JML PTA General Meeting Minutes

JML PTA General Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, October 20, 2015 @ 7:00 pm to 7:40 pm
As Recorded by Gina Fink
Call to Order
In attendance (based on Sign-in sheet): Gina Fink, Scott Josselyn, Carrie Simms, Valerie Balser,
Christina Danford, Beth Mullen-Zehner, Sherry Zamore, Kimberly Turner, Lynn Hood, Julie Abel,
Vonetta Brown, Erin Campbell, Lara Larson. Quorum met.
Not able to Approve the Minutes of General PTA Membership Meeting(s) of Sept. 9th and 16th (preBTSNs). Will need to be approved at next General Membership Meeting. *Action item.
Officer Reports:
President’s Report – Gina Fink was excited to see so many attendees. Let’s keep the meeting moving so
we can get to the JML Anti-bullying movie at 7:40pm.
Principal’s Report – Carrie Simms reported on new happenings at JML, including “free” hall walking,
cafeteria and gym in the AM (well received by students and teachers/staff, big success), microwaves in
the cafeteria during lunch (very well received, lots of popcorn popping). Math 6 & Math 7 SOL scores
excellent (top levels of Middle Schools). One-to-the-world projects are on-going (e.g. using Skype for
peer editing with another school, sharing information with classes in another country, authentic problems,
deeper understanding, mini-lessons from teachers, deans).
Treasurer’s Report – Julie Abel reported:
Highlights and line-by-line review of the budget and expenses to date.
$6,000 carryover (some expected expenses in carryover, plus a cushion).
VP Events – Anaheeta Minwalla reported via written report:
Oct. 22nd (this Thursday) – JML/Mercer Basketball Game
Door open 5:30, Game start 6:00
Bingo – November 13th (Friday the 13th)
Doors open @6:30pm, Event: 7pm – 9pm
Silent Auction Committee – Let Anaheeta know if you would like to be on this Committee.
VP Fundraising – Kimberly Turner reported:
Discount Cards – There are more available. One more contest for selling cards.
Report on previous fundraising activities.
Next Dining Night – Domino’s on Nov. 11th & 12th @4pm to 8pm
VP Volunteers/Committee Chairs – Vonetta Brown reported and shared the following volunteer
STEM Day (Nov. 20th)
Snacks for Oct. 21st Parent Coffee
JML/Mercer Basketball Game (Oct. 22nd @ Freedom High School)
Fall Garden Clean Up and Bulb Planting
VP Communications – Sherry Zamora reported on
Website, Newsletters, Marquee Sign, Facebook & more communication avenues and deadlines.
Recording Secretary – Mike Herrmann (no report).
Committee Reports/Topics:
Membership & Direct Donations – Karen Grant via written report:
626 Total Parents ($7,512) [173 male/392 female]
85 Total Staff/Teachers/Admin ($850)
Total membership = 711 ($8,362)
Direct Donations (e.g. via Membership forms) = $9,283.60
Box Tops – Raquel Domingues, Melisa Golden, Lynn Hood via written report and live report by Lynn:
Currently 2,000 counted for submission
Contest is on-going NOW. Contest deadline: Friday, Oct. 23rd.
Prize: Jersey and cap day TBA by winning house in each grade.
American Education Week – Erin Campbell, Laura Kemmerer – live report by Erin re:
Nov. 16th thru Nov. 20th
Monday – Thursday activities; Friday is STEM Day – Erin Campbell
Breakfast, Donuts & coffee for bus drivers, “goodie treats” for/bags for staff, Student essay
“What I’d do if I was Principal” (winners on FB, website). Student quotes on Announcements (daily),
College shirt/colors day. Career Day (dress as career they wish to pursue), Parent essay on how education
impacted their life. (Erin)
Banner with add-ons or theme (possibly).
Green Team – Julie Abel reported:
- Recycling day was a big success – thanks to all those that volunteered and to kids for wearing green.
- Fall Garden Clean-Up and Bulb Planting – Sunday, Nov 15th 3-5pm – volunteer sign-up available
- Butterfly Courtyard – Tech Ed students will be making our benches, please support our fundraiser for
- Food Recovery program is being discussed with a number of people.
OM (Odyssey of the Mind) – Sandra Wilfong via written report:
3 teams (1 returning, 2 new)
LEAP – Scott Josselyn presented live report on the last LEAP meeting re: Town Hall topics re:
Next LEAP meeting: Nov. 11@7pm “The Future is Now: College & Beyond”
MSAAC – Andrea Jones – President noted the Next meeting: Oct. 21 @ 7pm
SEAC – Karin Meenan – President noted the Next meeting: Nov. 4th @ 7-9pm Admin 100 re: Behavioral
Reflections – Harsh & Tanu Govind via written report:
Collecting submissions in the library
Deadlines to be announced soon.
Stone Ridge 5K/Fun Run – Meri Sutherlin, Jill Davis – President reported a very successful event.
More details to come once the totals are tallied and announced.
Voting: No voting.
The Next PTA meetings were announced for Tuesday, Nov. 17th as Executive (Officers and Committee
Chairs for planning) @ 5:30 to 6:30 pm, & General Membership Meeting @ 7 – 8:15 pm.
The attendees were invited to stay for the JML Anti-Bullying Movie to be shown at 7:40 pm (and invited
to get some popcorn from the hallway for movie snacking).
The meeting was adjourned at 7:33pm.