Loudoun Valley High School Student Directory Complete this form ONLY IF YOU WANT YOUR CHILD INCLUDED IN THE DIRECTORY. Fill in the information as you want it to appear and please, PRINT CLEARLY! Please include my child in the 2014 - 2015 Loudoun Valley Student Directory. I want a copy of the Directory. To defray the cost of printing the directory, a $ 5.00 payment is required. (Make checks payable to LVHS PTO) Student Name: ___________________________ Circle One: Grade 9 or 10 or 11 or 12 Additional Student: Student Name: ____________________________ Circle One: Grade 9 or 10 or 11 or 12 Parents/Guardian Names: _________________________ Street Address: __________________________________ Town: ______________________ Zip: ___________ Home Phone: ______________________ Email Address: _________________________________ This form is due back to school by Sept. 23rd – thank you!