US/VA curriculum guide Questions Using the curriculum guide, complete the following;

US/VA curriculum guide Questions
Using the curriculum guide, complete the following;
UNIT 1: Cultural Convergence to the New Republic: 1490s to 1789
What were the differences in settlement between the New England, Middle (Middle Atlantic) and
Southern colonies in terms of:
a. Reasons for settlement:
i. NE
ii. Mid Atlan
iii. Southern
Type of governments:
i. NE
ii. Southern
Who settled
i. NE
ii. Mid Atlan
iii. Southern
Types of Economies:
i. NE
ii. Mid Atlan
iii. Southern
Social characteristics and structure
i. NE
ii. Mid Atlan
iii. Southern
Which region was the most intolerant of other religions? Which region was the most tolerant?
What was the first permanent English settlement in North America? First elected assembly?
Define indentured servant.
Which European countries treated the Native American poorly?
What was the greatest effect of Europeans on the Native populations?
When, where and why did slavery emerge in the New World?
Define Middle Passage.
What was the greatest impact of the first Great Awakening?
10. John Locke was an Enlightenment philosopher – paraphrase what he believed in.
11. Thomas Paine wrote__________________________. It challenged
12. Thomas Jefferson’s Declaration of Independence reflected whose writings?
13. The key principles in the Declaration of Independence increased what 3 areas in the American
14. What were 2 effects on the colonists from the French and Indian War (1763 and 1765)? Why did these
anger the colonists?
15. What do the Boston Tea Party, the 1st Continental Congress, and the Boston Massacre all have in
common (think about this one)?
16. What were the 3 sides during the American Revolution? What were their characteristics?
17. Did the US need European support to win the Revolution? Who supported US? After what turning point
18. What was the last battle of the American revolution?
19. What made the Articles of Confederation weak?
20. The Articles of Confederation did not last. At the Constitutional Convention in Philly in 1789, many
compromises had to be reached before the Constitution was ratified.
a. What will be stronger – federal or state governments?
b. How will representation to Congress be handled – by population or by equal representation?
c. How will slaves be counted?
d. Which branch of the government will be the strongest?
21. Who was the president of the Constitutional Congress?
22. Why is James Madison known as the father of the Constitution?
23. What did each of these 3 do (and who wrote them)?
a. Virginia Declaration of Rights
b. Virginia Statue for Religious Freedom
c. Bill of Rights
24. What were the key differences between the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists?
25. John Marshall was Chief Justice of the Supreme Court from 1801-1835. What did these rulings establish?
a. Marbury v. Madison
b. McCulloch v. Maryland
c. Gibbons v. Ogden
UNIT 2: The Republic Expands, Collapses, and Tries Again, 1789-1877
Federalist and Democratic Republicans – split happened over Federalist support of the
Support what
Type of gov
Part of the
How much did the US increase due to both the Louisiana Purchase and the War of 1812?
Who were Lewis and Clark? Sacajawea?
Why was the Monroe Doctrine so important?
Why did people migrate west? What helped them get there?
What was the impact of Eli Whitney’s cotton gin?
What was the impact of the Texas Revolution on the US?
What was the impact of the Mexican-American War on the US?
Define Manifest Destiny. How did this impact the Native Americans?
10. Why did the US go to war against the British in 1812?
11. How did more people get involved in politics during the Age of the Common Man?
12. Define Spoils System.
13. What part of the country favored a high tariff? Why?
14. The Missouri Compromise, the Compromise of 1850, and the Kansas-Nebraska Act all had to do with
slavery and where it could exist in the US. What were the key points to each?
a. MC
Comp 1850
KN Act
15. Define popular sovereignty.
16. Define nullification. Over what issue did South Carolina use this “idea”.
17. Define secede.
18. Who led slave revolts in Virginia? What was the impact on slaves?
19. William Lloyd Garrison was an abolitionist who believed in “immediate emancipation”. What newspaper
did he publish that supported this idea? Who was Federick Douglass?
20. What was stated at the Seneca Falls Convention?
21. What was decided in the Dred Scott case in 1857?
22. What was the impact of Uncle Tom’s Cabin written by Harriet Beecher Stowe?
23. Why did southern states secede from the Union?
24. Where was the opening confrontation of the Civil War?
25. When was the Emancipation Proclamation issued? Where did it free the slaves? What else did it do?
26. What was the turning point battle of the Civil War? Where did Lee surrender to Grant?
27. Who was the President of the Confederacy?
28. The Gettysburg Address reiterated the Declaration of Independence in terms of “all men are created
equal”. What did Lincoln also state about the nature of the Union?
