Document 17580760

American Flag Table
NOTE: Automatic bulleted lists must be turned off prior to completing this assignment.
1. Change the orientation to ‘Landscape’
2. Change the font size to 24
3. Create a 5 x 13 table
4. Merge the top 7 rows of the first 2 columns together (this is the section for the stars)
5. Merge the rows together that will make up the stripes of the flag
6. Insert a ‘*' (Shift + 8) into the Stars area
7. Center your *, change the font size to ‘18’, and make it bold
8. Type 5 additional * symbols in the row, with 8 spaces in between each one.
9. On the line below, type 5 * symbols
10. Keep alternating between 6 and 5 * symbols until you have 9 rows (This will equal 50 * symbols)
11. For the stripes, shade every odd numbered row Red
12. Shade the Star area blue
13. Change the color of the stars from black to white (This may have changed on its own)
14. Save your document as ‘USFlagTable.docx’ and submit to the teacher dropbox.