7 need to build and without this we will have safety issues with our education system. We just need to stay aware! American Education Week – went very well! Teachers and students worked very hard. Family Bowling night is coming up. December newsletter – new part called Math/Science Connection – please take time to read it. Good way to spend time with your children. Science Showcase – January Conferences were well attended Tech Time will begin in January – kids who need more assistance in other areas such as Math. Budget Item: Angie Morris One other item in our budget: Cohen Research Group donated $1,000.00 to the school. Purchased things for multiple departments – Laptop for PE, camcorder, goal was to make sure the purchases would be used by all students. Adjournment: 9:06 pm 8