29. How do we know Lincoln wanted to restore the Southern states back to the Union quickly?
30. What was so “radical” about the Radical Republicans?
31. Define the following amendments:
a. 13th
b. 14th
c. 15th
32. What were the economic differences between the South and the North (and West) after the Civil War?
33. Define Jim Crow Laws.
34. When did Reconstruction “end”?
UNIT 3: Flying High and Crashing: From Development to Depression, 1877-1939
Define the Homestead Act
List the different groups of people who moved out west. How did this impact the Native Americans?
What were the differences between Old and New Immigration?
Why did people immigrate to the US? At what locations did they enter?
What was the economic impact on the US of this massive immigration?
Define ethnic neighborhood. Define assimilation. Define nativism.
What was the first anti-immigrant legislation? The 2nd?
What cities grew as a result of this immigration? How did this change the make-up of the cities?
Who invented:
a. Light bulb
b. Telephone
c. Airplane
10. Who worked with:
a. Steel
b. Oil
c. Finance
d. Railroads
11. Why did the US become such an economic powerhouse?
12. Define Plessey v. Ferguson (1896)? What 1954 court case overturned this?
13. What did each do in the early civil rights movement:
a. Ida B. Wells
b. Booker T. Washington
c. WEB DuBois
14. What was the intent of Progressives? What were their goals?
15. What did they want to change in terms of labor? Did they? How did Labor Unions help with this? List
the first Labor Unions.
16. What were the progressive changes in government/politics?
17. What were the 2 anti-trust acts? What did they do?
18. What was the 19th Amendment?
19. Define Open Door policy
20. Define Dollar Diplomacy.
21. What were the territorial results of the Spanish-American War?
22. How did the US secure the Panama canal?
23. Why did the US remain neutral at the beginning of World War 1?
24. Why did the US enter World War I?
25. Why did the US not join the League of Nations?
26. List the cultural changes that took place during the 1920’s and 1930’s.
27. What was Scopes Trail about?
28. What was the 18th Amendment? What was the impact on US society?
29. What was the Federal Reserve’s impact on the Great Depression?
30. What were the 3 R’s to FDR’s New Deal? – Give an example of each.
31. What was the legacy of the New Deal?
UNIT 4: The US Returns to the World – Hot and Cold Wars
When did WW2 begin?
Even though the US remained isolationist during the first years of the war, the US helped the allies. How?
Why did Japan attack the US at Pearl Harbor, December 7, 1941?
US strategy during WW2:
a. Defeat ___________________________.
b. Pacific __________________________________ campaign.
Describe these major battles:
a. El Amamein:
b. Normandy:
c. Midway:
d. Iwo Jima and Okinawa:
e. Use of the Atomic Bomb:
How did African-American, Nisei, and Navajo troops support the war effort?
What did the Geneva Convention state about Prisoners of War? Did this hold true during the Bataan
Death March?
Define Genocide:
What were the Nuremberg Trials?
10. What were the social and economic ramifications on the US during WW2?
11. Why did the US send Japanese Americans to internment camps during WW2?
12. What happened to Germany at the end of WW2? To Japan?
13. What was the Marshall Plan? The Truman Docrtine?
14. What was the length of the Cold War?
15. Describe NATO? What did the Soviet and Eastern European Nations form in response?
16. President Eisenhower adopted a policy of “massive retaliation” in response to the threat of nuclear war.
What did this mean?
17. Why did the US enter the Korean conflict? Were the US’s goals met?
18. Why did the US enter Vietnam? What was Vietnamization? Why did the US not “win” this war?
19. Describe the Cuban Missile Crisis.
20. How was US fear of communist infiltration heightened in the US during the 1950’s?
21. Define McCarthyism.
22. How did the military cold war build up impact Virginia?
23. Why did the Soviet Union eventually collapse?
24. Define glasnost and perestroika.
25. Note that post-cold war goals are aimed mostly at support for human rights. Please look over what each
president did during their terms in office.
UNIT 5: US Society in the Post WW2 World
What was the impact of Brown v. Board of Education?
What was Virginia’s response to the ruling?
Timeline of Civil Rights Events – importance of each:
b. March on Washington
c. Civil Rights Act of 1964
d. Voting Rights Act of 1965
Who was the first woman on the US Supreme Court?
Overall, why do people immigrate to the US?
Who was the first American to orbit space? To walk on the moon? Firs t woman in space?
List some technological advances. How have these changed the work place?
What was the “Reagan Revolution”?
What does the Federal Reserve do?