September 8, 2011 Minutes Call to Order: 7:07 pm OFFICER’S REPORTS Summer: July 28, 2011 – vote was taken by the PTO Board to fund Study Island for $683.51 to reinstate the program. A vote was taken and Jen Younce, Caroline Credno, Cindy Amurao, Sandy Bricka and Melissa Fromm all voted Yes to fund the program – Motion approved July 30, 2011 – vote was taken by PTO Board to approve Fall Fundraiser committee spending up to $1,000 on preparations for the upcoming walkathon (9/24). Moon bounces will be $515, the top 3 prizes will run around $200 and we will need to purchase paper, envelopes and some giveaways for the day of the walk. Vote taken and Jen Younce, Cindy Amurao, Caroline Credno, Sandy Bricka and Melissa Fromm all voted yes to fund this committee – Motion Approved President: Jen Younce Ratify meeting minutes from the Planning Meeting on August 16, 2011 – Motion Approved Vote taken to vote in Jen Snyder as Co-President of the PTO – Motion Approved Polices/Procedures for the PTO were passed out. Briefly reviewed the following: Thursday folders – flyers must be in teacher’s boxes by Tuesday afternoon PTO Flyers – all to be made on blue paper which is located in custodian closet, try to use ½ sheets if possible, use only/oldest list located in front of each copier. Ashburn Inquirer – send in any news Friday prior to the 1st Monday of the month Financial Procedures – A few changes were done to the procedures – any money that needs to be deposited needs to be given directly to Sandy Bricka or Candy Smith in the office to lock up. Expense Reimbursements process is the same this year as last year. Cash boxes – make arrangements directly with Sandy Bricka. 1 The PTO is an organization for the school to help provide funding, volunteer man hours at events and school needs, we support assemblies, help fundraise and purchase items that the school may need such as ELMOs. VP-Fundraising: Cindy Amurao PTO membership is taken care of by: Lori Cerny Membership money received before October 7th – students will be put into the school directory Cost of membership to the PTO is $15.00 PTO events should be on the PTO website calendar Events should also be listed in the monthly newsletter VP-Academics: Caroline Credno Each year the PTO sets aside $5,000.00 for the teacher’s to buy items they need such as National Geographic, Word Masters, SOL Pass, Shoe tokens, Scholastic News, items for classrooms. Teacher’s apply for the money and the PTO by laws state that a committee chair can approve up to $250. Over $250 requires Executive Committee approval. Over $2500 requires a vote of the membership. Currently the 4th grade submitted to purchase VA Studies weekly for the entire 4th grade at $165.00 – approved The Library has requested 57 new AR quizzes for $170.43 which was approved. Request –Mrs. Weisman- Word Masters – 80 students benefit from the program which is a word challenge program. Cost is $283.88 – motion to fund program – Motion Approved. Treasurer’s Report: Laura Moynihan/Sandy Bricka A brief review of the 2011/2012 budget was done. Our estimated income is $35,800.00 and our estimated expenses are $32,700.00. Motion to approve the 2011/2012 budget – Motion Approved As of the PTO meeting – We have collected $1,005.00 in membership dues, $3,092.00 in Spirit Wear. We have paid $448.20 for the back to school lunch for the teachers, $2,664.68 in Instructional Materials, $448.00 in mulch, $322.50 for movie fee renewal, $160.00 for PTO paper, $1,248.75 for agendas and $548.65 for Teaching Supplies. COMMITTEE REPORTS After School Program: Jen Younce for Kathy Galkin Kidz Art will begin the week of September 19th 2 Chess Club will begin around September 19th Overtime Sports will try to bring basketball and cheerleading to the school in October. Kids Acting/Drama club possible as well. Bingo: Jen Younce for Jennifer Rodriguez Oct 28th – Halloween theme this year Committee will be seeking donations from the community Chess Club: Jen Younce for Patti Park We have 20 students already registered. This should start week of September 19th. The club will meet on Wednesdays. Coupon Books: Jen Younce for Sadia Kullane Books go home October 27th in the Thursday folders. Cost is $25.00 per book and ½ of that comes back to the school More local establishments will be in the books this year. Cultural Arts: Jen Younce October 20th will be 1st assembly – Percussion assembly with drumming – 9:00am will be K-2 grade and 10:00 am will be 3-5 graders. February – Sky Dome – indoor planetarium March – Dennis Lee with a 7:00pm family night Dinner for Dollars Restaurant Nights: Jen Snyder We will be having only 4 restaurant nights this year, one per quarter. Tuesday, September 20th – Pizza Go Round – 25 free tickets for prizes per child, runs from 5:00pm – 9:00pm and 20% of proceeds to AES. November – All American Steak House in Broadlands February – Fuddruckers April – possibly McDonalds – teachers may participate behind the counters End of Year Social: Jen Younce for Alex Cole June 1st will be the dance Family Movie Night: Jen Younce for Melissa Larson/Karen Vickers January – PJ Night – free event for families and will be held in the gym. Fall Fundraiser: Jen McNally and Sandy Bricka 3 Fall Into Fitness: Walk a Thon – pledge forms went home today, September 8, 2011. Event will take place on September 24 from 9:00am-1:00pm. There will be vendors, DJ, moon bounce, games, raffles and teacher competitions. Class with the most donations wins a prize. We raised about $10,000.00 last year which went toward the new playground. We will need volunteers. 