Word Study Homework Plan-Week 1 Monday Tuesday

Word Study Homework Plan-Week 1
Sort your words the way we did together in class.
Write the words in the correct column just like we did in
Sort your words
Write 5 sentences using 5 of your spelling words.
Sort your words.
ABC Order-Write your words in ABC order.
Sort your words
Blind sort with a parent or older sibling. Have the adult call out
each of your words to you, one-by-one. Without looking at the
word, write it on your paper.
Word Study Homework Plan-Week 2
Monday-Wednesday: Choose a different activity to complete each night.
Rainbow write your words.
Create a word search using your words.
Type your words on a computer and print them out.
Write your words on flashcards and test yourself.
Stamp your words using rubber letter stamps.
Write your words with silly letters.
Write your words with blue vowels and red consonants.
Write your words with shaving cream.
Write your words with the hand you don’t usually write with.
Try one of these websites: www.spellingcity.com or www.wordle.net
Thursday: Blind sort with a parent or older sibling. Have the adult call out each of your
words to you, one-by-one. Without looking at the word, write it on your paper.