19 November 2014

19 November 2014
• Turn in your homework (5.3, periods 2, 7-9)
• Do Now: Write a min of 3 lines, is it important
for you to have your voice heard when
discussing things that may impact you? For
example, your family decides to move.
• Today, I will understand and be able to explain
what “No Taxation Without Representation.” I
will be able to identify the impact that protest
groups such as the Sons and Daughters of
Liberty had on the Colonies.
Causes of the American
Proclamation of 1763
*Drew an imaginary line
along the Appalachian
*Colonists were not
allowed to settle
west of this line.
*People that already
lived there were
supposed to move!!
Proclamation of 1763
• Britain sent
troops to
enforce the
• Why did this
anger the
Proclamation of 1763
• Many colonists ignored the law.
• Daniel Boone – explored Kentucky & led
settlers west.
Sugar Act - 1764
• Taxed molasses. (What is Molasses??)
• A good thing??
• Replaced an earlier tax that was incredibly
high. Merchants smuggled molasses into the
colonies to avoid paying the tax.
• Actually lowered the tax!
• Why were Colonists angry??
Stamp Act - 1765
• Taxed legal documents.
What’s this??
- wills, marriage papers
Taxed newspapers,
almanacs, playing cards &
Had to have a stamp to
prove the tax had been
Stamp Act - 1765
• Stamp Taxes were common in Britain so
why were the Colonists so angry?
No Taxation Without Representation!
• Colonists insisted that only THEIR elected
representatives could impose a tax on them.
• They had NO elected representative in
Parliament (British Government) therefore they
could NOT tax the Colonies!
Stamp Act Congress - 1765
• 9 Colonies sent delegates.
• Wrote a petition to King
George III which said they
rejected the Stamp Act &
that Britain had NO RIGHT
to tax the Colonies.
• What is a petition??
• Also decided to boycott
all British goods.
Townshend Acts - 1767
• Taxed glass, paper, paint, lead & TEA!!
• Writs of Assistance – allowed the British
to search colonial ships to check for
smuggled items.
• Many Colonists signed
nonimportation agreements.
What are these???
Quartering Act of 1767
• Citizens of Port cities like Boston and New York
were expected to provide (room and board) to
all British soldiers.
• Also, during this time Britain sent official tax
collectors to enforce the recently approved
Townshend Acts.
• Several regiments of soldiers are sent into
these port cities to protect the “customs
Resentment continues to build in
the colonies
How would
you feel?
Boston Massacre - March 5, 1770
• Britain had sent soldiers to Boston to protect
customs officers.
• A crowd gathered & started to shout at the
soldiers - “lobsterbacks” & started to throw
snowballs & ice at the soldiers.
• 5 people were killed.
• After this things calmed down
- for a while!
This engraving was
created by Paul Revere
Boston Massacre Fallout
• John Adams (eventual 2nd POTUS) defends the
soldiers and has their sentence dramatically
• Samuel Adams (John’s 2nd cousin and active
member of the S.O.L) expands his initial letter
writing campaign…the committee of
correspondence (information would be spread
throughout the 13 colonies via letters…often
discussing treasonous activities)
• Townshend Act will be REPEALED
Tea Act - 1773
• Passed by Parliament
to help the British East
India Company.
• Allowed the company
to sell its tea directly
to the Colonists.
• This made tea
CHEAPER than ever
• Why were the
Colonists angry??
Tea Act - 1773
• Colonists were angry because:
• Tea Merchants had been cut out
of the tea trade.
• Believed it was a trick to make
them accept Parliament’s right to
tax the Colonies.
• No Taxation Without
Stop! It’s been poisoned
“Do not suffer
yourself to sip the
accursed, dutied
STUFF. For if you
do, the devil will
immediately enter
into you, and you
will instantly
become a traitor to
your country”
Boston Tea Party – December 16, 1773
• Colonists boycott tea!
• Creating a nation of coffee drinkers??
• Colonists dresses as Native Americans
boarded ships in Boston Harbor & dumped
the tea into the harbor.
At this point,
British tax
collectors are
being regularly
by protesters
Intolerable Acts -1774
1. Parliament closed the port of Boston.
2. Forbade Massachusetts to hold Town
Meetings more than once a year – had to
have permission of the governor.
3. Any official charged with a crime had to be
put on trial in Britain.
4. Quartering Act – Colonists had to house
British troops!