The Journey Begins Kindergarten 1 Quarter SOLs

The Journey Begins
Kindergarten 1st Quarter SOLs
 Orally counts forward to 100 without errors or assistance.
 Writes and identifies numerals to 15 without assistance. (K.2)
 Counts & matches numerals to record 15 objects. (K.2)
 Gathers & displays data by counting & tallying to 10. (K.14)
 Identify one more/one less than a given number (K. 4)
 Identifies, describe, and extends patterns. (K.16)
 Counts using one to one correspondence with sets of 15 or
less, identify more/fewer/same. (K.1)
 Applies ordinal position to tenth. (K.3)
 Sorts and classifies by size, shape, and color. (K.13, K.14)
Language Arts
 Develop understanding of basic phonemic principals
(identify uppercase and lowercase letters) (K.7)
 Use available technology for reading and writing.
Oral Language
 Demonstrate growth in the use of oral language.
 Expand understanding and use of word meanings.
 Build oral communication skills. (K.3)
 Conduct investigations using reasoning and logic.
 Investigate and understand that the position, motion,
and physical properties of an object can be
described. (K.4)
 Investigate and understand simple patterns in his/her
life. (K.8)
 Investigate and understand that change occurs over
time and that rates may be fast or slow. (K.9)
History and Social Science
 Describe everyday life in the present and in the past
and begin to recognize that things change over
time. (K.2)
 Use simple maps and globes. (K.4)
 Understanding communities and what people in
communities do. (K. 6, K.7)
 Demonstrate the characteristics of being a good
citizen. (K.8)
 Recognizing American flag, the Pledge of
Allegiance, and that the president is the leader of the
United States. (K.9)