5th Grade Promotion: Sadia Kullane/Betty Mattimore No Report Girls on the Run: Jodie Brendlinger Begins September 26th and registration has already begun. 3-5 grade girls program that helps girls get moving, get healthy, be confident in themselves, teaches them to be a good friend, train for a 5K run on November 20th Grocery Fundraiser: Jen Younce for Terri Williams Must sign up your Giant/Harris Teeter cards each year. Huge fundraiser that costs you nothing This is FREE money to our school. Please get family and friends to link cards to AES Hospitality: Jen Younce for Jennifer Dietz Welcome Back lunch on August 24th for the teachers was a huge success. November – American Education week will be the next lunch May – Teacher Appreciation week will be the final lunch Landscaping: Jen Younce for Jean Drake/Terri Williams New flower pots in front of school doors. Brand new mulch throughout the entire property. LEAP/MSAAC/SEAC – Jen Younce for Angie Morris/Keisha Morton/Michelle Ray Loudoun County organizations that hold monthly meetings with representatives from each school and the representatives report back to the PTO with information. Keisha Morton volunteered to attend MSAAC meetings Membership: Lori Cerny No Report 4 Odyssey of the Mind: Lisa Cohen This is a team building and creative program for grades K-5. They meet about once a week either afterschool or in the evenings. Registration forms are now out and an information night was held on Wednesday September 7, 2011. Would like to have 5-7 kids on each team but looking for coaches, assistant coaches and judges. March 17th – Regional Tournament – K-2 will not be scored but 3-5 will be scored at Regionals. Scholarship: Betsy Goodwin $500 scholarship for Broad Run Senior who attended Ashburn Elementary and is pursuing a major in the education field. Skate Night: Jen Younce for Karen Perryman/Heidi Ryan Skate night will be in February at the Ashburn Ice House. Spirit Wear: Jen Younce for Zoe Byer Have brought in $3000.00 in sales so far. At fall fundraiser will be selling new designs Spring Raffle: Jen Younce for Cindy Amurao We currently need a chair person – Cindy generously volunteered after the meeting. Students purchase raffle tickets for different prizes that are donated by businesses or teachers donate their time. Volunteers: Kate Barker Dedicated email of was set up and a volunteer list has been created to help with events. If you need volunteers for events please contact Kate via the above email and she will email the volunteer list to solicit help. Webmaster: Lisa Cohen/Abe Younce 5 Loudoun County just finished updating and redesigning their websites for the school system. They went live with the new site on September 7th. Still working through the glitches. Once everything is worked out the PTO will be putting up a Pay Service that all the families can use to pay for events/donations at school. NEW BUSINESS: Long Term Capital Projects – Line item addition to budget Have spoken to teachers to see if they have any suggestions/ideas of things they might like to have in the school. Expansion of playground is an idea. Any ideas of long term projects please email the PTO. Teacher Report: Ms. Weisman and Ms. Birmingham Thank you so much for the wonderful teacher lunch Thank you for the supply money each year. Requesting that any events that teachers volunteer for that an email reminder goes out to them – PTO will post flyers in teacher lounge and signup sheets to help remind teachers and PTO will make sure all teacher boxes get flyers Principal’s Report: Mr. Greathouse Wonderful opening to our 2011/2012 school year. Fire Drills will be happening weekly for the month of September then monthly afterwards, this is VA state law Early Bird Reading program in the gym each morning starts at 7:20am. AES made AYP (Adequate Yearly Progress) – this past year. New passing rates for the current school year are 91% Reading and 90% Math. AES only elementary school in the cluster to make AYP. SIP – School Improvement Plan – we need volunteers to help – holding 2 meetings, one on September 15th at 4:30pm and one September 16th at 10:00am County Website is a work in progress currently – please be patient. Punt Pass and Kick is back in the PE Department this year. Mrs. Clarke will be doing on the registration but she will need lots of parent volunteers to help as she is going on maternity leave. Capital Project Idea: Poster Board Maker – has design capabilities – PTO asked that research be done on costs and to please bring back to the next PTO meeting. Volunteer Orientation – Thursday September 22nd at 8:30am Thank You for mulch – this was cut out of the school budget Adjournment: 8:40 pm 6