Name: John Toney Date: 1-26-15 Content Area: Mathematics WOODLAND HILLS SECONDARY LESSON PLANS Length of Lesson: 20 days STAGE I – DESIRED RESULTS Lesson Topic (Modules, if applicable): Big Ideas: Understanding Goals (Concepts): Exponential and Logarithmic Functions Families of functions exhibit properties and behaviors that can be recognized across representations. Functions can be transformed, combined, and composed to create new functions in mathematical and real world situations. Exponential processes, properties and representations M11.A.1.1 Represent and/or use numbers in equivalent forms (e.g., integers, fractions, decimals, percents, square roots, exponents, and scientific notation). M.11.A.2.2 Use exponents, roots and/or absolute value to solve problems M.11.D.1.1 Analyze and/or use patterns or relations. M.11.D.2.2 Simplify expressions involving polynomials. M.11.D.4.1 Interpret and/or use linear, quadratic and/or exponential functions and their equations, graphs or tables. Student Objectives (Competencies/Outcomes): Students will be able to: Represent exponential and logarithmic functions in multiple ways, including tables, graphs, equations, and contextual situations, and make connections among representations; relate the growth/decay rate of the associated exponential equation to each representation. Students will understand: 1) Evaluate and graph exponential expressions. 2) Evaluate and graph logarithmic expressions. 3) Expand and condense logarithmic expressions using properties of logs. 4) Evaluate logarithmic expressions using change of base formula. 5) Solve logarithmic equations. 6) Solve exponential equations. Essential Questions: Vocabulary: How do you explain the benefits of multiple methods of representing polynomial functions (tables, graphs, equations, and contextual situations)? *Exponential functions, natural base e, natural exponential function, continuous compounding *Logarithmic functions, natural logarithmic function *Inverse properties *Exponential growth, exponential decay, Gaussian, logistics growth, logarithmic models STAGE II – ASSESSMENT EVIDENCE Performance Task: Formative Assessments: Students will demonstrate adequate understanding via a chapter test. Pre-assessments, open-ended questions, Think-Pair-Share STAGE III – LEARNING PLAN Interventions: Flexible grouping, students will be encouraged to attend Trig Lab Materials and Resources: Textbook, notes Assignments Procedures Instructional Procedures*: Monday Date: 1/26 Day: B “Do Now” – N/A “Mini Lesson” – N/A Students will complete a review and ask questions on representing exponential and logarithmic functions in multiple ways, including tables, graphs, equations, and contextual situations, and make connections among representations; relating the growth/decay rate of the associated exponential equation to each representation. Study for the Chapter 3 Multiple Choice Assessment Tuesday 1/27 Day: A “Do Now” – N/A “Mini Lesson” – N/A Students will complete a review and ask questions on representing exponential and logarithmic functions in multiple ways, including tables, graphs, equations, and contextual situations, and make connections among representations; relating the growth/decay rate of the associated exponential equation to each representation. Study for the Chapter 3 Open-Ended Assessment Wednesday 1/28 Day: B “Do Now” – N/A “Mini Lesson” – N/A Students will complete a multiple choice assessment on representing exponential and logarithmic functions in multiple ways, including tables, graphs, equations, and contextual situations, and make connections among representations; relating the growth/decay rate of the associated exponential equation to each representation. Continue studying for the Chapter 3 OpenEnded Assessment Thursday 1/29 Day: A “Do Now” – N/A “Mini Lesson” – N/A Students will complete an open-ended assessment on representing exponential and logarithmic functions in multiple ways, including tables, graphs, equations, and contextual situations, and make connections among representations; relating the growth/decay rate of the associated exponential equation to each representation. No homework Friday 1/30 Day: B “Do Now” – Collins Writing – Write 3 things you know how to do using the calculator, and 3 things you would like to learn on your calculator. “Mini Lesson” – Graphing Calculator Activity Students will explore the graphing calculator, including changing window settings, tracing functions, finding values, finding intersection points, and finding intercepts.. Complete the Graphing Calculator Activity. *Include Do Now, Mini Lesson, Guided Practice, Independent Practice, Summations/Formative Assessments, Reflections